As President Obama pushes for the closure of Guantanamo Bay prison, the debate over where to house the terror detainees being held there is heating up.
An exclusive video of a former Gitmo detainee's martyrdom tape, obtained by FOX News, is a reminder of the concerns that terror suspects — who have been held but released from Guantanamo Bay — are increasingly returning to the fight against the United States and its allies.
Abdallah Ali al-Ajmi was transferred back to his home country of Kuwait after his release from Guantanamo in 2005. Last April he blew himself up in a homicide attack that killed 12 people in Mosul, Iraq.
Al-Ajmi, known in Guantanamo as Detainee 220, made his martyrdom tape before the attack.
"In the name of Allah, most compassionate, most merciful and prayers and peace be upon our Prophet," al-Ajmi says in the video. "I thank Allah, Lord of the Worlds, who freed me from Guantanamo prison and, after we were tortured, connected me with the Islamic State of Iraq [ISI]. And it is the gift of Allah to follow the path of this nation, the ISI."
In the video, translated by the NEFA Foundation, a non-profit that tracks terror groups, al-Ajmi mentions Guantanamo Bay right away. For many jihadists, having served time at Guantanamo is seen as a badge of honor.
Thanks Bear! Have a feeling if only 10% of the things that need to be watched are posted here, it will have more pages than the bible. Alan Colmes was on Fox defending the closure and putting them on our soil. Loved the look on his face when he was asked for his address so they could be sent there.
[This message has been edited by partfiero (edited 01-28-2009).]
We might as well have one thread where we can keep an eye on our in chief:
Promise? Only one thread? That would be a big improvement over half the first page of T O/T being fascinated over such trivia. It wold definately make it easier to ignore this crap. Only one thread to avoid!
Promise? Only one thread? That would be a big improvement over half the first page of T O/T being fascinated over such trivia. It wold definately make it easier to ignore this crap. Only one thread to avoid!
Hope you are a rich man with all of the new taxes and fees coming soon not only to your state, but to this country. Now that CA can dictate is own emissions, fees and taxes will be the order of the day to pay the 40 billion deficit off, and allow them to continue their runaway liberal spending habits. As goes California, so goes the nation.
Promise? Only one thread? That would be a big improvement over half the first page of T O/T being fascinated over such trivia. It wold definately make it easier to ignore this crap. Only one thread to avoid!
And still you couldn't avoid it. Maybe this shows that you need more control in your life.
Promise? Only one thread? That would be a big improvement over half the first page of T O/T being fascinated over such trivia. It wold definately make it easier to ignore this crap. Only one thread to avoid!
Many people also avoided the issues when they voted!
[This message has been edited by texasfiero (edited 01-28-2009).]
Promise? Only one thread? That would be a big improvement over half the first page of T O/T being fascinated over such trivia. It wold definately make it easier to ignore this crap. Only one thread to avoid!
Or you could uncheck "Politics" and virtually all of them.
We might as well have one thread where we can keep an eye on our in chief:
Speaking of which, I watched a program on Oppenheimer last night. What our government did to that man was dishonorable. His fellow scientist was a real a$$hole. Teller stabbed him in the back, and Oppenheimer still had the grace to shake his hand. All I could do throughout the program was shake my head. Dirty politicians suck.
------------------ Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality
I don't know about the kissing his ass bit. That is kinda aggressive. What I don't understand is why a simple phone call or an invite to dinner to discuss better relations can't be had. Hell just lay out what everyone wants and see what pieces fit together. To me it seems what is really going on is some addiction to political drama. Two men across a table both with their guns resting in plain view. No better way to get along if you ask me. I am obviously to simple to get it.
Yeah thats something to say before blowing up yourself and innocents.
"In the name of Allah, most compassionate, most merciful..."
It pi$$e$ me off when evil people hide behind their gods. What he really meant is that you won't give me what I want so I'll invoke gods name and blow everyone up including myself. Of course under the false delusion that god will let him in heaven because he invoked his name first.
Jane ------------------ Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality
[This message has been edited by calamityjane (edited 01-29-2009).]
Please know: I am black; I grew up in the segregated South. I did not vote for Barack Obama; I wrote in Ron Paul’s name as my choice for president. Most importantly, I am not race conscious. I do not require a black president to know that I am a person of worth, and that life is worth living. I do not require a black president to love the ideal of America.
