I have not watched the video, it was removed,?! media blackout?
Are you just pretending to be this... confused?
Originally posted by Patrick:
If you haven't seen the video he recorded before he went on his rampage, have a look at it HERE. Too bad he had to slaughter innocent people before he checked out.
It is the cruel heartless atheist killers that set me off !! they have killed over 200,000,000 the rise of atheisim brought all these angry moron atheist Killers ,HOW MANY INNOCENT MUST SUFFER DEATH BEFORE YOUR BRAIN ACTIVATES ???
Don't worry. You are in good company here on PFF. There are plenty of Christians on here who agree with your no tolerance of others views.
As indicated that your rating bar is trending green only affirms that many neo-American Evangelical Born-Again closed minded Christians are with you. You are in greater numbers than any other group, second to Christian Posers.
Don't worry. You are in good company here on PFF. There are plenty of Christians on here who agree with your no tolerance of others views.
As indicated that your rating bar is trending green only affirms that many neo-American Evangelical Born-Again closed minded Christians are with you. You are in greater numbers than any other group, second to Christian Posers.
So, Christian Posers.. Are they the ones that are just live and let live rather than "neo-American Evangelical Born-Again closed minded Christians"?
Because personally, I am Christian but I don't like the views Stan expresses. So I'm wondering if I'm just a poser?
[This message has been edited by Khw (edited 05-25-2014).]
Yup, no doubt a card carrying Democrat. You can tell by the sense of entitlement in the video Patrick posted. Too bad people don't realize liberalism for the sickness it is, and treat it accordingly so that other horrific acts like this can be prevented.
Too bad people don't realize liberalism for the sickness it is...
Honestly, some of you guys are just too much. If only you had any idea how simple you sound spouting off like that.
It's too bad though that you feel the need to jump on this bandwagon anytime you think it might win you some political brownie points (from your fellow myopics)... even after a cold blooded slaughter. Weird.
Honestly, some of you guys are just too much. If only you had any idea how simple you sound spouting off like that.
It's too bad though that you feel the need to jump on this bandwagon anytime you think it might win you some political brownie points (from your fellow myopics)... even after a cold blooded slaughter. Weird.
I understand your point. But one of the victims father has already started the political parade the victims media frenzy now.
Sunday talk shows are already talking about mental health legislation and gun control.
It isn't PFF, it's everybody else that made it political.
Haa, his father is blaming gun owners and NRA for his sons rampage and death, Wants more gun bans, shows you want kind of piece of **** his father is.. I thought it was one of victims fathers coming on tv, because they called the killer a victim ? what ****ing bullshit.
I can understand that the father would say something like this after his son is killed. However, the first three victims of this nut case were killed with a knife. I don't see anyone jumping up and saying we should ban all knives. Or what about all the people that were injured by the car. No one is asking to ban cars are they?
Emotional reactions right after the occurrence of something like this are to be expected. Obviously though the father of the shooter asked police to check him out in an attempt to get him in a hospital for his and everyone else's safety. His psychiatrist or social worker also asked the police to check on him. But, when the police came he put up a great front and convinced them that he was not dangerous to himself or others. In his manifesto he related that if they would have asked to look around his room he would have been caught out.
Right now I don't want to judge anyone around this young guy, not the police, not the mental health system, not the parents nor his friends. It is too early to know anything for sure. Let's wait until we actually get some information about him and what others have done to him and around him.
Having said that I would bet that he is on some kind of psychiatric drug. Most of these mass killing murders have been. We will just have to wait and see if that is a part of this too.
I understand your point. But one of the victims father has already started the political parade the victims media frenzy now.
Sunday talk shows are already talking about mental health legislation and gun control.
I don't have a problem with sane people with no criminal record owning a gun. However, I do have a problem with any nutcase having access to them.
