Originally posted by Boostdreamer: I'll ask again, how many more Christian-based threads do you need to spread your hatred of all theologies before you will find peace in your life
I'm quite secure in who i am. Sounds like you are a bit unsure of yourself.
Go back and count the times I said I welcome opinions. I can't help you understand if you won't read.
It is when opinions are stated as facts that is bullying. That is very clear and different from what you are thinking.
I'm standing up for what I believe is right. Not Christianity as a faith, but the ability of members to state their faith without being attacked. Standing up against bullys and being a voice for others rights is not an indication of a lack of maturity that calls for additional "growing up". Repeatedly posting insults about another person's belifs DOES fall into that catagory. Very immature and very much in need of growing up!
What you want is the ability to prophetize and express your faith to others without criticism nor questioning of your faith. You frame this in the context of respect. But then you want to have the right to criticize and express your opinion on others, even as TOP of this thread.
Why do people like you cannot stand it to be both ways? Why is your religion the only subject that you want exempt? Why not just respect the movie makers film and say nothing, instead of expressing such a negative opinion?
Do you not see your self with the plank in your eye? Matthew 7:3.
If you want to stand up to your faith and proclaim it loudly as the truth, you better grow a sack in order to accept all the laughing criticisms that will come your way. Instead you act like a whiny azz biatch.
[This message has been edited by Wichita (edited 03-30-2014).]
Funny thing is, his faith isn't effected by others that dont believe as him. Sort of ironic, dont you think, as you sit here and cry it isn't fair that people are taking about your imaginary god?
Maybe he has mentioned it on more that one occasion. I'll state again for the record that I have never personally seen any of those posts. I don't doubt you. Again, I ask, if the attacks on Islam have limited Doni's participation, and you are concerned about that, how does bashing Christianity help the situation?
If I'm the one crying, I guess you are the one deflecting. You cannot answer the most basic question, What good has come from your Christian bashing on this forum? How many more times will you need to insult another group of members before you can feel like a man?
I do. Where do you think I got all my RED from? It doesn't make me all that popular here with certain groups.
There is no comparison between what you as a Christian have experienced here and what Doni as a Muslim has experienced here. Not even close.
Well, he has chosen a far more violent ( at least in current times... ) and destructive religion than many others have.. It sort of goes with the territory.
What you want is the ability to prophetize and express your faith to others without criticism nor questioning of your faith. You frame this in the context of respect. But then you should have the right to criticize and express your opinion on others, even as TOP of this thread.
Why do people like you cannot stand it to be both ways? Why is your religion the only subject that you want exempt? Why not just respect the movie makers film and say nothing, instead of expressing such a negative opinion?
Do you not see your self with the plank in your eye? Matthew 7:3.
If you want to stand up to your faith and proclaim it loudly as the truth, you better grow a sack in order to accept all the laughing criticisms that will come your way. Instead you act like a whiny azz biatch.
Another reading comprehension failure. See if your kids can help you with it. I'd say they are receiving a pretty decent education.
Maybe he has mentioned it on more that one occasion. I'll state again for the record that I have never personally seen any of those posts. I don't doubt you. Again, I ask, if the attacks on Islam have limited Doni's participation, and you are concerned about that, how does bashing Christianity help the situation?
If I'm the one crying, I guess you are the one deflecting. You cannot answer the most basic question, What good has come from your Christian bashing on this forum? How many more times will you need to insult another group of members before you can feel like a man?
I answered it, but not to your satisfaction, or understanding. Which does not surprise me.
There is no comparison between what you as a Christian have experienced here and what Doni as a Muslim has experienced here. Not even close.
Why does that matter? Have I decided to take a stand too early? If you think I should wait, when would be a good time to call for the end of insults to the faces of members based on their faith?
What you want is the ability to prophetize and express your faith to others without criticism nor questioning of your faith. You frame this in the context of respect. But then you want to have the right to criticize and express your opinion on others, even as TOP of this thread.