I cannot join you in your celebration. I feel no elation. There is no smile on my face. I am not jumping with joy. There are no tears of triumph in my eyes. For such emotions and behavior to come from me, I would have to deny all that I know about the requirements of human flourishing and survival – all that I know about the history of the United States of America, all that I know about American race relations, and all that I know about Barack Obama as a politician. I would have to deny the nature of the "change" that Obama asserts has come to America. Most importantly, I would have to abnegate my certain understanding that you have chosen to sprint down the road to serfdom that we have been on for over a century. I would have to pretend that individual liberty has no value for the success of a human life. I would have to evade your rejection of the slender reed of capitalism on which your success and mine depend. I would have to think it somehow rational that 94 percent of the 12 million blacks in this country voted for a man because he looks like them (that blacks are permitted to play the race card), and that they were joined by self-declared "progressive" whites who voted for him because he doesn’t look like them. I would have to be wipe my mind clean of all that I know about the kind of people who have advised and taught Barack Obama and will fill posts in his administration – political intellectuals like my former colleagues at the Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government.
I would have to believe that "fairness" is equivalent of justice. I would have to believe that man who asks me to "go forward in a new spirit of service, in a new service of sacrifice" is speaking in my interest. I would have to accept the premise of a man that economic prosperity comes from the "bottom up," and who arrogantly believes that he can will it into existence by the use of government force. I would have to admire a man who thinks the standard of living of the masses can be improved by destroying the most productive and the generators of wealth.
Finally, Americans, I would have to erase from my consciousness the scene of 125,000 screaming, crying, cheering people in Grant Park, Chicago irrationally chanting "Yes We Can!" Finally, I would have to wipe all memory of all the times I have heard politicians, pundits, journalists, editorialists, bloggers and intellectuals declare that capitalism is dead – and no one, including especially Alan Greenspan, objected to their assumption that the particular version of the anti-capitalistic mentality that they want to replace with their own version of anti-capitalism is anything remotely equivalent to capitalism.
So you have made history, Americans. You and your children have elected a black man to the office of the president of the United States, the wounded giant of the world. The battle between John Wayne and Jane Fonda is over – and that Fonda won. Eugene McCarthy and George McGovern must be very happy men. Jimmie Carter, too. And the Kennedys have at last gotten their Kennedy look-a-like. The self-righteous welfare statists in the suburbs can feel warm moments of satisfaction for having elected a black person. So, toast yourselves: 60s countercultural radicals, 80s yuppies and 90s bourgeois bohemians. Toast yourselves, Black America. Shout your glee Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Duke, Stanford, and Berkeley. You have elected not an individual who is qualified to be president, but a black man who, like the pragmatist Franklin Roosevelt, promises to – Do Something! You now have someone who has picked up the baton of Lyndon Johnson’s Great Society. But you have also foolishly traded your freedom and mine – what little there is left – for the chance to feel good. There is nothing in me that can share your happy obliviousness.
November 6, 2008
Anne Wortham is an individualist liberal who happens to be black and American.
Election going kinda well in Iraq and they are taking care of their own security sort of. Sounds good. This is all because of Obama being in the White House. THe man doesn't even need to actually do anything. He simply hoped and change happened.
The Obama administration has asked the military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff to cut the Pentagon’s budget request for the fiscal year 2010 by more than 10 percent — about $55 billion — a senior U.S. defense official tells FOX News.
Last year’s defense budget was $512 billion. Service chiefs and planners will be spending the weekend “burning the midnight oil” looking at ways to cut the budget — looking especially at weapons programs, the defense official said.
