GOP Lawmaker Pulls A Dick Cheney, Accidentally Shoots A Fellow Hunter
Oklahoma state Rep. Steve Vaughn (R) admitted to accidentally shooting a comrade on a hunting trip in March, according to The Oklahoman.
Vaughn said he apologized to fellow hunter Drew Ihrig after a shotgun pellet from the lawmaker's 12-gauge shotgun struck Ihrig in the side of the head.
“I shot at the bird and, I guess, one of my BBs hit this guy," Vaughn told The Oklahoman. “It could have bounced off a tree. He was in some trees. I really didn’t see him that good in the trees. hit the side of his face. I didn’t even know I hit him."
Vaught said he isn't totally sure he was the one who fired the shot that hit Ihrig, because "everybody's shooting," but "it probably would have been [me] because the bird did go that direction and I did shoot that direction."
Vaughn said he was angry with himself for the incident.
"I’m a safety guy. Gosh, I’m as safety as I can be. I was so mad at myself for even thinking about shooting the bird in this direction where I knew he was down in there,” Vaughan said.
This story might sound familiar. That's because former Vice President Dick Cheney made a similar mistake in 2006, when he shot lawyer Harry Whittington in the face during a quail hunting trip at the Armstrong Ranch in Texas.
[This message has been edited by carnut122 (edited 04-04-2014).]