Why do people like you cannot stand it to be both ways? Why is your religion the only subject that you want exempt? Why not just respect the movie makers film and say nothing, instead of expressing such a negative opinion?
Do you not see your self with the plank in your eye? Matthew 7:3.
If you want to stand up to your faith and proclaim it loudly as the truth, you better grow a sack in order to accept all the laughing criticisms that will come your way. Instead you act like a whiny azz biatch.
We dont agree often, but i agree with that assessment.
Why does that matter? Have I decided to take a stand too early? If you think I should wait, when would be a good time to call for the end of insults to the faces of members based on their faith?
I dont base what i say on what their faith is, just that it exists. Anyone who believes in imaginary creatures regardless of what they call them should have their head examined. I suppose you also believe in unicorns and middle earth?
We dont agree often, but i agree with that assessment.
Well there's a shocker! Neither of you can read long enough to interrupt your attacks, your insults, and deep unfulfilled desire to find or create an enemy.
I suppose you also believe in unicorns and middle earth?
Are you saying you WANT me to believe in these things? Is this comment meant to be constructive and valuable to the discussion or is it simply more deflection and attacks to create an antagonist in your life?
Really? Could you point out where you posted anything resembling and answer to one of MY questions? All I see are attacks and questions of your own.
Reading comprehension failure. You may want to ask your god for a miracle, before you really start sounding like you are suffering from mental illness. Maybe that is why the Army discharged your butt right out of the service.
Your religion supports it, and has actively pursued it in the past ( may still be in some parts of the world, donno ). Does this mean you get to pick and chose what orders you want to follow and still claim it as yours? Cool, sounds like a hell of a deal to me.
People who believed in Christiaity burned people at the stake. They were not instructed to do so by the teachings of Jesus Christ.
People who didn't believe in Christianity crucified people, fed them to lions, made them fight to the death, decapitated them and displayed their heads on pikes. Should I hate all Romans because of this history? Should I hate all Germans because of the Holocaust? Should I hate all American Indians for scalping white men?
I'm sure you think you have a point to make but I am starting to doubt it.
Are you saying you WANT me to believe in these things? Is this comment meant to be constructive and valuable to the discussion or is it simply more deflection and attacks to create an antagonist in your life?
No, of course i dont want you to believe in those too. It was a simple example of other imaginary entities that you will have heard of, as i figured if you believe in one with no facts, why not more? So it was actually a question. Does that help you?
Reading comprehension failure. You may want to ask your god for a miracle, before you really start sounding like you are suffering from mental illness. Maybe that is why the Army discharged your butt right out of the service.
I don't have anything against you but if you were sitting in a dunking booth at a church fund raiser, I'd probably blow my family fortune trying to drown you. It would be for charity, afterall! Love you, Buddy!
Should I hate all Romans because of this history? Should I hate all Germans because of the Holocaust? Should I hate all American Indians for scalping white men?
Those 'acts' were not done out of/for faith so they are bad examples.
No, of course i dont want you to believe in those too. It was a simple example of other imaginary entities that you will have heard of, as i figured if you believe in one with no facts, why not more? So it was actually a question. Does that help you?
Help me? How might that help me? Have you asked Doni if that helps him? You might believe in slapping your wife around when your drunk but that doesn't mean you believe in sex with goats. Does that help you?
Why does that matter? Have I decided to take a stand too early? If you think I should wait, when would be a good time to call for the end of insults to the faces of members based on their faith?
Too early??? I'd say you're a little too late.
Look, I'm not in favor of personal insults directed at anyone here for any reason. However, you're getting all bent out of shape over comments concerning a collection of ancient writings, yet there's been untold numbers of threads in O/T posted over the years with the most disgusting things said about Muslims.... and I don't recall you getting choked about it at all and jumping to their defense.
Even if you didn't realize fellow forum member Doni Hagan was a Muslim (which appeared to be known by the majority of us), you can't be so naive as to believe that there aren't any other Muslims among PFF members. Where was your outrage in all of Stan's threads?
