Well more fun in the hood last nite. Im sitting here watching tv about 8pm. One of my motion sensors go off and I glance at the monitor. Theres an unknown black car parked across the end of my driveway and a guys walking back to it with stuff he took off my porch. I pick up my 45 and stick it in my belt in plain sight as I go out the door. He makes a U turn in the driveway in order to get back out on the street and Im standing there in the middle. He stops and asks if theres a problem. I told him yeah, why dont you give me back the stuff you just stole off my porch...Ive got you, your car and plate on camera. He asks what stuff and I pointed to his back seat. He says he didnt know anyone was here. I told him thats obvious...your a fkn thief and thought youd grab it and drive off. He came back with a I thought this wasnt nobodys and the place is abandoned. Then I laughed at him and asked what part of all the porch lites, new car and new motorhome here tells you this property is abandoned? I told him he was nothing but a dumb ass fkn thief and if he thought I looked that stupid. I took the stuff out and told him I have a pic of you and your car and if I see it around here again Ill shoot your stealing ass. Told him and his gf a few other things not repeatable here. Ya he was black and wearing a hoodie...in a black Nissan with blacked out windows. I thought I was going to have to use up some of my bullets. Id love it if thieves would just stay the fk away from me. I keep saying its just gonna be sooner or later before I blast someone.
I thought I was going to have to use up some of my bullets. Id love it if thieves would just stay the fk away from me. I keep saying its just gonna be sooner or later before I blast someone.
I love not having to use some of my bullets, you never know just how many you may need at a later date.
Glad things worked out for you last night, but watch your back, people like that have a tendency to hold grudges when they are caught in the act and lose.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't
You're lucky you didn't get shot. Or at least shot at.
Im always prepared for the worse. But you got it backwards...hes lucky he didnt get shot, and I let him go at all. I could have just opened the door and shot him right there as he got in his car. Of the ones Ive shot at or pulled a gun on, Ive never had one try it back. One did pee his pants though.
[This message has been edited by rogergarrison (edited 04-05-2014).]
Wow, sucks that you have to do that. I feel like from the story that he will continue to steal. I hope they do not move to the gun free zone of California.
They all do. Thats the way of life for the hoodie crowd. Thats why we have at least a couple of killings every day here. Lots of them are just armed citizens. Just the other day, 2 guys tried to rob a guy in his apartment parking lot. He pulled his gun out and shot them both, killing one. They questioned him a couple hours and sent him home.
[This message has been edited by rogergarrison (edited 04-05-2014).]
When an un-resistible force meets an un-movable object, something has gotta give.
I don't blame Roger for defending what is his. I hate thieves. I am prepared to defend my family, home and property but this seems to happen a little to often where Roger lives. There comes a time when you know you're out numbered and it's time to re-group.
Personally, I won't live some where I have to carry all the time at home. There are places I won't go without protection but, if I have to do that in my own home, it's time to move or change the odds.
Cities, neighborhoods change. I don't know about where you live but, if I have to carry just to keep my stuff safe, then it's time to build a fence with razor wire on top with a pack of Dobermans inside the fence or, time to move along. I won't live in a situation where I always have to be "on guard".
------------------ Ron Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, his upbringing, his environment, his culture, his mental state but … after a shooting, the problem is the gun?
My Uncle Frank was a staunch Conservative and voted straight Republican until the day he died in Chicago. Since then he has voted Democrat. Shrug
You're lucky you didn't get shot. Or at least shot at.
Not saying you dont protect your property but a lot of thieves would have just shot him as he approached the car, or ran him down. Most really dont care.
If they are in a car and heading out, i most likely would let them and call the cops. I cant compete against a 4000 pound car, or unknown people/firepower in the backseat. ( now if they had one of my dogs or other family members, all bets are off and id chase them down )
I love not having to use some of my bullets, you never know just how many you may need at a later date.
