Figgured I'd start another dog thread, this one about amazing stuff dogs do that nobody ever trained them for.
I had one, a black lab/ collie/ shep that we got as a puppy (and I mean not even housebroken-yet-level puppy)
The was nothing "extraordinary" until I took up airsoft when she was about 3-4. BUT, as soon as she saw a gun in my hand, she would dis-arm me and go put it in another room then come back and sit there. It didn't matter if it was a pistol, smg, or long-gun she would jump up, take it out of my hands and disappear with it. Almost like saying "you cant have that". A ruler or level or anything similar in your hand brought no reaction, it had to be a gun. (YUP, we tried with different gun-shaped stuff and it didnt work)
Anybody watching would have sworn she was cop or military trained for disarming, but as we had had her from a pup that is not possible.
Anybody else have a dog do strange stuff like that without being trained ?
The dog must have belonged to Nancy Pelosi in its prior life. (It makes me ill just to type her name!!)
One of my brothers had a white German shepherd that he got as a pup and it took to catching a Frisbees with little to no training. That might be more natural than disarming someone though.
Mine learned on his own how to get the margarine off the counter. My wife forgot something one day and I ran back into the house. I caught the little snot pushing a chair up to the counter. The part that amazed me was that he would put the chair back when he was done so we wouldn't know how he did it.
My dogs memory amazes me. She is a shelter dog Gr Shep/Norwegian Elkhound.
She will drop a "toy" out on our 3 acres and two days later I can say get your shoe or whatever. She thinks about it for 10-20 sec. and then runs off and comes back with it. She also can figure out how to get to something if there are multiple way to get to it and a couple are blocked. She will try each one once until she finds the right one. She also like to wash my ears while I'm laying under a car. All you can do is laugh.
when Melanie and I first started living together she gave me a white German Shepard that she got from someone who had locked her in their garage for the first 6 months of her life. she was my dog, she went fishing with me, went shooting with me, went everywhere with me. took us 6 more months to house train her. but she was my dog. well Melanie would grab my hand and slap herself with it, really ask her she will tell you the same thing.
anyway she would slap Herself with my hand and say, "Nicky get the bad daddy."
Well the dam dog would grab me by the arm, never left any marks or broke the skin but she would grab my arm and pull it away from her mommy.
She was my dam dog, after we got her house trained if I took her out to go potty and told her Sh!t, she would crouch down and take a dump where ever she was almost instantly. but if Melanie took my arm and hit herself with my arm and said, "Bad daddy"