They got the name of the main character right but pretty much used artistic license on the rest of the story. One thing that I did learn was that Noah's grandfather, Methuselah, was likely killed in the flood. I did the math and it works out. Although we don't have months and days for his birth and death, the years work.
The Thing from Fantastic Four could have seen his ancestors there. Yes, giant rock creatures that helped Noah build the ark.
They appeared to build the ark in a matter of months or a few years. Noah's son's didn't age and the youngest looked to be about 10 years old.
Noah almost didn't let himself or his family use the ark. It seemed he thought the ark was for the animals only.
Only one of Noah's sons had a wife. She entered the ark pregnant with twins and delivered them before they landed. Noah was about to kill them.
His son with the wife and twins built a raft and were going to leave the ark to keep Noah from killing the babies.
The "king" was able to climb the outside of the ark and bust in. The middle son hid him and cared for his wounds until he was well enough to fight Noah.
They had magic fire rocks.
All the animals were put into hybernation by the smoke from the magic rocks.
The forrest that supplied the wood for the ark sprang up in a matter of minutes because Noah planted a magic seed that was removed from the Garden of Eden.
Noah and his family didn't eat meat.
The window was in the side of the ark. The door was on the end of the ark.
They closed the door themselves.
They barely got inside before the waters rushed in.
God only spoke to Noah through visions in his dreams. He never got any specific instructions.
[This message has been edited by Boostdreamer (edited 03-30-2014).]
That sounds biblically inaccurate. Is it? I haven't read that in quite awhile so I've forgotten. I don't remember anything about the sons and Noah wanting to kill them.
That sounds biblically inaccurate. Is it? I haven't read that in quite awhile so I've forgotten. I don't remember anything about the sons and Noah wanting to kill them.
All the things I listed were inaccuracies. When it ended, I said out loud, "Well, that's two hours I'll never get back. Maybe next time they can do a Biblical version of it." The guy sitting beside me said, "It was pretty Biblical."
All the things I listed were inaccuracies. When it ended, I said out loud, "Well, that's two hours I'll never get back. Maybe next time they can do a Biblical version of it." The guy sitting beside me said, "It was pretty Biblical."
Why did you go to the movie in the first place? Especially knowing full well it wouldn't follow exactly to your perverted interpretation of the Old Testament? Didn't your pastor tell you and the rest of the sheep not to watch it?
Just exactly what level of stupid do you have to reach to NOT realize that it is INCREDIBLY offensive to insult someone's faith?
Or is it just a matter of reaching an elevated status of "azzhat" that allows you to not give a damn about being respectful to your forum brothers?
Either way, congratulations on being all you can be.
I made a little joke, and you're this deeply offended?
Are you this upset when Stan and others say the nastiest things here about Muslims and other less favored groups? Perhaps point out to me where you've told them to be "respectful to your forum brothers".
Originally posted by Patrick:
So they fictionalized a work of fiction? Damn.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 03-30-2014).]
Its a fictional story, not a documentary. Ill see it eventually, just on DVD. I dont do theaters. I was curious how it was. Im sure the same old movie critics will call it the must see #1 movie of the year though. I always seem to be opposite of official critics. If they hate it, I love it and vice versa. ie/ they all loved all the Fast & Furious movies. I thought they all sucked big time. The ONLY thing good was the first one with Jordana Brewster.
I made a little joke, and you're this deeply offended?
Are you this upset when Stan and others say the nastiest things here about Muslims and other less favored groups? Perhaps point out to me where you've told them to be "respectful to your forum brothers".
I hate to have to agree with you, bout in this case i do.. but i dont think even if 1000 people pointed out his hypocrisy it would make an impact. his god is right. the only religion that can be spoke of is his. "freedom of speech and religion, unless if conflicts with mine"
Hollywood ****ed up Superman for years, where was your outrage J/K Thanks for the heads up, my sister in law said pretty much the same thing. Not that I was going to see it anyway.
Who happens to be in the 5th and 6th installment as well.
BUT.... didnt look nearly as cute im sure. Shes not aging that well. Shes on ' Dallas ' now too. I couldnt even stand them at all after the 3rd one, so never saw #4,5,6 and no plans to. I watched the one where they stole a bunch of high end cars off a train, but only for the cars. I really gave it up on the first one when the star went thru 20 gears in a drag race, then him and the Charger took 15 minutes to go a 1/4 mile in another race.
[This message has been edited by rogergarrison (edited 03-30-2014).]
So its ok for you to insult others with your faith but someone cant insult you because of it?
Double standard there, bucko.
Who was insulted? I didn't mention any names and I didn't quote anybody. Maybe you feel guilty. The question still remains, how many more threads need to be filled by the same people with the same blatant insensitivity and insults?
Originally posted by User00013170:
( sounds like you have some doubt too.. if you were truly a believer nothing anyone else says would effect you.. )
Doubt in what? Which sentence of mine displays that I have any degree of doubt? What do insults have to do with faith? Are you saying that I cannot hold a religious faith and at the same time understand when that faith is being insulted? Maybe you should cite your source on that one because it doesn't make sense to me. Perhaps after reading the entire article I'll get your point.
