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Originally posted by frontal lobe: It is THE problem, according to the current President.
What does it say about him if he can be THAT wrong about so fundamental an issue?
nothing good, of course. and, yes - I liked McCains education plans MUCH better. but - I find the real problem with education has little to do with funding - I find the "system" approach to education to be the problem. why I liked McCains. it offered choices. no 2 kids are alike. let parents find a school which suits their needs. allow for MUCH variance in teaching styles. the cookie cutter will not do.
What is the world coming to? Pat Dollard reports the Russian leader warned the US against adopting socialism because it doesn't work:
Russian Prime Minister Vladamir Putin has said the US should take a lesson from the pages of Russian history and not exercise “excessive intervention in economic activity and blind faith in the state’s omnipotence”.
“In the 20th century, the Soviet Union made the state’s role absolute,” Putin said during a speech at the opening ceremony of the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland. “In the long run, this made the Soviet economy totally uncompetitive. This lesson cost us dearly. I am sure nobody wants to see it repeated.”[Snip.]
Sounding more like Barry Goldwater than the former head of the KGB, Putin said, “Nor should we turn a blind eye to the fact that the spirit of free enterprise, including the principle of personal responsibility of businesspeople, investors, and shareholders for their decisions, is being eroded in the last few months. There is no reason to believe that we can achieve better results by shifting responsibility onto the state.”
Putin also echoed the words of conservative maverick Ron Paul when he said, “we must assess the real situation and write off all hopeless debts and ‘bad’ assets. True, this will be an extremely painful and unpleasant process. Far from everyone can accept such measures, fearing for their capitalization, bonuses, or reputation. However, we would ‘conserve’ and prolong the crisis, unless we clean up our balance sheets.”
hee hee hee. Watching the wheels come off this hopey-dopey wagon is SOOOOOO much fun!
Dude, you know this socialist experiment will be far better than any ever tried before. Hellosi, gReed and O"Bomb"a are three geniuses unlike any since the beginning of man. You can have a system where no one works and everybody is rich, been going on in the House and Senate for decades. No reason this system can't work for everyone.
hee hee hee. Watching the wheels come off this hopey-dopey wagon is SOOOOOO much fun!
I'd enjoy watching this hope-dopey wagon a whole lot more if I wasn't in the wagon with everyone else. It's like the Democrats just tossed the keys to a new car to an inexperienced, unlicensed driver and he's trying to figure out how to operate the clutch - in the fast lane on the Autobahn.
I'd enjoy watching this hope-dopey wagon a whole lot more if I wasn't in the wagon with everyone else. It's like the Democrats just tossed the keys to a new car to an inexperienced, unlicensed driver and he's trying to figure out how to operate the clutch - in the fast lane on the Autobahn.
Oh, me too. I tried to warn people this is what would happen, but their hatred of conservatives blinded 'em. Now we're ALL gonna have to suffer.
What's funny is Obama won because he "wasn't Bush." The only way a Democrat could win an election was for him to run against someone who isn't running. How many times did you hear "Bush's third term" or "McSame?" It's the only way they could sell the lie.
Yeah, the bear's got a job - but it's a government job.
So, after the "gubment" chiding Big 3 about their flying to Washington last Dec, Obama takes AirForce1 to two different states to unveil his recovery plans--to the tune of about $600,000 operating costs.
Heard a news report tonite, that White House temps were unusually hot, and the explanation was that Obama likes Hawaii-like temperatures so the thermostats are turned up--AFTER campaign speeches telling us "We'll all have to turn our thermostats down a little in the future".
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 02-19-2009).]
What's funny is Obama won because he "wasn't Bush." The only way a Democrat could win an election was for him to run against someone who isn't running. How many times did you hear "Bush's third term" or "McSame?" It's the only way they could sell the lie.
More than I can count. I'm sure you're familiar with the saying about "tell a lie enough times..."
Yeah, the bear's got a job - but it's a government job.
Heard a news report tonite, that White House temps were unusually hot, and the explanation was that Obama likes Hawaii-like temperatures so the thermostats are turned up--AFTER campaign speeches telling us "We'll all have to turn our thermostats down a little in the future".
Yup. Hail to the hypocrite in chief. Of course, we can't expect any different from a liberal.
WASHINGTON – Barack Obama wants to cut the federal deficit in half by the end of his first term, mostly by scaling back Iraq war spending, raising taxes on the wealthiest and streamlining government, an administration official said Saturday as the president worked to finalize his first budget request.