Glad things worked out for you last night, but watch your back, people like that have a tendency to hold grudges when they are caught in the act and lose.
Yup. When they come back, they come back in force. Which we can only hope.
[This message has been edited by User00013170 (edited 04-05-2014).]
Ayup and that why I carry a Glock 17 rounds, staggered, FMJ, JHP, FMJ, JHP as well as an extra clip.
i find it impossible to CCW my 17. While i *can* open carry here in my state, its not worth the hassle unless i'm down in the southern part of the state where they dont freak out.
i find it impossible to CCW my 17. While i *can* open carry here in my state, its not worth the hassle unless i'm down in the southern part of the state where they dont freak out.
I don't carry concealed on my own property, no reason to, and if they did, come back, they would be going back to Rogers place now wouldn't they. nor do I carry open while legal in my state also, but then I carry the best when it comes to my own protection. and blow away all the rest.
I don't carry concealed on my own property, no reason to, and if they did, come back, they would be going back to Rogers place now wouldn't they. nor do I carry open while legal in my state also, but then I carry the best when it comes to my own protection. and blow away all the rest.
Oh, i dont carry "crap" just because its ccw.. I have G26 or a (Kahr) K9 for daily.
stainless steel cat food/water dish, cheap waterhose, car wash bucket/w sponge. But of course that would show the house is abandoned right.
Ive said many times, Im in the better part of town. Most of the problem now is your not allowed to rent or sell by race. They are breeding and spreading like fire ants. Ive had trouble with whites too, but very few. 85% is blacks. Not much of a problem a number of years back when the hood was all white. Yes, im racist and getting more so every day just because of crap like this. I wont even drive in the bad parts of town at all, even in the afternoon.
I warned him I had him, his car and license....and not to come back. Its simple for me to find his name and address if he does. That wont be a good thing, I dont call police. I thought a second about calling the cops, but what good would that do...they would be long gone. I guarantee the cops would rather pick up donuts than go to his house from my ID.
Get prepared rural people, the thieves are headed your way too. Yesterday Sheriff raided a junkyard way out in the boonies in a small town here called Coshocton. They were completely full of stolen cars, motorcycles, atvs, boats, trailers and semi fulls of household stuff...all stolen out in farm country. They were also a mexican drug dealer.
It can, and does, happen anywhere. It's easy to ignore the possibility until it happens to you or someone you know. I grew up in a nice neighborhood, and we had our share of crime, and that was back in the 80's. There have been houses in my current neighborhood broken into. They typically work in 3 man teams, 1 in the car, 2 in the house. They break in, grab whatever they can quick and get out. Alarms don't matter. They're in and out in 5 minutes. Even if cops respond instantly, they're gone before the cops arrive.
Crap happens in gated communities, too, it's just more likely to be someone living in the neighborhood.
I've had my car broken into in my carport in a nice neighborhood. I've had 2 friends of mine walking down the street and a carload of people pull up, jump out and beat them within an inch of their lives. (it was a hate crime - my friends were white, it was a carload of blacks - no robbery, and none of they didn't know the attackers) I've had my car vandalized in an apartment complex lot - because they were drunk and I had a nice car. (my '72 Trans Am I had back in the 80's.)
Maybe crime is worse in America than the rest of the world, but it's not a new development. It's reality and you can ignore it and play the odds or not. Your choice. Play the odds and if it happens to you, you'll act surprised that it could happen to you. Yeah, and you can tell a child the stove is hot, but they won't believe you until after they get burned.
