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Beater 'Bu being retired. Better car acquired. by OKflyboy
Started on: 02-08-2011 11:32 PM
Replies: 126 (4637 views)
Last post by: OKflyboy on 01-28-2017 03:29 PM
Posts: 4109
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Report this Post04-11-2013 05:59 PM Click Here to See the Profile for 1988holleyformulaSend a Private Message to 1988holleyformulaEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
They look like they stick out just a bit too far from the pictures, but that might just be an illusion.

If so, I think they look pretty darn good!
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Report this Post04-11-2013 06:33 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
No, you're right, they do stick out a bit father then I'd like, but that was about as far as I could tuck them in, with those tips. I'd likely have to use smaller (or at least shorter) tips to tuck it in any more. Unfortunately I'm out of time (and money) to spend on this car before attempting the trip to AZ. In a few months when the family and I are settled in our new lives in AZ I may explore other options but they staying like they are for now.

Thanks again for the comments, guys. This car has given me many firsts, welding and building a custom exhaust system from scratch being just two of them.

[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 04-11-2013).]

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Report this Post12-23-2013 10:32 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Time for an update, I think.

Well the van has been down for a while and I work outside of the country (Canada, mostly) so Anya's been driving the Volvo and aesthetics have taken a back burner to simply keeping it running for Anya.

I have a week off for Christmas so I'm trying to take care of a few things that the Blue Wagon needed. In my first month or so in Arizona a truck on I-10 kicked up a rock and gave me a HUGE star in my windshield (a little over the size of a quarter). I had been ignoring it but tonight I tried one of those windshield repair resin kits. Not bad for $12. The true test will be whether it keeps the crack from spreading, I suppose.

The dual exhaust is proving to be a pain in the butt. Perhaps if it had been professionally made it might have turned out better, but my novice welds just ain't cutting it. Hit a pothole on Saturday and two of my welds broke. For now I'm going to leave it like this, but perhaps after Christmas I'll look into an IPD sport exhaust.

This actually happened before I left OK but I still haven't fixed it. Apparently this is a common enough problem on 240 wagons that IPD has passenger side replacement reverse lenses however they are perpetually on backorder. I'm currently waiting for the second time (tried to order a lens last February when it happened but they eventually cancelled my order because backorder was taking so long. They assure me they'll get more on 12/27 this time so, we'll see)

A couple of trim clips broke so my driver's door trim has fallen off. I have some more clips on order but IPD is waiting on the backordered reverse lens before so they can send it all together.
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Report this Post04-05-2014 03:56 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by OKflyboy:

This actually happened before I left OK but I still haven't fixed it. Apparently this is a common enough problem on 240 wagons that IPD has passenger side replacement reverse lenses however they are perpetually on backorder. I'm currently waiting for the second time (tried to order a lens last February when it happened but they eventually cancelled my order because backorder was taking so long. They assure me they'll get more on 12/27 this time so, we'll see)

^^^ Epilogue: After waiting another several months for my backorder to be fulfilled they cancelled my order again! Grrrr. I did get my trim clips, though.^^^

At any rate, I might be trading the 245 for a sand rail. We'll see, the guy with the rail and I have been emailing back and forth for a week or two and he's interested enough that he wants me to bring it by so he can check it out (I've already checked out the rail - its not perfect but I'd value it equal to the Volvo).

[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 04-05-2014).]

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Report this Post04-06-2014 02:52 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Originally posted by OKflyboy:
At any rate, I might be trading the 245 for a sand rail. We'll see, the guy with the rail and I have been emailing back and forth for a week or two and he's interested enough that he wants me to bring it by so he can check it out (I've already checked out the rail - its not perfect but I'd value it equal to the Volvo).

The plan with the Volvo had always been to keep it until my boys were old enough to drive and then to let each of them drive it through High School (de-tuned of course). Lately they've turned into the typical rebellious teens so I had started thinking I didn't feel much like giving them jack which is what prompted me to start looking at alternative "toys" to begin with. (though admittedly they've started turning the attitude around in the past few weeks)

So I started cleaning the Wagon up to get ready to show to the guy with the rail and I realized I loved it too much to trade it away. But... I still really want a Sand Rail. So I'm lamenting all this to my neighbor that I share this acre with this morning and she says "You know, Tom (our immediate neighbor to the North) has a sand rail in his back yard that I think he wants to get rid of, you aught to go talk to him". So I did. Its PERFECT! Its basically a roller and needs work So the offer I made was low accordingly. He said he'd have to talk to his wife about it but it looks hopeful.

If I could get this as a roller and source a junkyard Redblock for it I could strip the Wagon of its turbo gear, +t the rail and give the boys the wagon N/A.

We'll see.

[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 04-06-2014).]

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Report this Post04-10-2014 11:17 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post
Well I got the rail. I started a build thread in the "Other Cars' section:
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Report this Post01-28-2017 03:29 PM Click Here to See the Profile for OKflyboySend a Private Message to OKflyboyEdit/Delete MessageReply w/QuoteDirect Link to This Post

Gave this to my oldest son for High School graduation under the agreement that he would fix it before i signed the title over to him.

At the time I gave it to him it needed:

- Head swap to fix broken studs. (I bought a junkyard head, cleaned it up and put all new studs in it. All he needed to do was swap the head over)
- New tires

He immediately asked me if he could sell it. I said no. He then asked if he could trade it. I said no. He then moved out. Then took the wagon to a friend's house so they could fix it. Fast forward to a few months ago. He said there was too much wrong with it and if I would not let him sell or trade it he'd rather just give it back.

When I received it back I noticed that he and his friends

- did not swap the head
- did not put new tires on it
- DID reclock the 15G turbo back to the FWD configuration for some reason
- totally f***ed the turbo piping, oil feed and oil drain trying to make the turbo fit in FWD configuration

So now I have a broken 240 back in my yard, in worse shape than it was when I gave it away. I had not fixed it myself because my work keeps me traveling and I don't have the time when I'm home. I still do not really but I'm going to try to fix it enough to drive it a bit I think.

[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 01-28-2017).]

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