Just got my grades back after my first semester in the University of Mississippi's Construction Engineering Technology program. Straight freakin' A's baby!!! As a matter of fact, I AM doing a happy dance right now. If I can keep it up, I may be able to graduate cum laude or even magna cum laude.
You will be one of the best guys to work for because you came up from the ranks and didn't just start out there because of a degree. keep up the good work!
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't
Nice! I got 5 A's myself and have one more semester. Feels good, don't it? Sometimes bad things happen to good people and you just have to drop back and re-invent yourself. One of the best ways I know (and have experienced) is to go back to school. Hang in there.
It's not always easy. But when life b!tch-slaps you and knocks you down, you have to get back up. There's still a rocky road ahead. But I'll soldier on, do what I need to, and git-er-dun. Thanks for all the congrats everyone.
Just got my grades back after my first semester in the University of Mississippi's Construction Engineering Technology program. Straight freakin' A's baby!!! As a matter of fact, I AM doing a happy dance right now. If I can keep it up, I may be able to graduate cum laude or even magna cum laude.
I met a couple who both graduated MCL and were married shortly after they graduated, greatest people to talk to and learn from, not afraid to get their hands dirty and smart as a wip. funny thing was, , , , , , ,, , , ,, , , , , , , , , ,, neither of them followed their field after graduation. the husband became a mechanic and the wife started a craft store. I asked them why once, he said cars were his passion, and if he had followed his degree he would have been stuck behind a desk for the rest of his life and couldn't stand that. she said her passion was things that that made people happy and smile.
greatest couple I ever met, I forget what they studied but it was real technical and would have made them millionaires if they had followed it, but they wouldn't have been happy and knew it. they still did very well, like I said they followed their dreams. money isn't everything, but it does help pay the bills.
Follow your dreams Wade and you will never regret it.
that's all I have to say about that.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't
Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 05-12-2014).]