I like to go to goodwill and watch the dumpesters, there about 30- 40 blacks that set out there all day wainting for them to toss stuff, when they bring out the shoes, about 200 pairs, nasty old shoes, large fights break out and shoes go flying all over the place, these people dress werid, very strange.
there was 0 crime before the housing market crash, but since homes have become cheap, the pond scum have been flooding in and now we have 2 cops dead, and black on black shootings everyday
It may very well have been thieves that burnt me out on my island. They were coming during the week while I was away at work and stealing the copper and aluminum from my solar panels. they destroyed about $20,000 worth of panels. I set up a cell phone alarm system and waited in the marina during the week. When it went off at two in the morning I confronted them and fired off a few rounds before backing off and letting them go. I'm pretty sure that it was the same guy who came again and stole my generator. I fired off a couple of rounds again as he left. Wasn't black guys. It was meth heads who get jacked up in the middle of the night and rob people. You might be right about the revenge. They might think that I was infringing on their rights and had no business scaring them. I spent twenty years scraping up and saving everything to see it all go up in smoke in one night. That was the end of my plan to become a millionaire.
[This message has been edited by dratts (edited 04-05-2014).]
This article is probably the best way I've heard this explained. Even for those who are extremely well-practiced with their main defense tool, in a true firefight, they're still lucky to be 40% accurate at best. When you hit, you want it to impart maximum force on your target. FMJ's do have the penetration, but they don't generate the same shock a hollowpoint does. It's that shock that makes your self defense round more effective. In my time helping as a CCW instructor, I've learned a lot. (And still have a lot more to learn.) But something I always tell people: Your best bet is a .45 230gr hollowpoint round. Preferably Remington Golden Saber JHP. Federal HydraShok JHP's pretty good, too. There's a reason the military used these rounds for a sidearm for as long as they did: Effectiveness.
1) At that size, the round is usually subsonic. Chance of overpenetration is nil. 2) There's not many people who could take a hit to the center of mass from that round even while wearing a bullet-proof vest without either getting knocked over winded. At the distance self defense fire is offered, the round imparts roughly 3-times the force of a heavyweight boxer's punch. 3) Because of the expansion of this round, the PCV and TCV's left in the bullet's wake are much more likely to leave your attacker fully incapacitated if they are not wearing a bullet proof vest.
stainless steel cat food/water dish, cheap waterhose, car wash bucket/w sponge. But of course that would show the house is abandoned right.
It amazes me that people will risk their lives or jail to steal such items as these. What's the retail value--$20? I need to wash my car and feed and water my cat, so I think I'll go jack the stuff I'll need off someone's porch down the street. Morons abound
Yeah, maybe for the thrill--or (in my best James Cagney film noir voice) 'just casin' the joint'. Cats don't much care what they eat or drink out of either.
I like to go to goodwill and watch the dumpesters, there about 30- 40 blacks that set out there all day wainting for them to toss stuff, when they bring out the shoes, about 200 pairs, nasty old shoes, large fights break out and shoes go flying all over the place, these people dress werid, very strange.
there was 0 crime before the housing market crash, but since homes have become cheap, the pond scum have been flooding in and now we have 2 cops dead, and black on black shootings everyday
So do you pay annual dues to be in the KKK and Aryan Nation? Do you get a multi-racist discount if you join both?
Thats a fact, of course depending somewhat on where you live. I have a police scanner that I leave on if nothings on tv and Im doing anything. Its rare to hear a description go out on a crime that says the suspect is white. Ive caught several robbers/muggers here myself cutting across my property to get to the woods...TacoBell, Kmart, McDs....there was even a 1pm rape last summer in the car wash next door (i didnt catch). Every one of them was black. A shotgun got them to stop. 2 were hiding in my back yard bushes...I just watched them on camera after I called the cops to tell them where they were. I heard a lot of sirens, police helicopter shining its spotlite down. I called and asked if anything was going on and they told me...then I told them they were hiding in my back yard and I was watching them. They came in from 3 sides and got them.
So do you pay annual dues to be in the KKK and Aryan Nation? Do you get a multi-racist discount if you join both?
I really, REALLY wish I could say he was full of **** ... but he's right about the crime. There's a huge blame on American history of course, but the Democrats certainly aren't really doing anything to change that... they would much rather have a dependent voting block. We need more focus on education, and not where the focus is on the teacher's union.
