Its easier than that, even!
As most folks know, Aliens talk through holes in your head, so if you make one, they can begin the conversation.
Doesn't matter much about the diameter of the hole, or the instrument used to make said hole. ice pick, drill, bullet, knife, chisel, dremel,can opener, etc...
Just kidding. You can TRY to call them, btu they won't answer. Know why? Because THIS:
The Aliens are already here, though. Just hafta look for 'em.
I heard they have large breasts. You can tell if they are an alien if tyou bury your head in between them and...
...hmm, I thiink maybe I should go to lunch. I'm starting to get a bit 'oogy'
[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 03-26-2014).]