Who told you that nothing anyone says will affect me or any person of faith? Defiene affect? Can they make me change my beliefs? No. Will I understand that people are going out of their way to attack and confront people with different beliefs? Yes, that is an effect and it does affect me in that way. I know your intention is to insult.
[This message has been edited by Boostdreamer (edited 03-30-2014).]
I made a little joke, and you're this deeply offended?
Are you this upset when Stan and others say the nastiest things here about Muslims and other less favored groups? Perhaps point out to me where you've told them to be "respectful to your forum brothers".
I know you were making a joke. I followed your lead and made another joke. I don't know of any Muslims here. If any of them had started a thread about their religious beliefs, I would defend their right to do so. I would also defend your right to post in that thread what you do or do not believe and what you do and do not agree with. Those types of comments are opinions and I welcome them. They are fine even when they express negative views against Christianity. It is the statements of "fact" that are offensive.
A similar situation might be that someone stated that it is a fact that your (fill in the blank with your family member) is ugly. Maybe to them she is, maybe to you she isn't. Maybe she was in a wreck or has been battling a disease. The result is the same. A statement of opinion was stated as fact and was posted with no concern about who might be hurt by it.
I hate to have to agree with you, bout in this case i do.. but i dont think even if 1000 people pointed out his hypocrisy it would make an impact. his god is right. the only religion that can be spoke of is his. "freedom of speech and religion, unless if conflicts with mine"
You want this to be true but you have no basis for this statement. You are attacking for the sake of attacking. I understand your points. Do you understand mine? You put in qoutes "freedom of speech and religion, unless if conflicts with mine". You have displayed this as my qoute. Please cite the thread where you found this "qoute".
Being subtle has not been effective in searching for a solution to this problem. And it is a problem. Any repetitive onslaught of slurs, jokes, jabs, and insults about any idology that is well represented here is a problem. The same non-Christian users continue to be drawn to topics clearly listed as "religious". Who's mind have you changed with your comments? Who has felt unwelcome in TO/T? Who has been pushed out? Who has been silenced? This is not the way to encouage healthy debate and the sharing of ideas which is what a forum is all about.
If you were so lucky as to be successful in pushing out all the Christians, what group would you turn your "attention" to next? When and where does the bullying end?
Or you weren't offended, and were just trying to make this into a fake offensive thing? Your posts just don't line up.
Their posts drove my post. There is no question about that. I don't deny it for a minute. The question didn't have a name tag because I'd like to hear from anyone who may have an answer. I'm still waiting for that answer. When and where will the insults end?
The screenplay in the movie IS a fictional story. I completely agree. You will not find that series of events in any text that could ever be debated as being historical.
Now if you choose to believe that the Bible is also fictional, that is fine that you think that. Just please have enough respect for others to state it as your opinion. That's all I'm trying to say.
[This message has been edited by Boostdreamer (edited 03-30-2014).]
The screenplay in the movie IS a fictional story. I completely agree. You will not find that series of events in any text that could ever be debated as being historical.
Now if you choose to believe that the Bible is also fictional, that is fine that you think that. Just please have enough respect for others to state it as your opinion. That's all I'm trying to say.
Do I need to have respect about my opinion that the Holocaust happened when I'm talking to people who don't believe it did? Or can I state "Yes it did" as a fact and disregard other opinions?
(I agree there should be respect for all, but a global flood where two of each animal got on a boat to last through the flood didn't happen, and that's a fact. So I can accept that you believe differently, and respect you as a person, but I won't say that my side is an opinion.)
Originally posted by Boostdreamer: If you were so lucky as to be successful in pushing out all the Christians, what group would you turn your "attention" to next? When and where does the bullying end?
If you think a person expressing themselves is being a bully, you have a lot of growing up to do. ( and you are one your self if you EVER state you opinion )
He used to post a lot more frequently... until he got so sick of the vile anti-Muslim sentiment openly expressed in O/T by Stan and others.
I'm sure that Doni would've appreciated more good Christians speaking up for their "forum brothers".
Careful, it works both ways.
Of course I've seen posts by Doni Hagan. I've never seen that he professed to be a part of the Muslim faith. By your own admission, the attacks on his religion have shut him down, made him sick, and as a result, he posts less frequently. You seem to be defending him. That is good. Spread it around and see that the same applies here. Stand up and let members know when they are being overbearing and bullying. Until they know that their statements are not constructive they will continue to be DESTRUCTIVE.
Again, I welcome and encourage opinions and I will try my best to answer your questions and explain my answers. What more can anyone do? Surely an attitude such as this is valued in a multi-cultural forum.
If you think a person expressing themselves is being a bully, you have a lot of growing up to do. ( and you are one your self if you EVER state you opinion )
Reading FAIL.
Go back and count the times I said I welcome opinions. I can't help you understand if you won't read.
It is when opinions are stated as facts that is bullying. That is very clear and different from what you are thinking.