This article is probably the best way I've heard this explained. Even for those who are extremely well-practiced with their main defense tool, in a true firefight, they're still lucky to be 40% accurate at best. When you hit, you want it to impart maximum force on your target. FMJ's do have the penetration, but they don't generate the same shock a hollowpoint does. It's that shock that makes your self defense round more effective. In my time helping as a CCW instructor, I've learned a lot. (And still have a lot more to learn.) But something I always tell people: Your best bet is a .45 230gr hollowpoint round. Preferably Remington Golden Saber JHP. Federal HydraShok JHP's pretty good, too. There's a reason the military used these rounds for a sidearm for as long as they did: Effectiveness.
1) At that size, the round is usually subsonic. Chance of overpenetration is nil. 2) There's not many people who could take a hit to the center of mass from that round even while wearing a bullet-proof vest without either getting knocked over winded. At the distance self defense fire is offered, the round imparts roughly 3-times the force of a heavyweight boxer's punch. 3) Because of the expansion of this round, the PCV and TCV's left in the bullet's wake are much more likely to leave your attacker fully incapacitated if they are not wearing a bullet proof vest.
Dude, I'm a fan of the .45ACP, but if the bullet has enough force to knock down the target - it's going to knock down the shooter when you pull the trigger. ALL handgun rounds are under powered. Very few are capable of 1 hit physiological stops unless you hit CNS or vital organs. The advantage is the larger wound channel to induce greater trauma and blood loss to stop the attacker as quickly as possible.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: I really, REALLY wish I could say he was full of **** ... but he's right about the crime. There's a huge blame on American history of course, but the Democrats certainly aren't really doing anything to change that... they would much rather have a dependent voting block. We need more focus on education, and not where the focus is on the teacher's union.
I want to see the facts that he used to say 95%. I want to see this liberal state that will arrest you for reporting a black crime. I want to see it. I live in a suburb where as a white man, I am now in the minority. I see black on black crime every day. I see blacks committing a majority of the crime in my area. (But not 95%) Well, surprise, surprise...... They're the majority of the race in my area now! I live on a main county road. I see a lot of felony arrests in front of my house. I've seen a lot of cops at neighborhood houses making arrests. There are a lot of whites that have been hauled out by the cops in my neighborhood. I live in Minnesota, a very liberal state. I call and the cops are over to my house within 5-10 minutes.
Roger, you live just south of US 40 and Whitehall, right? http://zipatlas.com/us/oh/c...black-population.htm look at the percentage of blacks in your area. That couldn't have anything to do with who is causing the problems, could it?
I want to see the facts that he used to say 95%. I want to see this liberal state that will arrest you for reporting a black crime. I want to see it. I live in a suburb where as a white man, I am now in the minority. I see black on black crime every day. I see blacks committing a majority of the crime in my area. (But not 95%) Well, surprise, surprise...... They're the majority of the race in my area now! I live on a main county road. I see a lot of felony arrests in front of my house. I've seen a lot of cops at neighborhood houses making arrests. There are a lot of whites that have been hauled out by the cops in my neighborhood. I live in Minnesota, a very liberal state. I call and the cops are over to my house within 5-10 minutes.
Roger, you live just south of US 40 and Whitehall, right? http://zipatlas.com/us/oh/c...black-population.htm look at the percentage of blacks in your area. That couldn't have anything to do with who is causing the problems, could it?
No, of course not... he's exaggerating. But the crime is disproportionately caused by blacks, which only make up 12% of the population. There is still nearly (almost exactly) twice the amount of crime caused by whites... but 1/3rd of all violent crime in the US is caused by blacks, yet they only make up 12% of the population. When it comes to crimes against blacks, it's something like 80% black on black.
They generally don't give those statistics about Hispanics though, because that's not a race. Hispanics are either white, native Indian, or black.