There is a segment of (mostly US) society that believes that there should be no restrictions on who owns a gun. I guess they figure superior firepower by the "good guys" will win out eventually. In the meantime however, innocent men, women and children get mowed down on a regular basis. This is what rational people have an issue with. Mental health legislation and gun control doesn't sound all that bad to me.
Originally posted by Wichita:
It isn't PFF, it's everybody else that made it political.
You know and I know that there is a core group here that just can't get enough of "left" against "right". It's like they enjoy the divisiveness. I find it regressive and tiresome.
...the first three victims of this nut case were killed with a knife. I don't see anyone jumping up and saying we should ban all knives. Or what about all the people that were injured by the car. No one is asking to ban cars are they?
I don't buy that argument. Cars and (most) knives are used for more than just killing. We need them in our everyday lives, unless we wish to walk everywhere and/or chew on an entire cow. However, most of us can live our entire lives just fine without possession of a gun. It's an apples and oranges thing.
I'm not for the banning of all guns, but I'm certainly for the regulation of them to some degree. Even to drive a car, we need to demonstrate our ability before getting a license.
Well, I just found another news post that says the aunt of the shooter, who lives overseas, is now out with a statement wanting more gun control. And in that article it mentions that the father of the shooter said something about gun control too.
I don't buy that argument. Cars and (most) knives are used for more than just killing. We need them in our everyday lives, unless we wish to walk everywhere and/or chew on an entire cow. However, most of us can live our entire lives just fine without possession of a gun. It's an apples and oranges thing.
I'm not for the banning of all guns, but I'm certainly for the regulation of them to some degree. Even to drive a car, we need to demonstrate our ability before getting a license.
Patrick: I don't buy your argument. First off I was stating facts about who got killed and by what. Secondly guns can be used for other than killing. Try shooting sports where no one gets killed or how about for hunting. And then the real kicker is that guns are our right as citizens of this country.
I don't think that people that are on psychotic drugs should have guns, nor do I think that someone with mental problems should have guns.
But, there is a limit to how the mental state can be ascribed to cause someone to not be able to have guns. I believe that is a fear that many who are pro guns have. I don't for a minute think that some of our politicians would even blink if they could get away with declaring those who are conservative, right wing, constitutionalists or other pejoratives against those who would stand against the elite Democrats and Republicans who want to completely control this country, unfit mentally to have the use of a gun.
But, there is a limit to how the mental state can be ascribed to cause someone to not be able to have guns. I believe that is a fear that many who are pro guns have.
Such as a post awhile back were it was suggested, I think by a politician, that anyone with a prescription for antidepressants be excluded from owning guns. As I stated there, what about people like me who are prescribed antidepressants not because we suffer from depression but because in small doses they help anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication work better? The NSAID I take is for arthritis. It has nothing whatsoever to do with my mental capacity.
Such as a post awhile back were it was suggested, I think by a politician, that anyone with a prescription for antidepressants be excluded from owning guns. As I stated there, what about people like me who are prescribed antidepressants not because we suffer from depression but because in small doses they help anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication work better? The NSAID I take is for arthritis. It has nothing whatsoever to do with my mental capacity.
I would worry about that application on a strictly legalistic basis along with the idea that political motivation to declare someone mentally ill is always a possibility. That last point is what I worry about.
Secondly guns can be used for other than killing. Try shooting sports where no one gets killed or how about for hunting.
Animals aren't killed when hunted down there? Cool.
What kind of "shooting sports" are there besides forms of target practice? And isn't target practice basically to enable a quicker, more efficient kill?
Originally posted by MadMark:
And then the real kicker is that guns are our right as citizens of this country.
IMO, as long as that applies to every US citizen, including the psychologically unstable, there will continue to be tragedies such as this last one. At some point your country may have to re-evaluate whether this "right" is worth retaining as it is indefinitely.
Mark, I appreciate your calm, civil responses. We're not that far removed in our opinions.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 05-26-2014).]