Obama's proposal for the 2010 fiscal year that begins Oct. 1 projects that the estimated $1.3 trillion deficit he has inherited from former President George W. Bush will be halved to $533 billion by 2013. That's a difference of 9.2 percent of the overall economy now vs. 3 percent in four years.
"We can't generate sustained growth without getting our deficits under control," Obama said in his weekly radio and Internet address that seemed to preview his intentions. He said his budget will be "sober in its assessments, honest in its accounting, and lays out in detail my strategy for investing in what we need, cutting what we don't, and restoring fiscal discipline."
He's expected to outline some broad themes of his budget request Monday at a White House summit on fiscal policy and touch on it during his first speech to Congress on Tuesday evening. He is slated to officially send at least a summary of it to Congress on Thursday, barely a week after his $787 billion economic stimulus plan becoming law.
Obama's budget also is expected to take steps toward his campaign promises of establishing universal health care and lessening the country's reliance on foreign oil.
The official, who spoke on the condition of anonymity because the president has not yet released his budget, said Obama hopes to achieve his deficit-reduction goal by generating savings as he follows through on three core campaign promises over the next four years.
He has pledged to wind down the Iraq war by withdrawing most combat troops within 16 months of taking office. He also has said he would let the temporary Bush tax cuts expire in 2011 for people making more than $250,000 a year, effectively raising taxes on those people. And, he has vowed to scale back spending and improve government efficiency by eliminating programs that don't work.
The budget projections suggest that Obama hasn't backed off of any of those priorities, despite relatively little movement on them and at least one misstep in his first month in office as he concentrated on lobbying for the economic stimulus plan and rescuing the housing, auto and financial sectors.
Pentagon officials still are trying to determine exactly how to scale back the U.S. troop commitment in Iraq. The president's sweeping economic plan didn't include any of the tax increases Obama, as a candidate, had said he would impose on wealthy taxpayers. And, Nancy Killefer, his selection for a newly created position charged with eliminating inefficient government programs, withdrew amid personal tax issues.
Cutting the deficit by half in a mere four years is a lofty goal at any time, let alone in such dire economic circumstances. The question is whether Obama can do it while also turning around a recession now well into its second year.
Obama has pledged to make deficit-reduction a priority both as a candidate and a president. But he also has said economic recovery must come first.
In his first month in office, he has overseen enormous amounts of spending aimed at stabilizing the economy, reversing the recession and heading off even more turmoil.
Last week, he signed into law the $787 billion stimulus measure that is meant to create jobs but certainly will add to the nation's skyrocketing national debt. He also is implementing the $700 billion financial sector rescue passed on Bush's watch; about $75 billion of it is being used toward Obama's plan to help homeowners facing foreclosure. At the same time, the administration is weighing requests by General Motors Corp. and Chrysler LLC for an additional $21.6 billion. The ailing automakers already have received a combined $17.4 billion in federal loans.
Yet, even as he's spending a ton of taxpayer money, Obama also is pressing the need for getting "exploding deficits" under control.
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office says that this year's budget deficit will be at least a record $1.2 trillion — about two times that of the year before. That total includes financial bailouts and rescue plans Congress approved since last Oct. 1, the start of the government's budget year, but not Obama's hefty stimulus package that's now law.
Some private economists are forecasting that the budget deficit for the current year will hit $1.6 trillion. And, the Treasury Department has said that the recession and massive costs for the $700 billion financial bailout have pushed the federal deficit to an all-time high for the first four months of the budget year.
Obama's budget director, Peter Orszag, told lawmakers recently that even after the economy recovers, annual deficits could reach $750 billion or so and steadily exceed $1 trillion by the end of the next decade. And, Obama himself has said, without decisive action, "trillion-dollar deficits will be a reality for years to come."
... And, he has vowed to scale back spending and improve government efficiency by eliminating programs that don't work.
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.cut spending, improve government efficiency, and eliminating programs that don't work. Who would have thought that that would work. WAIT A MINUTE this came from a Democrat. It should read increase spending, create more bureaucracy, rename programs that don't/didn't work, and create new ones to fix/prop up the programs that don't work. I thought for a minute someone was on to something. He can't eliminate the problem programs, his constituents are all in those programs, and by creating more programs he buys more constituents. Otherwise his current base would crucify him. OH... now I get it, he is the savior, he must be preparing himself for sacrifice. I feel enlightened now. There is hope.
