I had to run to the feed store today for some cutting discs and the way I came back I had to drive down main street threw the college campus and one of those little twits stood on the sidewalk and I saw he was just standing there and looked around and looked to be waiting for the walk light they have on the crosswalk but then without warning just jumped off the sidewalk and ran walk right in front of me to the point that I had to jack up on the brakes. Now I couldn't have been doing 20 MPH and its a 30 MPH zone but I always go slower threw there because I know they always do that.
But it is beginning to get on my nerves, I am hurting big time because of the car I have been working on the brakes. My back is really killing me and I ain't in the best of moods today to say the least. But WTF is wrong we these kids, he obviously can read, I mean he is in college so he kind of has to, right. There are signs there to push the button for the walk light and there is a light right there. but do they wait, NOOOOOOOOOO! WTF I can't wait for school to get out and these kids go home.
Its a dam good thing I wasn't driving the suburban with a real heavy load of feed in it, even at the slow speed I was driving I could have never stopped in time. The little basturd ! I hit the horn and he never even looked at me, like I was not worth his time. WTF is wrong with these kids in college?
We have logging trucks that go threw town all the time and one of those little Basturds does that they ain't going to be happy about it.
Just had to vent.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't
Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 05-06-2014).]
Theyve had a bunch of jaywalkers killed here recently. They dont wait for a light, or cross anywhere outside a crosswalk. Cops now are making a big point of ticketing them. They have walking officers to pass out the $100 tickets. OSU campus is right on the main north-south street and mobs just cross anywhere.
the way you talk about college kids they probably have all your info and tweet your where abouts just so thay can do this to you and make you angry. It worked
the way you talk about college kids they probably have all your info and tweet your where abouts just so thay can do this to you and make you angry. It worked
You know, Steve, you could have gone to college and been a engineer. But nooooo . . .
Steve, upset at some college kids, OMG COLOR ME SURPRISED!
You know what I get pissed at? Elderly drivers. Maybe once they hurt their backs a lot and get on disability we should ban them from driving. Seriously, these fkrs wanna just road rage and run over pedestrians? That's just unstable--we can't have that! Driving 20 in a 30. Probably getting a line of impatient people behind you, creating traffic.
This is a joke, right? I mean this fits your past posts just a little too perfectly. This has to be a joke.
Steve, upset at some college kids, OMG COLOR ME SURPRISED!
You know what I get pissed at? Elderly drivers. Maybe once they hurt their backs a lot and get on disability we should ban them from driving. Seriously, these fkrs wanna just road rage and run over pedestrians? That's just unstable--we can't have that! Driving 20 in a 30. Probably getting a line of impatient people behind you, creating traffic.
This is a joke, right? I mean this fits your past posts just a little too perfectly. This has to be a joke.
I've been called worse by better people, and they were right too.
no its not a joke, well maybe it was to him.
I said I was doing 20 in a 30 because these kids do this all the time. don't look and just walk out into traffic and no there was no one behind me, small town in Maine. Google where I live, I think they even have a street view of main st. technically he was J walking, walking against the light in a cross walk. so I probably could have got away with running the little fkr over. but that's not me, I just biatch about it.
Originally posted by Hank is Here: I guess he must not have been an engineering student; if he were an engineer I guess you would have hit the gas?
Ayup, one less idiot, over educated know it all with not a clue about life.
Originally posted by heybjorn:
You know, Steve, you could have gone to college and been a engineer. But nooooo . . .
what and became one more idiot with an education and no real life experiences,
screw that, I am perfectly happy with what I did and learned after high school and made a dam good living at it, paid off all my homes ahead of time and was never without work if I didn't want to be, I didn't buy Mc Mansions with $3,000 a month payments only to lose it after some other moron with an education thought it was a great idea to run the company into the ground because he still got his Golden Parachute.
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 05-06-2014).]
You know what I get pissed at? Elderly drivers. Maybe once they hurt their backs a lot and get on disability we should ban them from driving. Seriously, these fkrs wanna just road rage and run over pedestrians? That's just unstable--we can't have that! Driving 20 in a 30. Probably getting a line of impatient people behind you, creating traffic.