breakdown of the pork laden bullshit spending spree being sold as a "stimulus package". To wit:
• $83 billion in welfare payments (the earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax) • $81 billion for Medicaid • $66 billion on "education", more than the entire Department of Education required just ten years ago • $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits • $20 billion for food stamps • $8 billion on "renewable energy" projects, which have a low or negative return • $7 billion for "modernizing federal buildings and facilities" • $6 billion on urban transit systems, dominated by unions and which, almost universally, lose money • $2.4 billion for "carbon-capture demonstration projects" • $2 billion for child-care subsidies • $1 billion for Amtrak, the federal railroad that's run in the red for 40 years • $650 million for "digital TV conversion coupons" (on top of billions already spent) • $600 million on new cars for government (added to the $3 billion already spent each year) • $400 million for "global-warming research" • $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
Sweet chocolate Mohamed on a pogo stick. This friggin dipshit President is going to ramp up Afghanistan while cutting back the military. Now that is the ultimate in Liberal Logic. He's going to handing out the cash faster than the Idyll Class can suck it up. He's going to subsidize every fruitcake liberal project imaginable, and believe me, these people have amazing imaginations. "carbon-capture demonstration projects". Al Gore just picked up a cool $2.4 billion for his scam du jour.
Do the people who voted for Obama actually agree with this stimulus package that has very little to do with stimulating the economy, and is mostly a socialist package of BS that has nothing to do with stimulating the economy? This is a lot of useless spending that this country cannot afford. We are already so far in debt that we are in deep doo doo if China calls in for what we owe them. This recession is going to turn into another depression. Are the Obama supporters happy now? What a f@cking crock.
------------------ Imagination is the only weapon in the war against reality
You aren't kidding Jane. I've been watching the market shows lately and the word on the street (even from Obama supporters) is "OH S**T! What have we done?"
Economist are almost universal in their condemnation of this plan. well, except those from Berkeley.
Do the people who voted for Obama actually agree with this stimulus package that has very little to do with stimulating the economy, and is mostly a socialist package of BS that has nothing to do with stimulating the economy? This is a lot of useless spending that this country cannot afford. We are already so far in debt that we are in deep doo doo if China calls in for what we owe them. This recession is going to turn into another depression. Are the Obama supporters happy now? What a f@cking crock.
This stuff is scarier than when I was in grammar school when we had to get under the desk as a drill for a nuclear bomb.
Charles Krauthammer nails it regarding Obama's apology to Muslims.
Every president has the right to portray himself as ushering in a new era of this or that. Obama wants to pursue new ties with Muslim nations, drawing on his own identity and associations. Good. But when his self-inflation as redeemer of U.S.-Muslim relations leads him to suggest that pre-Obama America was disrespectful or insensitive or uncaring of Muslims, he is engaging not just in fiction but in gratuitous disparagement of the country he is now privileged to lead.
Do the people who voted for Obama actually agree with this stimulus package that has very little to do with stimulating the economy, and is mostly a socialist package of BS that has nothing to do with stimulating the economy? This is a lot of useless spending that this country cannot afford. We are already so far in debt that we are in deep doo doo if China calls in for what we owe them. This recession is going to turn into another depression. Are the Obama supporters happy now? What a f@cking crock.
The Obama administration has asked the military’s Joint Chiefs of Staff to cut the Pentagon’s budget request for the fiscal year 2010 by more than 10 percent — about $55 billion — a senior U.S. defense official tells FOX News.
Last year’s defense budget was $512 billion. Service chiefs and planners will be spending the weekend “burning the midnight oil” looking at ways to cut the budget — looking especially at weapons programs, the defense official said.
breakdown of the pork laden bullshit spending spree being sold as a "stimulus package". To wit:
• $83 billion in welfare payments (the earned income credit for people who don't pay income tax) • $81 billion for Medicaid • $66 billion on "education", more than the entire Department of Education required just ten years ago • $36 billion for expanded unemployment benefits • $20 billion for food stamps • $8 billion on "renewable energy" projects, which have a low or negative return • $7 billion for "modernizing federal buildings and facilities" • $6 billion on urban transit systems, dominated by unions and which, almost universally, lose money • $2.4 billion for "carbon-capture demonstration projects" • $2 billion for child-care subsidies • $1 billion for Amtrak, the federal railroad that's run in the red for 40 years • $650 million for "digital TV conversion coupons" (on top of billions already spent) • $600 million on new cars for government (added to the $3 billion already spent each year) • $400 million for "global-warming research" • $50 million for the National Endowment for the Arts
Sweet chocolate Mohamed on a pogo stick. This friggin dipshit President is going to ramp up Afghanistan while cutting back the military. Now that is the ultimate in Liberal Logic. He's going to handing out the cash faster than the Idyll Class can suck it up. He's going to subsidize every fruitcake liberal project imaginable, and believe me, these people have amazing imaginations. "carbon-capture demonstration projects". Al Gore just picked up a cool $2.4 billion for his scam du jour.