Neither were witch burnings. Christ didn't teach that. I suppose yours is a bad example also.
I never mentioned Salem or witches.. I was speaking talking the crusades where 100's of thousands died at the hands of the Christians due to wholesale pillage and murder of 'unbelievers'. ( and yes, other religions have done the same thing.. and some still are )
And again, i dont agree with ANY faith, you are personalizing it where it doesn't apply. And i answered your question, its not my fault if you didn't understand it. Wichita clearly did..
[This message has been edited by User00013170 (edited 03-30-2014).]
Help me? How might that help me? Have you asked Doni if that helps him? You might believe in slapping your wife around when your drunk but that doesn't mean you believe in sex with goats. Does that help you?
you are a fool. read my post again. try to understand it. ( hint i was trying to explain the statement better, asking if the 2nd way helped you in understanding my intent.. but nooooo you read what you want to read )
[This message has been edited by User00013170 (edited 03-30-2014).]
Look, I'm not in favor of personal insults directed at anyone here for any reason. However, you're getting all bent out of shape over comments concerning a collection of ancient writings, yet there's been untold numbers of threads in O/T posted over the years with the most disgusting things said about Muslims.... and I don't recall you getting choked about it at all and jumping to their defense.
Even if you didn't realize fellow forum member Doni Hagan was a Muslim (which appeared to be known by the majority of us), you can't be so naive as to believe that there aren't any other Muslims among PFF members. Where was your outrage in all of Stan's threads?
How can you be too late to stand up for what is right. You yourself just stated that you are not in favor of personal insults. Why did you say that? Was your statement too late as well?
I'm not bent out of shape. I'm taking a stand for what I believe is an important issue. I'm involved in a conversation but unfortunately it is mostly with people who cannot and will not stop insulting others for any reason. I will not suffer the fate of Doni. I will not be shouted down. I will stand for what I believe until I no longer post on the forum.
Why did I need outrage then? Did I participate in those threads? Were the threads insulting to Mohamed or the Koran or were they pointing out the activities of PEOPLE who claim to be of the Muslim faith? If a person does wrong, there is no harm in stating it. I DID participate in the Westboro Baptist threads. I did denounce their activities. I also think they believe they are doing the right thing but they are NOT getting that information from the teachings of Christ. Therefore, they are Christian people but their deeds are not.
you are a fool. read my post again. try to understand it. ( hint i was trying to explain the statement better, asking if the 2nd way helped you in understanding my intent.. but nooooo you read what you want to read )
You brought up a foolish question, you got a foolish answer. You gets what you asks for.
And apparently I should't be answering you because you are not answering me. Not very mature or conducive to a discussion. Any fool should know THAT!
I'm not bent out of shape. I'm taking a stand for what I believe is an important issue. I'm involved in a conversation but unfortunately it is mostly with people who cannot and will not stop insulting others for any reason.
Oh, 'they' have reasons. Don't doubt that for a second.
I never mentioned Salem or witches.. I was speaking talking the crusades where 100's of thousands died at the hands of the Christians due to wholesale pillage and murder of 'unbelievers'. ( and yes, other religions have done the same thing.. and some still are )
And again, i dont agree with ANY faith, you are personalizing it where it doesn't apply. And i answered your question, its not my fault if you didn't understand it. Wichita clearly did..
Doesn't matter if it was Salem or otherwise. The burning or other torture was not taught by Christ. It is not the presence of a religion that perpetuates violence. Many acts of violence have been perpetrated by people of no faith.
It seems you do not have a problem with Christianity or Christians. You have a problem with violence. That is understandable, I agree with you on that point.
What good has come from your Christian bashing here on the forum? What will it take to bring it to an end?
Oh, 'they' have reasons. Don't doubt that for a second.
Are you saying that you hold hate in your heart for the Christian members of this forum? What have any of these members done to you? Are you punishing them for what others have done?
