"Concern trolling A particularly annoying form of trolling in which someone falsely pretends to be offering advice to favor a position they do not endorse; a creationist who masquerades as someone concerned about the arguments for evolution as an excuse to make criticisms. They like the challenge, the controversy and the argument; so they try to get you to contradict yourself or make unsupportable claims so they can call you on it, while still making it seem that maybe they are just trying to understand."
This quote /\ in itself, is a wonderful example of another type of concern trolling. At first glance, an innocent "informational" tidbit, but also meant to take a jab at a position few in this thread endorse.
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 04-02-2014).]
Originally posted by maryjane: This quote /\ in itself, is a wonderful example of another type of concern trolling. At first glance, an innocent "informational" tidbit, but also meant to take a jab at a position few in this thread endorse.
i'm glad you pointed that out, don, not that i think anyone missed it the first time. i think boostdreamer is being disingenuous, pretending to be interested in the scientific method, and the contrast between it and faith. oh, yes, he understands, but wants to attack scientific method anyway, and offer his own views as more attractive. i've seen him do this in other threads.
there's nothing wrong with presenting different views, but the deception undermines his claim to truth, which he hopes we'll all conveniently overlook.
i think boostdreamer is being disingenuous, pretending to be interested in the scientific method, and the contrast between it and faith. oh, yes, he understands, but wants to attack scientific method anyway, and offer his own views as more attractive. i've seen him do this in other threads.
there's nothing wrong with presenting different views, but the deception undermines his claim to truth, which he hopes we'll all conveniently overlook.
I dont know, being interested in the study of things is pretty common. We study, we draw conclusions.
i'm glad you pointed that out, don, not that i think anyone missed it the first time. i think boostdreamer is being disingenuous, pretending to be interested in the scientific method, and the contrast between it and faith. oh, yes, he understands, but wants to attack scientific method anyway, and offer his own views as more attractive. i've seen him do this in other threads.
there's nothing wrong with presenting different views, but the deception undermines his claim to truth, which he hopes we'll all conveniently overlook.
Sure, it's either that or maybe I really like humor and to be humorous. Re-look at my COMPLETELY un-edited first post. If anybody other than me had written it, there would be no doubt it was a tounge-in-cheek post. If Wichita had written it, it would have immediately been seen as humor poking fun at Christians (which is perfectly acceptable by the way) and you guys would have been giving each other cyber high-fives. But since a known Christian posted it, it must have a hidden meaning!
Originally posted by Boostdreamer:
[FRIENDLY JAB] It's probably a good idea that they are working on this since they can't get the goo in the sea to offer up anything new since they started watching for it. Also no reason to wait billions of years to allow evolution to create the perfect something. Look at how many billions of years it has been trying and still hasn't perfected anything. I guess that is why it gave up and quit. [/FRIENDLY JAB]
Really, I have no problem with this research. It's how we learn stuff.
I even CLEARLY marked it as a "friendly jab" and put my true feelings about it below. If I had been attacking it, I might have said something to the effect of, "this research is playing god and will cause the deaths of US soldiers, bla, bla ,bla" or some such crap. I didn't say that and I don't mean that. I can't believe how often I have to say, "yeah, that's what I meant!" Take a look at this thread:
How many people on here claim to be Republicans? Has anyone scored a 100% Republican match yet? Apparently you want to stick someone in a box and tell them that's all they get to believe. I make up my own mind. When appropriate, I participate in the threads by posting what I think. That's how forums work.
And speaking of being appropriate, to the best of my knowledge, I HAVE YET TO BRING CHRISTIANITY INTO ANY THREAD where it hasn't already been brought up. See if you can find any thread that proves otherwise. Just like this one. I never said anything about Christianity or faith or anything else spiritual. I made a joke and bumped a thread that I found interesting. Is that too un-Christian for you?
You guys are contantly challenging Christians about their faith but when we concede any of your points, you tell us we can't do that! If you don't want us to agree, quit trying to make us!
EDIT TO ADD: i have also NEVER attacked the scientific method. I use it all the time myself. In fact, I had to write a few paragraphs on it a few semesters ago in Physics class. I told of a mechanical problem with my car and what I did to solve it. I learned the scientific method many years ago, probably in elementary school. I have ZERO problems with it! Please post anything you find to the contrary. No? That's what I thought.
[This message has been edited by Boostdreamer (edited 04-02-2014).]