I don't know most of the details of this situation.
A guy says something on the phone to a woman. Maybe he said how he feels about a group of people. Why is this the world's business (other than the fact that she leaked this personal conversation) ?
He's not the leader of a group, saying things publically, influencing society. This was 'pillow-talk'.
I may not like what he said or what he supposedly believes, but doesn't he have the right to his own beliefs without million dollar fines and exile? I could see it if he said stuff in public at a press conference or something...
And they are looking at forcing the sale of the team.
I just don't get the double standard. There's plenty of examples of non-white public persons using blatantly racist words to describe and disparage (other races), and yet, I don't see this sort of penalty being assigned.
That's not to say I in any way think that what he said is OK, only that the double standard is ridiculous.
Also wondering if he knew he was being recorded, or if there was any expectation of privacy. Wiretapping laws violated?
[This message has been edited by dsnover (edited 04-29-2014).]
If an NBA player were to be caught out like this, making recorded statements that are blatantly racist--and the statements could be derogatory about blacks, or whites, or Asians, or whatever--it would be a news story and there would be repercussions. But it would probably stop at the point where the player issues an apology and agrees to undergo "sensitivity training" or something like that. The player could be fined a certain amount by the league office and forfeit some of his salary. Chump change to the player, although certainly not chump change to most of "us".
It's a bigger deal when it's a team owner--and it should be. I don't follow the NBA, but there are what--maybe 10 or 12 active players on an NBA team--whatever. But there's only one owner. It's a bigger deal, and rightly so.
I don't know most of the details of this situation.
A guy says something on the phone to a woman. Maybe he said how he feels about a group of people. Why is this the world's business (other than the fact that she leaked this personal conversation) ?
He's not the leader of a group, saying things publically, influencing society. This was 'pillow-talk'.
I may not like what he said or what he supposedly believes, but doesn't he have the right to his own beliefs without million dollar fines and exile? I could see it if he said stuff in public at a press conference or something...
I just don't understand it.
Your thoughts?
Well, he hasn't technically done anything "wrong" legally with respect to those comments... but the NBA is a business, and they can do whatever they want. For the benefit of the business and its players, they can enact punishment based on their own set of rules. When you own a sports team, you technically own a "franchise"... it would be like owning a Mc.Donalds (quite honestly). So while they can't force him to sell the assets (buildings, etc), they can force him to sell the franchise... which includes the names, the contracts to play in the stadium (if it's publicly owned), and the right to play a team in the NBA.
Also wondering if he knew he was being recorded, or if there was any expectation of privacy. Wiretapping laws violated?
First thing I thought of. There may very well be hell to pay for somebody,, but but but he said something mean so it's all good................
Not sure his reasoning for saying something like that but I have sure heard worse. Seams odd that he is in the shiittter for a private conversation, well it was private now it's public. Brings us back to the recording a phone call thing, oooops me bad I forgot it's about a racist so he has no rights, kind of ironic.
I heard them talking about the legality of the recording too. Id press charges on whoever recorded it if you could find out. I also thought we still had free speech. What you say to someone in private, like a GF is nobodys business. I agree with the above that its always against the white guy, never about Sharpton or someone saying the same things reversed. Why arent Sharpton and Jackson in prison or fined 2 million dollars ? I guess for them its all ok.
I find it kind of amusing that the Obama wasted no time condemning Sterling's private conversation as racist, yet he had no problem the listening to Revered Wright spew his hatred in public during the years he attended his church. But as someone already mentioned, when blacks say sort of comments, they are being "empowered". When a white guy does it, they are a racist.
[This message has been edited by loafer87gt (edited 04-29-2014).]
Sterling should pay everyone through last Friday, have his lawyers tell the NBA they won't ever get the fine or anything else, close the doors on whatever team office he has, walk away and never discuss the NBA again.
Sterling should pay everyone through last Friday, have his lawyers tell the NBA they won't ever get the fine or anything else, close the doors on whatever team office he has, walk away and never discuss the NBA again.
From what I hear, he is only a partial owner, not sure how many owners there are but some are his family members. I don't know any percentages either. Shieet, I don't know anything! I do know they can't force anybody else out nor can they dictate who he sells or gifts his shares to.