What good has come from your Christian bashing on this forum? What will it take to bring it to an end?
How can you be too late to stand up for what is right. You yourself just stated that you are not in favor of personal insults. Why did you say that? Was your statement too late as well?
I'm not bent out of shape. I'm taking a stand for what I believe is an important issue. I'm involved in a conversation but unfortunately it is mostly with people who cannot and will not stop insulting others for any reason. I will not suffer the fate of Doni. I will not be shouted down. I will stand for what I believe until I no longer post on the forum.
Why did I need outrage then? Did I participate in those threads? Were the threads insulting to Mohamed or the Koran or were they pointing out the activities of PEOPLE who claim to be of the Muslim faith? If a person does wrong, there is no harm in stating it. I DID participate in the Westboro Baptist threads. I did denounce their activities. I also think they believe they are doing the right thing but they are NOT getting that information from the teachings of Christ. Therefore, they are Christian people but their deeds are not.
It's becoming obvious to me where we differ. You're making a stand now because there are comments being made that counter your own religious beliefs. Earlier you were critical that some members here didn't "give a damn about being respectful to your forum brothers". I think you would've been a heck of a lot more honest if you had requested forum members to "give a damn about being respectful to your forum Christian brothers".
I'm not anti-Christian. However, I don't appreciate the hypocrisy. And that's what I see in much (but not all) organized religion... hypocrisy. Love thy neighbor, but only if he/she's a carbon copy of us. No thanks.
To the best of my knowledge, the Holocaust DID happen. I wasn't there and I didn't see the evidence but I have seen pictures, movies, tv shows, documentaries, and heard people speak about being there. That has been sufficient evidence to convince ME that it did happen. Since I was not there, it is a matter of FAITH in the evidence that I have seen that makes me BELIEVE that the Holocaust happened.
Even if I didn't believe, I would NOT seek out the speaking engagements of Cory Ten Boom to heckle her and try to ruin her speeches. That would be BULLYING. She believes it and her belief in it even if it opposed my own belief does not hurt me or stop me from having my own beliefs. No good can come from shouting someone down who has a different belief.
I can also respect you as a person and member here. I respect that you are entitled to an opinion and you are entitled to state that opinion. Where we differ is that I respect you enough to tell you that I disagree with your statement of "facts" concerning the global flood. It is my opinion and Christian faith-based opinion and belief that it did happen. Your agreement or disagreement with me will not be a factor in any decision to change that belief.
Just as I wasn't there to prove or disprove the Holocaust, you were not there to witness the ark or the flood. You have not personally traveled the world in search of the answers concerning the story of the flood. You are basing your belief on what you have been told by various sources of media. You therefore have formed an OPINION to trust what you have been told about the flood.
So when does something become a fact vs. belief?
My knowledge of the flood not happening comes from understanding both how rain works and how reproduction works in a species. 2 of each animal doesn't allow for a sufficient repopulation density and rain water doesn't materialize in the air, it comes from other sources. Therefore it is scientifically impossible, therefore it didn't happen. If you'd like to ignore that, it's fine. But you can't reduce science because the Bible says differently. They aren't always mutually exclusive, but sometimes they are.
Edit: I don't want you to have doubt. I think religion is good for many people. I will stop now. Have a good day.
[This message has been edited by theBDub (edited 03-30-2014).]
It's becoming obvious to me where we differ. You're making a stand now because there are comments being made that counter your own religious beliefs. Earlier you were critical that some members here didn't "give a damn about being respectful to your forum brothers". I think you would've been a heck of a lot more honest if you had requested forum members to "give a damn about being respectful to your forum Christian brothers".
I'm not anti-Christian. However, I don't appreciate the hypocrisy. And that's what I see in much (but not all) organized religion... hypocrisy. Love thy neighbor, but only if he/she's a carbon copy of us. No thanks.
