Originally posted by Wichita: Yes sir, I have earned a college degree in the arena of human behavior and how and why they are influenced.
Originally posted by Wichita: ... there is no use going any further and embarrassing him any more. I just assume to let the bad apple poser rot and go away.
Like the need to put others down, belittle them, post as if you had a group standing with you, or always win, for example.
I don't get that Satan business. God must have created him (if you believe in that) and since god is omnipotent, he can just make him disappear again or just vanquish him. Why does he keep him around? For amusement? To screw with people just for the fun of it?
Satan supposedly originally was one of Gods angels, and God banished him from heaven and earth, to go to Hell.
I know the story. Why is there a "struggle", then? If god can banish satan to hell, why does satan have any powers? Why is he even around to torment people?
...the direction of the thread almost immediately veered from posting a differing opinion of the movie to attacking the person who started the thread, and his personal beliefs in general, as well of course, to all who have beliefs similar to that person.
Don, are you suggesting that I was "attacking" the OP? I hope not.
I'm also not responsible for what other people might've commented after my post.
Originally posted by Patrick:
So they fictionalized a work of fiction? Damn.
Brennan gets it.
Originally posted by theBDub:
I read Patrick's post as a light elbow jab with a grin...
So you believe that there are really tiny horses in my engine? You don't think I'm a little bit off if that's my belief?
No, I do not believe that. I already thought you were a little off because of your stance on firearms. This doesn't make it any worse. You are free to believe what you want. I won't tell you not to but if you want to know about what I believe, I'll tell you.
The majority of the thread has absolutely nothing to do with the movie.
No, it has something to do with you complaining about the inaccuracies the movie has compared to the biblical story. That prompted others to point out that the biblical story was pretty fantastical and unlikely itself. Then it descended into an argument on how historically accurate or inaccurate the bible is in the first place. Dan the Aryan pointed out via a picture of a pointy-haired dude that there may have been aliens involved. It all makes sense to me...
No, it has something to do with you complaining about the inaccuracies the movie has compared to the biblical story. That prompted others to point out that the biblical story was pretty fantastical and unlikely itself. Then it descended into an argument on how historically accurate or inaccurate the bible is in the first place. Dan the Aryan pointed out via a picture of a pointy-haired dude that there may have been aliens involved. It all makes sense to me...
You clearly have not read the thread but that's ok.
LOL, at all the posts, honestly "to me and my beliefs" The idea of an alien influence that someone from a higher intelligence, a higher being, created us, chances are, he's actually an alien. To me that makes more sense, or better stated, it makes sense of what most of the bible stories claim. A Fly lives his lifetime in a matter of days, so the idea of living a hundred years would be alien to him. Who's to say that an alien came here, that had a lifetime of a few thousand years, and his kids may have taken several hundred years to mature...... Maybe they decided that the experiment on this planet had gone wrong and wanted to wipe the slate clean.......
Would the average human think twice about killing all the living cells in a specimen dish, if the experiment went in a direction they did not like.
So yep, aliens as our gods makes about as much sense as the bible to me.
Feel free to believe what you want, I won't try to convert you, or put down your religion.
LOL, at all the posts, honestly "to me and my beliefs" The idea of an alien influence that someone from a higher intelligence, a higher being, created us, chances are, he's actually an alien. To me that makes more sense, or better stated, it makes sense of what most of the bible stories claim. A Fly lives his lifetime in a matter of days, so the idea of living a hundred years would be alien to him. Who's to say that an alien came here, that had a lifetime of a few thousand years, and his kids may have taken several hundred years to mature...... Maybe they decided that the experiment on this planet had gone wrong and wanted to wipe the slate clean.......
Would the average human think twice about killing all the living cells in a specimen dish, if the experiment went in a direction they did not like.
So yep, aliens as our gods makes about as much sense as the bible to me.
Feel free to believe what you want, I won't try to convert you, or put down your religion.