I might have failed to mention that what I heard that he said is pretty pathetic, what an idiot.
Or.. if you want the "Conspiracy" They've known for years who and what this guy is. It's not like he's been shy about talking about hookers and etc in the past. Now Magic want's to buy the team with his group and now all of a sudden it's OMG.. Who Knew??!!
Personally I see an 80yo rich guy who was slipping his gears let himself get taken by a gold digging mistress. He's stupid rich, and can probably send cash to pay the fine.. "Let it all burn" comes to mind, lock the doors, turn out the lights and go to the Bahamas and sue the Digger so hard even her stripper tips are confiscated.
I in no way condone or endorse what he said, but it was said in private and leaked by another party. This is getting pretty close to thought police territory. "I don't like spray tan, wops from Jersey".. boom lose your job and get fined.
Or.. if you want the "Conspiracy" They've known for years who and what this guy is. It's not like he's been shy about talking about hookers and etc in the past. Now Magic want's to buy the team with his group and now all of a sudden it's OMG.. Who Knew??!!
I heard on the radio a few minutes ago that he has always been this way, everybody has know about him, in fact he settle some race related thing once for 3 million.
Or.. if you want the "Conspiracy" They've known for years who and what this guy is. It's not like he's been shy about talking about hookers and etc in the past. Now Magic want's to buy the team with his group and now all of a sudden it's OMG.. Who Knew??!!
Personally I see an 80yo rich guy who was slipping his gears let himself get taken by a gold digging mistress. He's stupid rich, and can probably send cash to pay the fine.. "Let it all burn" comes to mind, lock the doors, turn out the lights and go to the Bahamas and sue the Digger so hard even her stripper tips are confiscated.
I in no way condone or endorse what he said, but it was said in private and leaked by another party. This is getting pretty close to thought police territory. "I don't like spray tan, wops from Jersey".. boom lose your job and get fined.
This is funny, that was the first thing I thought.
I heard a rumor that Donald Sterling was going to throw a banquet for the team and some NBA officials, to try and mend fences. Paula Deen will be cooking shrimp and white rice. Of course white wine will be served.
------------------ I speak English. Sue me.
[This message has been edited by NEPTUNE (edited 04-29-2014).]
So, everyone slamming Sterling for racist remarks, how about some of that hate and vitriol for racism on the other side of the aisle? Or is this not considered racism?
Knicks executive and former player Larry Johnson had a decidedly different but still strong reaction to the racially insensitive remarks Clippers owner Donald Sterling is alleged to have made.
On Saturday night, Johnson tweeted: “Black people your Focusing on the wrong thing. We should be focusing on having our own, Own team own League! To For Self!!’’
The initial indication was Johnson was calling for an all-African-American league complete with black ownership. It wasn’t the first time Johnson, who is black, concerned himself with the fact the NBA’s ownership is mostly white while its players are mostly black.
I assume its the same all over as here. its none stop on TV and has been for days, I can't believe it. If his players want to protest him why don't they return their paychecks? Bill Mayer says terrible things about Sara Palin and thats no problem, he is a team owner. Its political some, Obama and the media and Democrats want black people to think racism is getting worse so they will vote for Democrats.
Being as the NBA has put itself forth as the shining pillar of equality, hopefully they have the courage to tell the 78% of blacks that play in the league that their position might be in jeopardy in the name of affirmative action. Obviously, with only 17% of the players being Caucasian, there is a distinct disadvantage to people of the white persuasion, and the same exceptions that lets blacks of lesser cranial capacity into our colleges should be applied to whites of lesser physical capacity into the NBA in the name of fairness. A 50/50 ratio of whites to blacks should be enforced by the league to show that they are serious about racial equality. How this will affect Obama's draft picks is yet unknown.
[This message has been edited by loafer87gt (edited 04-30-2014).]
Originally posted by V8 Vega: I assume its the same all over as here. its none stop on TV and has been for days, I can't believe it. If his players want to protest him why don't they return their paychecks? Bill Mayer says terrible things about Sara Palin and thats no problem, he is a team owner. Its political some, Obama and the media and Democrats want black people to think racism is getting worse so they will vote for Democrats.