Ill agree lots of elderly drivers should give up their license. Usually the worst they do is drive too slow...below the speed limit. Some like me drive the speed limit so were not in your way unless your trying to break the law. College kids, as well as teens and 20somethings think the world owes them the road. They speed excessively, drive drunk or on drugs, always run stop signs, ignore yield signs, cant stay in one lane for more than 100 yards, and yes walk right off a curb in front of you. I hit a girl with my mirror on the van that walked off a curb reading texts, into my 4 lane road and didnt bother to look anywhere. Luckily she just got knocked down ... and didnt damage my van. I think they should change the law to make minimum driving age 30 myself.
Ill agree lots of elderly drivers should give up their license. Usually the worst they do is drive too slow...below the speed limit. Some like me drive the speed limit so were not in your way unless your trying to break the law. College kids, as well as teens and 20somethings think the world owes them the road. They speed excessively, drive drunk or on drugs, always run stop signs, ignore yield signs, cant stay in one lane for more than 100 yards, and yes walk right off a curb in front of you. I hit a girl with my mirror on the van that walked off a curb reading texts, into my 4 lane road and didnt bother to look anywhere. Luckily she just got knocked down ... and didnt damage my van. I think they should change the law to make minimum driving age 30 myself.
Originally posted by rogergarrison: College kids, as well as teens and 20somethings think the world owes them the road. They speed excessively, drive drunk or on drugs, always run stop signs, ignore yield signs, cant stay in one lane for more than 100 yards, and yes walk right off a curb in front of you.
I think you just described the majority of drivers, not just younger people.
Just did a quick google, didn't look to hard and just grabbed the first link from a California report. You might want to raise your age limit by another 5 years.
The laws sure do vary on where a pedestrian can legally cross a street. Here a crosswalk is any intersection where a pedestrian decides to cross, marked or unmarked.
And: "... a pedestrian is crossing the roadway in a crosswalk when any part or extension of the pedestrian, including but not limited to any part of the pedestrians body, wheelchair, cane, crutch or bicycle, moves onto the roadway in a crosswalk with the intent to proceed."
The laws sure do vary on where a pedestrian can legally cross a street. Here a crosswalk is any intersection where a pedestrian decides to cross, marked or unmarked.
And: "... a pedestrian is crossing the roadway in a crosswalk when any part or extension of the pedestrian, including but not limited to any part of the pedestrians body, wheelchair, cane, crutch or bicycle, moves onto the roadway in a crosswalk with the intent to proceed."
Here he could have gotten a j walking ticket for not waiting for the light, even though he was in a crosswalk, because it had a light and walk don't walk signal as well as the button for the twit to push and cross safely.
"Jaywalking" is not a legally defined term in Oregon law. It does not mean crossing a street mid-block.
The Oregon Vehicle Code states that it is illegal for pedestrians to:
• Cross a street against a traffic signal; • Cross the street outside of a crosswalk without yielding to vehicular traffic; • Cross the street outside of a crosswalk at an intersection; and • Proceed in a crosswalk in a manner that causes an immediate hazard to an approaching motor vehicle.
I think the first and last bullet points would apply to your situation if it happened here.
Ill agree lots of elderly drivers should give up their license. Usually the worst they do is drive too slow...below the speed limit. Some like me drive the speed limit so were not in your way unless your trying to break the law. College kids, as well as teens and 20somethings think the world owes them the road. They speed excessively, drive drunk or on drugs, always run stop signs, ignore yield signs, cant stay in one lane for more than 100 yards, and yes walk right off a curb in front of you. I hit a girl with my mirror on the van that walked off a curb reading texts, into my 4 lane road and didnt bother to look anywhere. Luckily she just got knocked down ... and didnt damage my van. I think they should change the law to make minimum driving age 30 myself.
I drive the speed limit.