In the spirit of the stimulus package, tonight my wife and I went out to our favorite place and ordered a rack of pork ribs. And my kid is going to be pissed when he finds out we charged it to his credit card.
The New York Times reported on Thursday, January 29 that:
“…the capital flew into a bit of a tizzy when, on his first full day in the White House, President Obama was photographed in the Oval Office without his suit jacket. There was, however, a logical explanation: Mr. Obama, who hates the cold, had cranked up the thermostat.
“He’s from Hawaii, O.K.?” said Mr. Obama’s senior adviser, David Axelrod, who occupies the small but strategically located office next door to his boss. “He likes it warm. You could grow orchids in there.”
Could this be the same Barack Obama who said last May that:
“We can’t drive our SUVs and eat as much as we want and keep our homes on 72 degrees at all times… and then just expect that other countries are going to say ‘OK.’ … That’s not leadership. That’s not going to happen.”
And could this be the same Barack Obama who is looking to sign a stimulus bill that would spend billions of dollars installing millions of “smart meters” that would enable your power company to prevent you from being as comfortable as he is on hot and cold days?
While our new president is warm-and-toasty in the Oval Office, is he considering the plight of Michigan’s Marvin Schur, a 93-year World War II veteran, who was recently found frozen to death courtesy of a malfunctioning electricity “limiter” device installed by his power company?
Change has come to Washington. Elitism is dead. Long live elitism.
Obama's Oval Office Hypocrisy And could this be the same Barack Obama who is looking to sign a stimulus bill that would spend billions of dollars installing millions of “smart meters” that would enable your power company to prevent you from being as comfortable as he is on hot and cold days?
While our new president is warm-and-toasty in the Oval Office, is he considering the plight of Michigan’s Marvin Schur, a 93-year World War II veteran, who was recently found frozen to death courtesy of a malfunctioning electricity “limiter” device installed by his power company?
Change has come to Washington. Elitism is dead. Long live elitism.
For real they are going to cap how much gas or electrical flow we can have?
Originally posted by 2.5: For real they are going to cap how much gas or electrical flow we can have?
They will cap how much CO2 can be emitted by industry and power plants. I don't expect them to stop there, of course. I'd bet that cars and houses are next. What that means is that electricity costs will go WAY up, the cost of goods will go up because of the added expense to manufacture them, and even more manufacturing jobs will go overseas because the added costs will make our barely-competitive US made stuff too expensive to make here.
Originally posted by fierobear: While our new president is warm-and-toasty in the Oval Office, is he considering the plight of Michigan’s Marvin Schur, a 93-year World War II veteran, who was recently found frozen to death courtesy of a malfunctioning electricity “limiter” device installed by his power company?
He was obsolete. The state deems it so. We are not the state.
Ah you are quoting one of my favorite Twilight Zone episodes!
You walk into this room at your own risk, because it leads to the future; not a future that will be, but one that might be. This is not a new world: It is simply an extension of what began in the old one. It has patterned itself after every dictator who has ever planted the ripping imprint of a boot on the pages of history since the beginning of time. It has refinements, technological advancements, and a more sophisticated approach to the destruction of human freedom. But like every one of the super states that preceded it, it has one iron rule: Logic is an enemy, and truth is a menace. This is Mr. Romney Wordsworth, in his last forty-eight hours on Earth. He's a citizen of the State, but will soon have to be eliminated, because he's built out of flesh and because he has a mind. Mr. Romney Wordsworth, who will draw his last breaths in the Twilight Zone.
It boils my blood how they whine about "waisting" money on iraq (paying Americans at home and abroad for the work they're doing in Iraq) while they sit back and watch the 10% stimulus/ 90% pork bill slip through the house totaling far more than the war in iraq (and a bunch of other wars for that matter). I wish i could "opt out" of the stimulus and just take a check for 22000 dollars. Maybe in my dreams.
Originally posted by texasfiero:
Many people also avoided the issues when they voted!
Originally posted by WhiteDevil88:
Huh? You totally lost me.
I thought texasfiero's comment was quite clever, i guess you didn't get it. oh well