Not at all, lol. I simply posted it as soon as I turned the computer on and didnt read anything else first. It was just on the news a few minutes before I posted it.
but man i guess he had 4x4 off to lose control like that LOL
Looked like a turbo diesel. Mine will set me sideways easily at 50 on wet roads. We have one that I swear will pull a 13.
I saw the previous thread. Not sure why the woman wouldn't exit the passing lane, I've heard she was going to turn left, but seems a lot of trip prior.
They did a whole segment of Court TV on it. They interviewed her. Cops said she done nothing wrong, and even said specifically that road has no passing lane. She could drive in the left lane for miles if she wante. I drive in the left lane myself almost all the time till they fix all the potholes in the curb lane. He got a slew of tickets, including reckless operation, leaving the scene of an accident, and not wearing a seatbelt (the cop said from the close up beside her, he clearly was not wearing it). So he gets a wrecked truck, $1000 worth of tickets, points on his license (which he could lose), and higher insurance just to prove how big a man he thought he was. LOL. Cops have a copy of the video for evidence. His lawyer said she instigated it by filming him. Cop pointed out he could have avoided the whole thing by just keeping going when he passed her. His obvious slowing back down to get beside her done him in. Hed have gotten busted anyway on his own. They were coming up to a school zone where a cop car was pulled over to watch traffic.
I get the impression that she drove about three miles while going 5 mph under the speed limit and making no effort at all to move over for the guy behind who might have had an important reason to get somewhere on time. Years ago I had a guy behind me who was flashing his lights and I was already 5 mph over the speed limit. He brake checked me when he got in front of me. I was all self righteous about it, but I have no idea what his rush was. Could have been an emergency. In hindsight I should have made more of an effort to get out of his way, not knowing what his situation was. Maybe the guy in this video was a jerk. We don't know why he was so anxious to get around her. When I say that I was self righteous it wasn't anywhere near to her joy in his wreck. I think that she was a bit of an ass.
[This message has been edited by dratts (edited 03-29-2014).]
Couldn't have been much of an emergency if he had time to harass you, dratts.
As for the video, like the cop said, the guy in the truck could have gone on his way. He decided to prove his manhood and is paying dearly for it.
Where does that come from, the idea that the road belongs to us individually and anyone else is wrong in how they drive?
It only takes a couple of seconds to brake check someone. Like I said I don't know what his situation was. Maybe there was an emergency, maybe he was late for an appointment, maybe he was just a jerk. If the woman was going under the speed limit, blocking everyone in her lane and the guy had a real reason to get somewhere in a hurry I can see how she could have jacked him up to the point that he lost it and acted like a jerk. I'm not condoning his action, just saying that people can be provoked into misbehaving. No one knows what was going through his mind but him.
he was being pursued by govt. sponsored aliens from area 51 because he'd caught on to the conspiracy, had disabled on-star, and was rushing to divulge the details to the tv station before retreating to his bunker. man was taking insane risks to save an undeserving humanity when the alien minion ahead of him blocked his path and forced his truck to spin out by remote-controlling his ABS system. c'mon, guys, this is so obvious, i can't believe you're falling for the disinformation we (oops) posted on yuotube.
Originally posted by rogergarrison: Cops said she done nothing wrong, and even said specifically that road has no passing lane. She could drive in the left lane for miles if she wanted.
Didn't mind seeing that happen to an idiot driver, but every road that has more than one traffic lane in the same direction (excepting turn lanes, of course) is meant to let the slower traffic stay to the right while the faster traffic passes to the left. She shouldn't have been driving in the left lane the whole way when there was clearly someone trying to pass her. This is basic driving etiquette. I have been stuck behind slow vehicles driving in the left lane preventing me from passing and it is highly irritating. For the record I have never reacted in such an idiotic way, however. He still deserved what he got. And all on camera, too!
How about her mind? You know, the one you get the "impression" was being an "ass?"
I'm guessing that she was enjoying f**king with him the entire 3 miles and while she was holding up her phone instead of moving over, just like she got enormous joy from the outcome. Just my guess. He didn't handle it well at all.
She was going the speed limit...and her camera shows it. On a city street, you dont have any obligation to move out of the lane your in, no matter which one it is. Cops said she had every right to be in her lane however long she wanted. In Ohio, you can drive up to 15mph BELOW the posted speed limit and not be charged for obstructing traffic. He didnt have any emergency...he was just being a jerk. Like I said already, his passing then backing down to finger her, then cutting her off left him with no excuses. Only bad part to me is he didnt flip the truck and total it. Good part is he didnt hit anyone else. From the police, I guess it was a light pole he hit and knocked down. He will get billed for that too from the city.
Didn't mind seeing that happen to an idiot driver, but every road that has more than one traffic lane in the same direction (excepting turn lanes, of course) is meant to let the slower traffic stay to the right while the faster traffic passes to the left. She shouldn't have been driving in the left lane the whole way when there was clearly someone trying to pass her. This is basic driving etiquette. I have been stuck behind slow vehicles driving in the left lane preventing me from passing and it is highly irritating. For the record I have never reacted in such an idiotic way, however. He still deserved what he got. And all on camera, too!
She said she was in the left lane to turn left ahead...but its still can drive in any lane you want as long as you want unless your on a freeway. Then your supposed to move to the right, UNLESS only the lane your in takes you where you need to go.
If someone is going the speed limit, why would you need to pass them except for an emergency ? You would be breaking the law, speeding, if you passed them. No law protects you for breaking a law. Just wait till you get a space to pass them on the right side and go about your business (even though you still would be speeding).
They did a whole segment of Court TV on it. They interviewed her. Cops said she done nothing wrong, and even said specifically that road has no passing lane. She could drive in the left lane for miles if she wante. I drive in the left lane myself almost all the time till they fix all the potholes in the curb lane. He got a slew of tickets, including reckless operation, leaving the scene of an accident, and not wearing a seatbelt (the cop said from the close up beside her, he clearly was not wearing it). So he gets a wrecked truck, $1000 worth of tickets, points on his license (which he could lose), and higher insurance just to prove how big a man he thought he was. LOL. Cops have a copy of the video for evidence..
She didn't get a ticket for anything, but some guys here think the "ass" in the truck is in the right??
So who here has been tailgated in their Fiero?? And who tailgates the car in front when they're pissed off?
I'm guessing that she was enjoying f**king with him the entire 3 miles and while she was holding up her phone instead of moving over, just like she got enormous joy from the outcome. Just my guess. He didn't handle it well at all.
So no one knows what's going through his mind, but you're pretty sure you know what was going through hers. Got it.
[This message has been edited by Formula88 (edited 03-30-2014).]
Im guilty of laughing my ass off too when I seen someone doing something stupid and wreck their car. Just less of them around to run into me. One of the funniest I see was a year or so ago when someone here posted a video of the 2 Corvette guys drag racing....and wrecking.
Im guilty of laughing my ass off too when I seen someone doing something stupid and wreck their car. Just less of them around to run into me. One of the funniest I see was a year or so ago when someone here posted a video of the 2 Corvette guys drag racing....and wrecking.