Im actually off US 40 to the east of Whitehall (which now is mostly black). If you look at your map, Im right near 40 (Main St) and the Jack Nickalus Freeway (I-270) I dont know the proportions here, but its increased drastically in the last 5-10 years....as has crime. There has to be some correlation there. My high school, in the middle of both areas was all white, except for 2 black students (that were great btw). Now its all black for the most part, and known in the whole city as the biggest drug & crime infested high school in the city. Many of those students have been arrested with an increase of crimes in the area, mostly robberies, burlaries, murders and of course the drugs. They skip out on school to roam the neighborhoods in groups. Cops cant pick them up fast enough to keep up. They have also spread to the south of Whitehall too though. Theyve even closed many stores down due to all the new crime. One mall there just had a gunfight not too long ago, and they just had a bomb threat the other day. No one hardly goes to it anymore so almost all its stores are empty. Its completely surrounded by all black neighborhoods.
[This message has been edited by rogergarrison (edited 04-06-2014).]
There are no easy ways to post facts about crime without sounding "racist' that's why you never hear the police state them. I have lived in 3 cities in my life and have seen a huge jump in crime as the black population rises. If the cops do try to do anything the blacks scream racial profiling, and crime keeps going up.
Im actually off US 40 to the east of Whitehall (which now is mostly black). If you look at your map, Im right near 40 (Main St) and the Jack Nickalus Freeway (I-270) I dont know the proportions here, but its increased drastically in the last 5-10 years....as has crime. There has to be some correlation there. My high school, in the middle of both areas was all white, except for 2 black students (that were great btw). Now its all black for the most part, and known in the whole city as the biggest drug & crime infested high school in the city. Many of those students have been arrested with an increase of crimes in the area, mostly robberies, burlaries, murders and of course the drugs. They skip out on school to roam the neighborhoods in groups. Cops cant pick them up fast enough to keep up. They have also spread to the south of Whitehall too though. Theyve even closed many stores down due to all the new crime. One mall there just had a gunfight not too long ago, and they just had a bomb threat the other day. No one hardly goes to it anymore so almost all its stores are empty. Its completely surrounded by all black neighborhoods.
move up here Roger I think there are like 4 black families in the entire town. then you can get the opportunity to shoot at some targets that have faces you can se in the dark. I always thought it was because of the cold, but I know MI has a huge black population as well so I must be wrong about that. maybe its because you actually have to work up here to live, even if you steal things its a lot of work up here as most people don't care and just shoot first and ask questions later.
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 04-06-2014).]
It amazes me that people will risk their lives or jail to steal such items as these.
A few months ago here, a guy and his son (not black) were steeling copper wire while it was energized. The guy got killed but his son was not harmed. Darwin was right .....
[This message has been edited by PaulJK (edited 04-07-2014).]
Pointless Dan. Even if someone steals a whole car, your lucky to get them to come out and do a report. Even more so if I told them what was taken. Maaco behind me gets cars broken into or wheels stolen off them every week if they leave them outside. Sometimes they cant get everything in and Ill see a car or two setting outside. By the end of the weekend, theyre up on blocks. Ive even caught them trying to steal cement blocks off my lot to do it with. A friend of mine has a big garage a few doors down. He was charging the AC on a minivan with it running at his open overhead door in the middle of the afternoon. He went inside to answer the phone and when he came back out, the van was gone. They found it with a bunch of black teens joyriding around town and when they stopped it, they all scattered in all directions.
[This message has been edited by rogergarrison (edited 04-07-2014).]
We have a huge black population, and also 3 of the most dangerous cities in America. Go figure.
I think it has more to do with poverty, jobs, city infastructure, urban sprawl, etc....
Detroit, Flint and Saginaw are all related in one way.... the auto industry and the fall of that industry is the cause for much of the problems within these cities (especially Flint and Saginaw). Good paying jobs are gone, replaced by service jobs, which pay a lot less. People with skills and the means have left the area.