The total federal spending is what counts, ie bail outs, stimulus etc, etc. Let's say BO and his crooks decide to do a full scale was in Afghanistan and to fund it they do a "military stimulus package". This way he becomes the first pres in history to fight a war and not spend one penny from the federal budget on the war. And because he shifts all of the military spending to this so called stimulus, he then balances the Federal budget all the while growing government. The only thing you will hear from the press is "The Messiah balanced the budget and fought a needed war all at the same time. How many of the projects in the stimulus package were already slated to be paid for out of the budget? They are just shifting money, all the while fooling the people into thinking they are balancing the budget. And isn't is slick that 2013 is the majestic date, if you want all of this to work you must reelect me in 2012.
It's like the Democrats just tossed the keys to a new car to an inexperienced, unlicensed driver and he's trying to figure out how to operate the clutch - in the fast lane on the Autobahn.
I would add that before getting into the car and onto the autobahn the driver, in his inestimable confidence in his ability to operate a MANUAL transmission, has proclaimed, "Not to worry, I read the manual before hand. I have a complete understanding of the transmission and its operation. All I have to do is find the gear lever and move it to the letter D. Everything will be fine".
The total federal spending is what counts, ie bail outs, stimulus etc, etc. Let's say BO and his crooks decide to do a full scale was in Afghanistan and to fund it they do a "military stimulus package". This way he becomes the first pres in history to fight a war and not spend one penny from the federal budget on the war. And because he shifts all of the military spending to this so called stimulus, he then balances the Federal budget all the while growing government. The only thing you will hear from the press is "The Messiah balanced the budget and fought a needed war all at the same time. How many of the projects in the stimulus package were already slated to be paid for out of the budget? They are just shifting money, all the while fooling the people into thinking they are balancing the budget. And isn't is slick that 2013 is the majestic date, if you want all of this to work you must reelect me in 2012.
Oh, don't think...that Obama will cut his social pork from the federal budget, which will already be funded by the Porkulus bill, and declare a balanced you???? Are people STUPID enough to fall for that???
Oh, don't think...that Obama will cut his social pork from the federal budget, which will already be funded by the Porkulus bill, and declare a balanced you???? Are people STUPID enough to fall for that???
No, he'll cut something other than his pet projects and then declare a balanced budget. And yes, his supporters ARE stupid enough to believe it.
Oh, don't think...that Obama will cut his social pork from the federal budget, which will already be funded by the Porkulus bill, and declare a balanced you???? Are people STUPID enough to fall for that???
Only the people who were dumb enough to fall for his hopey dopey crap in the first place. The next big step in their master plan Is the "Unfairness Doctrine". Once the conservatives are silent, then giving 30,000,000 disenfranchised Americans a fast track to citizenship. They will wave the test so they can vote in the next election if the poll numbers look bad. You cannot be the greatest pres in history if you are a one termer, unless you die in office in your first term.
Having stepped back from the breach on Friday, the Dow dove headfirst over the edge on Monday, falling 215 points to 7115, its lowest level since May 1997. ...
Whatever the "right" course of action visa vis the banks, the market is clearly giving a major thumbs down to Obama's early economic policies, be it Treasury Secretary Geithner's "Financial Stability Plan," the fiscal stimulus bill (nicknamed: "porkulus"), last week's plan to stem the housing decline, etc. etc.
I love the comment section where the lib attacks the messenger for reporting the truth. If I got hired for one of these spots and owned a foreign car, I would sell it quick and by something GM so I wouldn't look unpatriotic. Of course I have never owned anything but GM other than a 58 Ford PU. That was foreign enough for me.
[This message has been edited by partfiero (edited 02-23-2009).]
Having stepped back from the breach on Friday, the Dow dove headfirst over the edge on Monday, falling 215 points to 7115, its lowest level since May 1997. ...
Whatever the "right" course of action visa vis the banks, the market is clearly giving a major thumbs down to Obama's early economic policies, be it Treasury Secretary Geithner's "Financial Stability Plan," the fiscal stimulus bill (nicknamed: "porkulus"), last week's plan to stem the housing decline, etc. etc.
If you were a fly on the wall in the White House economic war room, you would probably see that before each session, the "Ouija board" gets taken out of the safe.
I love the comment section where the lib attacks the messenger for reporting the truth.
I've lost count at how many times a liberal responds to something with an ad homenim (attack on the person), rather than an intelligent response to the issue.
I don't know whether to laugh or cry. You guys are are in a different situation than most of us. There may be some comfort in knowing the rest of us may soon be in the same boat, I mean river.
I think it'd be more amusing if we use a big glass of kool aid with a few hits of LSD in it
I don't actually wanna play... but it'd be easier to spot the kool aid drinkers just by looking for the telltale gigantic dialated pupils... and it probably wouldn't make them any less coherent.
[This message has been edited by D B Cooper (edited 02-24-2009).]