The law been around for 300 years, but all of sudden whack jobs start shooting people for no reason? Come on, smell the roses, Someone is behind this increase in mass shootings, either be drugs the doctors are giving these people, or the government trying to disarm us by having these whack jobs go out and kill people.
Originally posted by Patrick:
IMO, as long as that applies to every US citizen, including the psychologically unstable, there will continue to be tragedies such as this last one. At some point your country may have to re-evaluate whether this "right" is worth retaining as it is indefinitely.
Mark, I appreciate your calm, civil responses. We're not that far removed in our opinions.
IMO, as long as that applies to every US citizen, including the psychologically unstable, there will continue to be tragedies such as this last one. At some point your country may have to re-evaluate whether this "right" is worth retaining as it is indefinitely.
Mark, I appreciate your calm, civil responses. We're not that far removed in our opinions.
I don't think we are too far from agreement, other than I believe that we in the US have a constitutional right to have firearms. We have that right since it is to hold off an overbearing government. Our founders were more frightened by an over whelming statist government that they set up our rights to have arms. These arms were not just for hunting or target practice, but were for defense not only from others, but from the government. We certainly do have some mass murderers running around and will continue to have them into the future. What brings someone to the point where they have no compassion, no empathy and no emotion for any other human beings is what is causing this problem as it has in the past. Do we have more or less than 100 years ago? I don't know, but I have seen some statistics that say it is decreasing, but with the all pervasive media we know about a lot more of the ones that do happen. Also, if it bleeds it leads mentality in the mass media doesn't help either.
Could there be something going on that is causing more of these mostly young white males to go off the tracks and commit these kind of crimes? I am sure that there is something, whether it is because of upbringing, medicating our young instead of dealing with them, or that the me and me only influence of our society I don't know. I do know that things like ADD and ADHD are certainly more prevalent than in previous centuries. Maybe we just didn't recognize it, but I think there is something else there. What could it be caused by? Maybe GMO food, the extremely high intake of sugar in our diets these day, maybe even vaccines, who knows. We certainly have not done any or much research into the causes of these problems. So we medicate with a wide variety of psycho active drugs. Most of these mass murderers are taking these type of drugs. Are they a cause or just a coincidence? Remember correlation does not mean causation.
Could it be the dismantling of our mental health system? That is another possibility. We used to have all kinds of mental health facilities that people with mental problems were locked away in. Now they are mainstreamed. Is that good or bad or a combination of good and bad?
I certainly don't have the answers, but it is obvious to me that there is no one solution. And to just go off emotionally and try to get rid of guns will not solve the problem. In this case at least 3 of the victims were killed by a knife, so the tool used in not the problem, it is the heart and mind of the criminal that is the problem.
Originally posted by Khw: Such as a post awhile back were it was suggested, I think by a politician, that anyone with a prescription for antidepressants be excluded from owning guns. As I stated there, what about people like me who are prescribed antidepressants not because we suffer from depression but because in small doses they help anti-inflammatory (NSAID) medication work better? The NSAID I take is for arthritis. It has nothing whatsoever to do with my mental capacity.
Well that explains a lot of your posts, You do know that drugs affect different people differently no matter what the dosage right and many people have adverse reactions to small dosages as well as the opposite.
Just messing with you, or am I.
Originally posted by nickbrown:
The law been around for 300 years, but all of sudden whack jobs start shooting people for no reason? Come on, smell the roses, Someone is behind this increase in mass shootings, either be drugs the doctors are giving these people, or the government trying to disarm us by having these whack jobs go out and kill people.
there is not enough tinfoil in the world to make a hat that would help you!
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 05-26-2014).]
When someone's immediate reaction to their son's death is a political statement... You know, kind of like Trayvon Martin's mother trademark filing... http://www.nydailynews.com/...th-article-1.1051304
I guess money makes the grief easier to bear.
Why cut a grieving father some slack and centre your distane for maybe the killer or a more suitable person.