Yes, I've gotten a lot of tickets. I got tired of getting tickets. So I follow the law now to a T. I'll admit it shouldn't have taken me so long to learn my lesson. At least I always kept it safe. Most of my speeding tickets were within 5 miles of the limit.
But the worst the elderly do is straight not know what's going on. They see in front of them, but they don't see the truck about to run the stoplight turning right and cut off the person with a green. They don't see the guy speeding up to the left of them to pass. They don't see the pedestrian about to cross the street legally when making their right hand turn.
I've avoided more accidents that would have been caused by 40 year olds than I can count. You may be a safe driver, but there are unsafe drivers of all ages out there. It's a dangerous place. Don't get comfortable thinking that you are some hot **** driver. Someone else could come around that corner without looking and in a flash you'll be in an accident. And you'll say it wasn't your fault, and maybe that's true, but most accidents are avoidable.
The point is (and I'm talking mostly to Steve here), quit blaming others for your problems in life. Get over it. Your speeches are dull now. We've heard it. You don't like the idiot college kids, whoop-de-do. It's just tiring and boring. Learn to roll with the punches already. Most in life have figured that out, but maybe it was something I just had to pick up in college
Originally posted by theBDub: The point is (and I'm talking mostly to Steve here), quit blaming others for your problems in life. Get over it. Your speeches are dull now. We've heard it. You don't like the idiot college kids, whoop-de-do. It's just tiring and boring. Learn to roll with the punches already. Most in life have figured that out, but maybe it was something I just had to pick up in college
For a 25 year old you are wise beyond your years Dub, problem is you think you are wiser than you actually are, that can come around and bite you in the ass. Something that I have said about those who go to college many times,
"They think they know it all, but haven't got a clue about life in general, yet think they know it all."
I put together a few pictures from Google earth, Street view walking threw main St. right where this happened. Seems I was wrong, big surprise huh kid, I admit it, I was wrong. the speed limit in the area I was is 20 MPH, I will repeat that, 20 MPH I was wrong I thought it was 30. But I guess because of the congestion of college buildings and stupidity of the same students that just walk out into the street without ever looking because they think they are privileged because they are college students. Now I am not saying they are all that way, every couple of years Melanie gets an intern or 2 who are taking classes for animal assisted therapy, that Melanie has been doing for several decades that are smarter than the average bear so to speak. And then she gets the ones that are dumber than a brick, sorry brick I really shouldn't insult a brick who I think is smarter than many college students. We have to deal with a lot of college professors because of that, and even more college students, Melanie has even been a guest speaker at the college for that class, she was also a college student and graduate, Me I never graduated high school, but I did go to college, worst 6 months of my life at 30 years old. that is when I learned the saying,
"Those who can do, those who can't teach!"
now before someone gets on me about that saying I am or My Wife is a teacher, I am not talking about grade, and high school teachers, I am talking about college professors.
Sure I am an old man to you, 59 and at your age I thought anyone over 30 could not be trusted, I guess it is part of being young and thinking you know it all and we all think that at that age. then that college education doesn't help that thought process ether by giving you a little bit of information in a very narrow field. But it doesn't teach you about life now does it, only living it can do that.
now back to the jay walking college student, this is where he walked out in front of me.
I was traveling south on main St.
Now look at the steed limit sign below the direction sign, the speed limit is actually 20 MPH
now this is where it happened, note the lights and signs.
Ill agree lots of elderly drivers should give up their license. Usually the worst they do is drive too slow...below the speed limit. Some like me drive the speed limit so were not in your way unless your trying to break the law. College kids, as well as teens and 20somethings think the world owes them the road. They speed excessively, drive drunk or on drugs, always run stop signs, ignore yield signs, cant stay in one lane for more than 100 yards, and yes walk right off a curb in front of you. I hit a girl with my mirror on the van that walked off a curb reading texts, into my 4 lane road and didnt bother to look anywhere. Luckily she just got knocked down ... and didnt damage my van. I think they should change the law to make minimum driving age 30 myself.