Originally posted by DanDamage: is such a thing even possible?
It makes more sense to me than the bible stories we were told as kids. It's even happened throughout history. An European explorer found a part of the globe undiscovered to them and found a primitive people. The primitive tribes, for a time, saw them as gods due to their advanced technology. Advanced technology to lesser developed societies can be perceived as magical, a miracle, or power only begotten by gods.
It makes more sense to me than the bible stories we were told as kids. It's even happened throughout history. An European explorer found a part of the globe undiscovered to them and found a primitive people. The primitive tribes, for a time, saw them as gods due to their advanced technology. Advanced technology to lesser developed societies can be perceived as magical, a miracle, or power only begotten by gods.
I was being sarcastic, guess when i dont post the pic of the Ancient Aliens guy people take me more serious. Sorry, duly noted. But you are correct, the Spaniards took over all of South America with no remorse.
I was being sarcastic, guess when i dont post the pic of the Ancient Aliens guy people take me more serious. Sorry, duly noted. But you are correct, the Spaniards took over all of South America with no remorse.
Sorry, I didn't even pay attention to who was even posting the ancient aliens guy, haha. And now I see that your avatar is him as well. I'm terrible at identifying forum sarcasm.
Originally posted by yellowstone: I don't get that Satan business. God must have created him (if you believe in that) and since god is omnipotent, he can just make him disappear again or just vanquish him. Why does he keep him around? For amusement? To screw with people just for the fun of it?
Man has free will to make his own choices. Satan, as the embodiment of evil, is necessary for there to be another path to choose.
LOL, at all the posts, honestly "to me and my beliefs" The idea of an alien influence that someone from a higher intelligence, a higher being, created us, chances are, he's actually an alien. To me that makes more sense, or better stated, it makes sense of what most of the bible stories claim. A Fly lives his lifetime in a matter of days, so the idea of living a hundred years would be alien to him. Who's to say that an alien came here, that had a lifetime of a few thousand years, and his kids may have taken several hundred years to mature...... Maybe they decided that the experiment on this planet had gone wrong and wanted to wipe the slate clean....... Would the average human think twice about killing all the living cells in a specimen dish, if the experiment went in a direction they did not like. So yep, aliens as our gods makes about as much sense as the bible to me.
Feel free to believe what you want, I won't try to convert you, or put down your religion.
Originally posted by Darth88Formula: It makes more sense to me than the bible stories we were told as kids. It's even happened throughout history. An European explorer found a part of the globe undiscovered to them and found a primitive people. The primitive tribes, for a time, saw them as gods due to their advanced technology. Advanced technology to lesser developed societies can be perceived as magical, a miracle, or power only begotten by gods.
Alot if it is just how you look at it, and reasons we perceive it that way..etc.
Planets, solar systems, planes, dimensions, aliens, angels, demons, ghosts, creator, intelligence, extra terrestrial, spiritual... One thing is for sure there is a truth, what we do is percieve.
A few links:
“Considering what we know about space and life and the world as God sees it, we already have an explanation for so-called alien activity on Earth. Reports of “close encounters” describe the ethereal, transient, deceptive, and malevolent. Accounts also record that encounters with supposed aliens can be stopped by a real, authentic call to Jesus. Everything points to the activity of demons, not extraterrestrials.” http://www.gotquestions.org/aliens-Christian.html
“Although the Bible gives us no word about whether or not aliens exist—there is no inclusion of them in the creation account in Genesis, and no mention of them elsewhere—the Bible does tell us about visitors from another world—the spiritual world.Since the beginning, instances of demons (fallen angels) visiting the earth have been witnessed and recorded.” http://www.gotquestions.org/alien-deception.html
Originally posted by Capt Fiero: Maybe they decided that the experiment on this planet had gone wrong and wanted to wipe the slate clean....... .
"And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is full of violence through them; and behold, I will destroy them with the earth" - Genesis 6:3