It's entertaining, but also the very antithesis of awe-inspiring, to see so many O/T posters trying to wield this story about an NBA franchise owner as if it were a Swiss Army Knife; trying to twist this story into an infinity of shapes, to serve as a platform for ranting about other issues that have absolutely no connection with this Donald Sterling thing.
There may be some valid observations surfacing here, about other topics and issues, but if someone has to piggyback their critique (Democrats? Obama? Bureau of Land Management..??) onto some other issue (Donald Sterling) where there's no logical connection--that's a rant.
Donald Sterling has been THE owner of the L.A. Clippers for 33 years, and is one of the few remaining that are the single owner of a major sports franchise. Almost all other major sports franchises today are owned by a group or partnership.
Bill Maher acquired a minority ownership stake in the New York Mets, and that was all of two years ago. Neither party has made a public disclosure, but judging from the media reports that I found, Maher has a measly 4% share of the Mets, if that much. No one thinks of Bill Maher as "the face" or "the man behind the curtain" of the New York Mets. No comparison here at all to the Sterling case.
As far as Bill Maher vs. Sarah Palin, some may see it as a case of one person (Bill Maher) lowering themselves into the gutter (at times, or all the time; YMMV)) to sling mud at another person (Sarah Palin), but there's no parallel here with Donald Sterling.
Rhetorical question: Has Bill Maher ever targeted an entire group like "whites", or "Alaskans", or "women", or "bitches", or "hoes" (whores), just to get at Sarah Palin?
Bill Maher voices opinions about a varied boatload of people. One of them happens to be Sarah Palin. Donald Sterling is now perceived as a bigot who has no respect for a large segment of his own country's demographic, based on nothing apart from skin color or genetic characteristics: The small variation in DNA that makes them look a little different than the general run of people that Donald Sterling strenuously prefers.
No comparison.
Contrary to some of the sentiments that seem to be emerging here, no one is granted by the Constitution the unalienable right to own an NBA franchise. That is to be determined by the NBA authority itself. Through whatever process that the NBA uses to regulate its operations.
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-30-2014).]
Only thing I heard is that he bought the Clippers franchise for $12 million back in the day. If force the sell, the team is worth a billion dollars. What a hell of an investment.
What I'm confused with is the whole married "slash" girlfriend arrangement. I think he is recently divorced from a long term marriage, but I'm not for certain.
But he is dating some half black half Hispanic chick half his age or something like that?
This guy has done NOTHING illegal. OK - he's a racist and says things that disgust people.
But because he is rich, owns an NBA team, is kinda "famous", it seems they have to make an example of him. I guess the NBA is going out of their way to say "the REST of us aren't like HIM. OUR organization believes in equality and doesn't tolerate views like this".
So it's time to run him out of town on a rail to distance themselves (and the organization) from him.
If this keeps up, the government will have to start setting up "re-education camps" for people who have Politically Incorrect views.
I just don't get the double standard. There's plenty of examples of non-white public persons using blatantly racist words to describe and disparage (other races), and yet, I don't see this sort of penalty being assigned.
That's not to say I in any way think that what he said is OK, only that the double standard is ridiculous.
Some thoughts on that. This guy just had one of those jobs, people like to use them as examples / scapegoating.
"Process in which the mechanisms of projection or displacement are utilized in focusing feelings of aggression, hostility, frustration, etc., upon another individual or group;
Projection: Unwanted thoughts and feelings can be unconsciously projected onto another who becomes a scapegoat for one's own problems. This concept can be extended to projection by groups. In this case the chosen individual, or group, becomes the scapegoat for the group's problems.
A scapegoat may be an adult, sibling, child, employee, peer, ethnic or religious group, or country. A whipping boy, identified patient or "fall guy" are forms of scapegoat.
scapegoating serves as a psychological relief for a group of people"
B]Originally posted by fierosound:[/B] This guy has done NOTHING illegal. OK - he's a racist and says things that disgust people.