No ones coming for your guns, if Sandy Hook and a majority of people couldn't make some simple changes to the laws this won't either.
Let us know how much money Trayvon's parents made and what they are doing with all of it.
[This message has been edited by newf (edited 05-26-2014).]
We all killed him. It takes a village, dude! Kum-by-freekin'-yah!
Elliot Rogers killed everyone, including himself. That problem is now solved. We missed an opportunity to stop him because we were focused instead on the tools he misused or some other elusive mythical monster on which we might lay the blame.
I don't know why no one noticed, I wasn't there; but I can assure you that the problem did not develop overnight. Where were all the bleeding hearts as this kid slowly sank into madness? Perhaps they were busy organizing some sort of protest demanding that the government slay their personal dragons.
We all killed him. It takes a village, dude! Kum-by-freekin'-yah!
Elliot Rogers killed everyone, including himself. That problem is now solved. We missed an opportunity to stop him because we were focused instead on the tools he misused or some other elusive mythical monster on which we might lay the blame.
I don't know why no one noticed, I wasn't there; but I can assure you that the problem did not develop overnight. Where were all the bleeding hearts as this kid slowly sank into madness? Perhaps they were busy organizing some sort of protest demanding that the government slay their personal dragons.
I have said it so much even I am sick of it. "The World didn't notice me, didn't come to my door and make me a star. I can't just be a nobody so i'll go out in a blaze of glory!"
When a person retreats inward on their feelings to the exclusion of ALL else, that person will invariably find others to blame for the emptiness they have wrapped themselves in.
The solution is to start making young people "nutt-up" (i.e. overcome disappointment, strive to persevere) early in life. "If you want it, you gotta' go get it."
I have said it so much even I am sick of it. "The World didn't notice me, didn't come to my door and make me a star. I can't just be a nobody so i'll go out in a blaze of glory!"
When a person retreats inward on their feelings to the exclusion of ALL else, that person will invariably find others to blame for the emptiness they have wrapped themselves in.
The solution is to start making young people "nutt-up" (i.e. overcome disappointment, strive to persevere) early in life. "If you want it, you gotta' go get it."
That does have me thinking about fame.
It appears that many mass killers do it as to be "known".
I'm assuming its a form of love that fame brings you.
I was reading about how all these girls are suddenly swooning over Elliot, postmortem, now that he is temporarily famous.
I think a lot of his problems with women were his own doing, he said
"he sat out in front of the dorm and stalked them"
WTF and just how was his approach to these girls in regards to dating?
Just sitting out front of the dorm and expecting one of them to say
"Lets FK?"
or some other of the many hundreds of lines some guys have used over the centuries that just turn girls off, who are we to say if he was right or wrong but from his own manifesto and video that Patrick was kind enough to post a link to because all of his others on YouTube have been dropped so we can't see any others. How many of those really bad pickup lines that you guys have used ever worked for you?
"Enough of this BS, what do you say we just go Wa, Wa, Wa," While slamming our hands together.
Sorry I forget the exact quote from Bobcat Goldthwait /Carl Hefler in the movie Burglar but it went something like that. but has any of those ever worked for anyone? And this kid, just look at his attitude, college is a time for fun, WTF is that what you guys who went to college did, just have lots of sex and fun? I think the kid had problems sure and he wasn't helped by his parents who gave him anything he wanted and a superiority complex that because he had money just given to him and anything else he wanted by his parents everyone else should do the same, is that what your parents did for you?
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 05-26-2014).]
that's why 95% of rapes are committed by democrats, they expect us to share the wealth and for girls to share sex..
Originally posted by 84fiero123:
I think a lot of his problems with women were his own doing, he said
"he sat out in front of the dorm and stalked them"
WTF and just how was his approach to these girls in regards to dating?