(2nd time to ask this) As a former USAF pilot, did you not have a college degree?
The only thing worse than being young and believing ya "know it all" or more than anyone else, is to be old and have the same false and misplaced attitude.
The thing about J walking is, even if they are crossing illegally.. if you hit them you get in trouble.
Ya but less trouble than if they are legally crossing. hey don't get me wrong I could actually care less if the little twits get run over, its their fault for not looking both ways before ever crossing the street. hey the kids think like I said those kids in that movie grown ups 2, the frat boys who feel they are so much better than anyone else in town. funny thing is I know personally at least 3 people in town with no college degrees that are millionaires many times over and have more common sense than to do what these kids do, and they drive non descript older cars, not brand new hundred thousand dollar cars. they have more sense than these kids. hell my mentally handicapped daughter knows enough to look both ways before crossing the street.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't
Originally posted by 1988holleyformula: This is comical Steve. I can't believe the strife that bold crosswalker has caused you.
I wouldn't call it strife more like they just piss me off for being so stupid and not about hurting someone else or themselves. you know I said logging trucks drive down that road and trying to stop one of those is not like trying to stop a pickup truck.
Do all the cars on that street have the yellow stripe?
Here is an idea, Steve: you be responsible enough to recognize that everyone around you may be concentrating on something other than the street. Drive accordingly. The speed limit set by the city has no bearing on this. Now, the pedestrians in the area need to concentrate on getting across the road safely, by recognizing that cars represent the threat of injury or death. Not concentrate on texting, or answering the phone, or dinner, or whatever. Then both groups have no problem, but, the failure of one group here does not relieve the other of responsibility.
Responsibility. Great word, great concept. If only we could see fit to apply it to every condition and situation. Then all of these problems, in fact, all of our problems, would disappear. Responsibility, though, is not merely that we do what is right for us, we have to do what is right for others. That Golden Rule thing. The responsible act is the act that treats others as we want to be treated. Try this, Steve, go be a pedestrian a day or two.
The responsible act is the act that treats others as we want to be treated. Try this, Steve, go be a pedestrian a day or two.
I wonder if they ever try doing that, then I will be surprised. and anytime I go down town I am a pedestrian and look both ways I have to, just to go from one place to another, small town, few parking spaces and when the kids are in school even less and then add to that the tourists whop at least look both ways before crossing the street. one of the reasons I rarely go to down town, its to dam congested.
How about we teach the college kids that, "Treat others the way they want to be treated." the thing is most of them, like I said feel just like the frat boys in the movie Grownups 2. they are so much better than everyone else, they disserve special treatment, they don't have to follow the rules. they are so much better than everyone else.
Originally posted by maryjane:
You might want to re-word that.......as is, it sounds rather self incriminating.
"I wouldn't call it strife, it's more like they just piss me because THEY are so stupid."
Ayup I meant to say caring, STML, remember I forget as soon as I write or say something, wouldn't that sentence have made more sense with the word caring in it?
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 05-07-2014).]
How about we teach the college kids that, "Treat others the way they want to be treated." the thing is most of them, like I said feel just like the frat boys in the movie Grownups 2. they are so much better than everyone else, they disserve special treatment, they don't have to follow the rules. they are so much better than everyone else.
It used to be taught a lot more often.
"Do to others as you would have them do to you." Luke 6:31
"In everything, therefore, treat people the same way you want them to treat you, for this is the Law and the Prophets." Matthew 7:12
"For the entire law is fulfilled in keeping this one command: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Galatians 5:14
Originally posted by heybjorn:
Responsibility. Great word, great concept. If only we could see fit to apply it to every condition and situation. Then all of these problems, in fact, all of our problems, would disappear. Responsibility, though, is not merely that we do what is right for us, we have to do what is right for others. That Golden Rule thing. The responsible act is the act that treats others as we want to be treated. Try this, Steve, go be a pedestrian a day or two.
“Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?” Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.” Matthew 22:36-40
[This message has been edited by 2.5 (edited 05-07-2014).]