But because he is rich, owns an NBA team, is kinda "famous", it seems they have to make an example of him. I guess the NBA is going out of their way to say "the REST of us aren't like HIM. OUR organization believes in equality and doesn't tolerate views like this".
So it's time to run him out of town on a rail to distance themselves (and the organization) from him.
If this keeps up, the government will have to start setting up "re-education camps" for people who have Politically Incorrect views.
I don't see why you are hinting about or dragging (in a small way) the government into this. I would guess that you are thinking specifically of the federal government. And more specifically of the Obama administration. But whatever the case (about that), what does this have to do with the government?
It also seems like you are sort of grudging or not fully approving of how the NBA is handling this, by suspending this doofus for life and vowing to find a way to terminate his ownership of the team. What else would you expect the NBA to do? What this Sterling doofus said on tape is just too blatant and over the top for the NBA to take any lesser action against him and retain even a shred of credibility as a fair-minded organization.
Moving on to a more general comment about this discussion, in as far as how his words came to be recorded and then made public, that's another issue; but could anyone reasonably expect the NBA management to say "We are not going to react to this because Mr. Sterling thought that his comments would remain private between himself and Ms. Stivano." Really?
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 04-30-2014).]
“The Racist” gave $50,000 to the Los Angeles Black Business Association “The Racist” gave $50,000 to the United Negro College Fund “The Racist” started a charity called the Sterling Foundation which has given massive grants to the NAACP – including 80,000 tickets “The Racist” was given the NAACP’s “President’s Award” in 2008 “The Racist” was awarded a lifetime achievement award by the NAACP in 2009 “The Racist” was scheduled to be given another NAACP Lifetime Achievement Award next month for 2014
Again, not to approve of what he was (illegally?) recorded saying, but it does appear that he was pushed HARD by the mistress.
There is a lesson to be learned here. It's not that we shouldn't be racist, but rather, that many men have lost great fortunes and huge empires because of affairs with younger (catty) women......
Democrats? Does anyone think that any significant number of prominent Republicans or Tea Partiers or anyone that's not a Democrat wants to be associated in any public way with Donald Sterling?
Donald Sterling could put an end to this media barrage very quickly. By announcing that he is going to terminate his ownership and sell the franchise to whoever.
He's just a doofus. Maybe he's lost most of his faculties.
I don't see why you are hinting about or dragging (in a small way) the government into this. I would guess that you are thinking specifically of the federal government. And more specifically of the Obama administration. But whatever the case (about that), what does this have to do with the government?
Yup, this is not about free speech or the government... it is about the NBA and their rules as an organization. I thought people here were all for organizations/businesses having the right to run it how they see fit. Does that not apply here? NBA made a choice... if you don't like it, complain to the NBA, it is their rule.
He's just a doofus. Maybe he's lost most of his faculties.
This, and a whole other list of morons aligned to give us this amazing coverage of an old rich guy being filmed by a young wanna be rich girl. I believe I will sit here all day in this chair and read/blog about this **** that I did not even know existed in our society. That, or I will enjoy the 75* weather and sunshine. Sit here in anticipation for my answer...
I think the fine is pretty ridiculous. I also think what he said was ridiculous.
But it's the NBA. Their decision. I couldn't care less. So some dude said some racist remarks and his company fined him and basically put him on paid leave (ban without forced to sell). Who cares? This whole thing is stupid.
I havent paid much attention, mainly because sports like basketball are of no interest to me anyway. To each his own though. I didnt hear him say anything negative about blacks in general...all I heard is he was pizzed about his 'girl friend' promoting herself hanging out with blacks by taking pics with some black stars, etc. I could say the same thing to my gf if I wanted, if she was hanging out with muslims I didnt like. Whose business is it but mine and hers ? I hate thieves too and not afraid to say it. Should I be arrested or fined for saying it ?
Please explain the Donald Sterling scandal to me... by TheDigitalAlchemist
I could care less, this PC world we live in has gone just to far, it was a conversation between two consenting adults, probably recorded with a hidden microphone by his so called girlfriend, who is like 1/4 his age and nothing but a gold digger out to get some more of his money, Who give a crap!
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't