Just sitting out front of the dorm and expecting one of them to say
"Lets FK?"
or some other of the many hundreds of lines some guys have used over the centuries that just turn girls off, who are we to say if he was right or wrong but from his own manifesto and video that Patrick was kind enough to post a link to because all of his others on YouTube have been dropped so we can't see any others. How many of those really bad pickup lines that you guys have used ever worked for you?
"Enough of this BS, what do you say we just go Wa, Wa, Wa," While slamming our hands together.
Sorry I forget the exact quote from Bobcat Goldthwait /Carl Hefler in the movie Burglar but it went something like that. but has any of those ever worked for anyone? And this kid, just look at his attitude, college is a time for fun, WTF is that what you guys who went to college did, just have lots of sex and fun? I think the kid had problems sure and he wasn't helped by his parents who gave him anything he wanted and a superiority complex that because he had money just given to him and anything else he wanted by his parents everyone else should do the same, is that what your parents did for you?
Liability insurance requirements for gun ownership. Not the complete solution, but in concert with other changes to reduce the likelihood of these kind of incidents. This would privatize some of the responsibility for gun purchase background checks, shifting part of it onto the insurance providers.
And yes, people of limited means would have to consider reducing the overall cost of their gun budget--number and model of weapons and type and amount of ammo--to afford the insurance premium.
Victims would be compensated from the amounts collected as liability insurance purchases and policy renewals.
Liability insurance requirements for gun ownership.
That certainly would have prevented this. And Newtown Charles Whitman Sueng-Hui Cho Sirhan Sirhan
Originally posted by williegoat:
. . . but I can assure you that the problem did not develop overnight.
Well, not overnight but not over years, either. Studies by Friedman and Schenker ( BSU ) show that the smell of gun oil and burned powder accelerate psychosis so rapidly that notice of decline, and opportunity for prevention, may be impossible.
[This message has been edited by heybjorn (edited 05-26-2014).]
Originally posted by heybjorn: That certainly would have prevented this. And Newtown Charles Whitman Sueng-Hui Cho Sirhan Sirhan
In other words, you are not ready to find specific fault with the proposal, or explain why it should not be seriously considered.
That's the kind of attitude that is eroding 2A support and alienating many people that could either be reliable 2A supporters, or at least not repelled in the opposite direction to join or sympathize with the "gun grabbers".
It's not my own idea. I just floated it here for discussion. I think there is a certain logic to it.
You may want to consider the difference in the way that 1A and 2A are worded:
1A Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
2A A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
The Bill of Rights does not include the right to "bear Arms" under 1A's stricture that "Congress shall make no law".
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 05-26-2014).]
Originally posted by Patrick: There is a segment of (mostly US) society that believes that there should be no restrictions on who owns a gun.
Yeah, so ? A larger segment is good with limited restrictions, .
Originally posted by Patrick: In the meantime however, innocent men, women and children get mowed down on a regular basis.
Oh puleeze, . Mowed down ? Really ? What is the regularity of which you speak ? Take away those killed by people whom a large segment of our society agreed to restrictions on their gun rights. What is the number of those mowed down ? I would guess about 100 in the last 100 years. Maybe 200, tops. Per capita of population, or of legal gun owners, considering all the years, we are only talking of about an infinitesimal percentage.[/QUOTE]
Originally posted by Patrick: Good gawd... this father just had his son murdered and you're now accusing him of making money from stating how he feels. Nice, real nice.
Originally posted by newf: Imagine that..... the father of a murdered son vented some personal feelings in the "land of the free". Why not cut a grieving father some slack and center your disdain for maybe the killer or a more suitable person. ... to criticize and slant a grieving fathers words a day or two after his son was murdered is a bit much IMO.
Boy 'o boy, y'all's touchy feely side is showing too much. No one offended him. He however did offend some.
Wow, I certainly see people do worse things here. I suppose he should have thrown in some "atheist queer" comments and it would have been all good.
Good riddance to him. I'm certainly not defending Stan in any way, but this nickbrown character's intent was obviously just to be an ass here. Either that or he had a mental issue.