I'm standing up for what I believe is right. Not Christianity as a faith, but the ability of members to state their faith without being attacked. Standing up against bullys and being a voice for others rights is not an indication of a lack of maturity that calls for additional "growing up". Repeatedly posting insults about another person's belifs DOES fall into that catagory. Very immature and very much in need of growing up!
Do I need to have respect about my opinion that the Holocaust happened when I'm talking to people who don't believe it did? Or can I state "Yes it did" as a fact and disregard other opinions?
(I agree there should be respect for all, but a global flood where two of each animal got on a boat to last through the flood didn't happen, and that's a fact. So I can accept that you believe differently, and respect you as a person, but I won't say that my side is an opinion.)
To the best of my knowledge, the Holocaust DID happen. I wasn't there and I didn't see the evidence but I have seen pictures, movies, tv shows, documentaries, and heard people speak about being there. That has been sufficient evidence to convince ME that it did happen. Since I was not there, it is a matter of FAITH in the evidence that I have seen that makes me BELIEVE that the Holocaust happened.
Even if I didn't believe, I would NOT seek out the speaking engagements of Cory Ten Boom to heckle her and try to ruin her speeches. That would be BULLYING. She believes it and her belief in it even if it opposed my own belief does not hurt me or stop me from having my own beliefs. No good can come from shouting someone down who has a different belief.
I can also respect you as a person and member here. I respect that you are entitled to an opinion and you are entitled to state that opinion. Where we differ is that I respect you enough to tell you that I disagree with your statement of "facts" concerning the global flood. It is my opinion and Christian faith-based opinion and belief that it did happen. Your agreement or disagreement with me will not be a factor in any decision to change that belief.
Just as I wasn't there to prove or disprove the Holocaust, you were not there to witness the ark or the flood. You have not personally traveled the world in search of the answers concerning the story of the flood. You are basing your belief on what you have been told by various sources of media. You therefore have formed an OPINION to trust what you have been told about the flood.
Lets try this a different way, and ill try to make it simple:
I, due to the lack of evidence to support it, and knowledge of how the brain works, know there is no imaginary all powerful deity, and anyone who thinks there is would be foolish, but if they want to believe lies propagated over the centuries, more power to them.
You, on the other hand, again with no actual evidence to support your view, think there is one simply from belief ( a psychosis ) and anyone that does not accept your view is an evil person, should be squelched and are going to hell. In a darker time, they would be burnt at the stake.
Of course I've seen posts by Doni Hagan. I've never seen that he professed to be a part of the Muslim faith.
He has. On more than on occasion.
Funny thing is, his faith isn't effected by others that dont believe as him. Sort of ironic, dont you think, as you sit here and cry it isn't fair that people are taking about your imaginary god?
Lets try this a different way, and ill try to make it simple:
I, due to the lack of evidence to support it, and knowledge of how the brain works, know there is no imaginary all powerful deity, and anyone who thinks there is would be foolish, but if they want to believe lies propagated over the centuries, more power to them.
You, on the other hand, again with no actual evidence to support your view, think there is one simply from belief ( a psychosis ) and anyone that does not accept your view is an evil person, should be squelched and are going to hell. In a darker time, they would be burnt at the stake.
So... you want to tell me who the real bully is?
The real bully is the one who is insulting the other's beliefs. That would be you. Not only because of the insults but because of your continued attempt to paint me as a villian. I don't know why you need to create an antagonist so badly in your life but you need to look elsewhere for him or seek some professional help. I have NOT EVER demanded that ANYONE ON THIS FORUM or anywhere else for that matter, accept my view of ANYTHING, religious or otherwise. I have not suggested anyone be squelched or be sent to Hell. Again for the part of your brain that is having trouble with reading comprehension, I DO NOT DISCOURAGE OPPOSING OPINIONS AND VIEWPOINTS.
As for burning folks at the stake, I have personally never taken part in such an event and therefore have no personal knowledge of them. To subtilly suggest that I support burning at the stake is another of your many baseless attacks that not only do nothing to advance this discussion but further reiterate your example of what a bully is.
You have no knowledge of what i have or have not done, or where i have or have not been. Again, working without facts.
So I was wrong about that? You actually HAVE traveled the world in search of the answers about the global flood? Did you publish a paper on your findings? Please tell us where you went, who you spoke to, and what you learned. Did any of your findings surprise you?
Or could it simply be that you wish to deflect?
I'll ask again, how many more Christian-based threads do you need to spread your hatred of all theologies before you will find peace in your life? If you have a number, I'd like to help you find that peace. Give me the number and I'll do my best to start as many as I can so you can get it out of your system as quickly as possible to allow yourself to feel like a man.
As for burning folks at the stake, I have personally never taken part in such an event and therefore have no personal knowledge of them. To subtilly suggest that I support burning at the stake is another of your many baseless attacks that not only do nothing to advance this discussion but further reiterate your example of what a bully is.
Your religion supports it, and has actively pursued it in the past ( may still be in some parts of the world, donno ). Does this mean you get to pick and chose what orders you want to follow and still claim it as yours? Cool, sounds like a hell of a deal to me.