I have made plenty of references to Christianity but before I ever did, I used words like religion, faith, and beliefs. You can choose to believe that I am only talking about Christianity but you would be wrong. I decide what I think. You may ASK what I think. You cannot dictate what I think or what my meanings are. I will appreciate it when I directly dispell an incorrect notion such as this.
There is no hypocrisy in Christ's teachings. There is hipocricy in PEOPLE. That is something that is a part of life. I don't excuse it but everybody here has been a hyprocrite about something at some time. I've been making this stand for a while now. This is not the first thread I've done so.
The question remains, Are you going to be a part of the problem or part of the solution? I'm calling for an end to the blatant insults toward members on this board based on their religious beliefs. Can you support that or do you defy that?
As it has been mentioned here many times, scientific "facts" are relative to the time of their existance. Scientific theories are continually challenged. Some are proven to be wrong every so often. Because of new evidence in these studies, the "facts" are merely the understandings of the time.
It is a fact that I believe in salvation through Jesus Christ. It is a fact that I want the best for my fellow man, which based on my faith, would be the acceptance of Jesus as their saviour. It is a fact that I have no need to attempt to CONVINCE anyone to change their minds or agree with me. It is a fact that that decision is COMPLETELY out of my hands so I don't need to worry about it. It is a fact that all Jesus requires of me from an evangelical standpoint is to express what it is that I believe. It is a fact that if you believe something else, I support your right to believe it and say so.
If these statements make me a bad person, I'll sign up to be one all day long.
The question remains, Are you going to be a part of the problem or part of the solution? I'm calling for an end to the blatant insults toward members on this board based on their religious beliefs. Can you support that or do you defy that?
I already told you a few posts back that I'm not in favor of personal insults directed at anyone here for any reason.
I'd like to see YOU defend forum members who aren't of the Christian faith. Then I'd think we'd be getting somewhere. The next time your Christian brother Stan posts his vile drivel directed at every Muslim on the planet, think of your forum brother Doni and speak up.
My knowledge of the flood not happening comes from understanding how reproduction works in a species. 2 of each animal doesn't allow for a sufficient repopulation density
So two dogs cannot reproduce enough to fill the world with dogs but puddles of chemical goo can produce ALL THE LIFE FORMS ON THE PLANET? That, my friend, is a great statement of faith in itself!
I already told you a few posts back that I'm not in favor of personal insults directed at anyone here for any reason.
I'd like to see YOU defend forum members who aren't of the Christian faith. Then I'd think we'd be getting somewhere. The next time your Christian brother Stan posts his vile drivel directed at every Muslim on the planet, think of your forum brother Doni and speak up.
I repeat again, I am calling for the end of insults of forum members which are based on faith or belief systems. I don't know how to put it more plainly than that. If you would like to PM me when you see such a thread, I'd be happy to check into it and see what I can do.
I can't help but notice that you have not bothered to address any of the insults posted here so I'm not really sure why I would need to impress you with my own actions. This is your opportunity to mean what you say. The other members who have posted in this thread are listening.
I never mentioned Salem or witches.. I was speaking talking the crusades where 100's of thousands died at the hands of the Christians due to wholesale pillage and murder of 'unbelievers'. ( and yes, other religions have done the same thing.. and some still are )
And again, i dont agree with ANY faith, you are personalizing it where it doesn't apply. And i answered your question, its not my fault if you didn't understand it. Wichita clearly did..
Why do people keep bringing up the Crusades, when far more people were killed in the name of *no religion* than have been killed in the name of Christianity?
Mao Zedong's reforms from 1949 - 1976 were responsible for the deaths of 49M (low estimate) to 78M (high estimate) people. Atheistic person/government.
Somewhere between 8 (low) and 61 (high) million were killed by Soviet Communists between 1917 and 1953. Atheistic government.
Up to 17M due to Nazi Germany, a cultic government patterned after a church style hierarchy from 1941 to 1945.
Between 1M and 3M nonChristians were killed during the Crusades, from 1095 to 1291. While a horrible twisting of faith, it seems that Christians are far less efficient at killing people than those without faith.