I'll create another thread that will start at the first day of June.
Listen to the video, and if you would like to do this, feel free to post a little post daily in the other thread. If you're not interested, feel free to ignore this.
I find it interesting that this was made prior to the "internet age", before Common Core or the over medication of adults and children. But he hits on some contemporary situations...
It's nothing "mind-blowing", but I think it's easy enough to give it a try. (I've 'sorta' done this before, but never for a dedicated period of time)
Hope a few of you decide to take part in the experiment.
I'll be in on this one, Rumor----it is something that I have been asking since I signed-on-the-line at age 16/3/4 (LOL, had to wait until 17 to actually start training. ) LOL, 30 years ago this month.
I went to a high school of about 1100---yet only 8 or 9 of us did, why ?
Flight school--I started in a class of 75. By the time I hit my IFR flight test, there were 12 of us left. why ?
9-11. There were 11 guys working the FBO, 5 quit rather than show up. NOBODY knew if there were snipers, more planes coming in or what the hell was going on. Cops were in battle gear protecting themselves, and we were out there in t-shirts with no sleep putting in a plane about every 30 seconds with 6 guys. WHY ?
Horses, and bulls (LOL, there IS no school for that ) but I have seen grown bears of men jump behind steel as FAST as they can move, lost a couple friends over me sleeping on the hay in the same stall as something that wanted to kill me (its called earning trust from the animal) and of those of us (who I am still in touch with) from the kolluge kourzuz 3 of us made it past age 30 and still around large animals. WHY ?
AND---I am in real-life the typical, quintessential vet/ loner. No real log-lasting friendships. burn thru women faster than underwear, no real purpose in life or desire beyond the next "calling" and chance to fight myself in a situation just to prove to myself I can do it......and once I have, I loose interest. Even with my "projects" in the shop--once I've done them and proven to myself I can do it --I feel no need to take them commercial really, the ones I have were just for the money and my heart isnt in it, my mind is on the next thing to be thought of and figured out.
I could have walked anywhere along the line and got an accounting/IT job with a wife, minivan, and mortguage...If I can score a 98 and 99 on civilian and military written flight exams, bean-counting isnt that hard....I just dont care about counting how many beans are in a jar..
THATS a speach about me---about men......THANKS, man.
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 05-27-2014).]
"When he was 29, Earl's enlightenment had come to him as a bolt out of the blue while reading, 'Think and Grow Rich'. It came when he realized that the six words he read were the answer to the question he had been looking for! That, 'we become what we think about'. He realized that he had been reading the same truth over and over again, from the New Testament...to the works of Emerson. 'We become what we think about.' 'As ye sow, so shall ye reap...'"
Very cool, thanks for your speech, MEM (and thanks for not jumping to the conclusion that it was "THAT" secret) and BoogeeMoogee, thanks for your half humorous/ half deadly serious warning not to open up pandora's box that is a woman's inner workings. And witchakitty, thanks for not poo-poo ing this just because it mentions religion.
I have a few friends and coworkers that are on board for June 1st.
I'm still having trouble deciding on a specific goal(which in and of itself is revealing)but I'll figure it out by the 1st.
I'm in. Wish I had taken notes when I listened to it last night, but I was working and only had 30 minutes. Will listen again soon this evening and take notes.
I've heard those philosophies in various words from various sources, but I never heard that one before. He put it simply, in plain English, without a lot of mystical mumbo-jumbo (unless you consider his quotes from the Bible as "mystical"). And I never had anyone invite me to start with them on a specific date for a specific time.
My semi-annual checkup doctor appointment is July 7, so I have one month to do what I should have been doing the last 5 months since my last checkup. So my 30 days will be to improve health and fitness.
Cool, Cheever! that makes the total to about 26 people so far. (5 Here, a few (so far) one other forum, co-workers, and a few other folks in "real life")
Something odd at the beginning of that video: He talked about what happens to 100 men from the age of 25 to the age of 65. But the numbers in his breakdown only add up to 64. What happened to the other 36? Did they die before reaching 65? Oh, wait... I bet they got married. Same thing.
1 - became rich 4 - became financially independent 5 - are still working 54 - are broke == 64
Very good advice... This whole world has went and made itself pretty much ass backwards.. if you notice within the past 10 years we have not really seen any kind of super power company that started out in a garage and turned into an empire. I think the last example was google. that's why its hard to take advice from anyone these days.
Originally posted by TheDigitalAlchemist: It took me a few listens till I fully 'got it all'. Listen to it again! (I'll mail that static bag to you tomorrow)
And you think me listening to it a few times will help me remember it. hell I can't figure out why you are sending me a static bag, are you trying to say I am full of static?
Oh ya, nevermind now I remember. DUH!
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 05-29-2014).]
I'm interested but I'd like to know what sort of goals people are shooting for in their 30 day experiment. Anyone care to share? Maybe a blog site for this with goals and some success rate info?
He also puts a lot of emphasis on "service to others, giving back", etc. Does anyone want to share how they plan to address this portion of the plan?
For these first 30 days, I am going to keep it simple-i will have a thread on here. Some may share their goal, others may just wish to check in. I have a few who aren't 'online' much but will be participating through me.
I've been doing small things, "pay it forward" type of stuff lately. Thanks for mentioning that, BD- this month, I will join a local group that refurbs computers for the elderly and needy.
Still trying to figure out what my goal will be for this month. Two of the possible goals (two work-related 'one-trick pony' apps I wanted to make by the end of summer) , I just sat down yesterday and banged them out. I just needed to decide to actually START them. I started one, and finished it. Then I started the second, and finished that one as well. Two less 'pending items' dancing around in my head. Then, I opened a few tickets with companies to squash a few lingering issues. I think my goal will target a few different things which have been hindering my progress. If I am successful, it will be like adding a new circulatory system to an atrophied area. Things will branch out.
[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 05-29-2014).]
I didn't take it as a way to knock out a to-do list, although if it works at all, it could do that too.
The way I took it was that the goal was a "most important in your life" kinda thing. He said you couldn't have a bunch of similar goals or smaller goals that might compete with your focused goal.
If you look at it in those terms, using it on a to-do list really wouldn't make sense. Who wants to "become" a to-do list?
[This message has been edited by Boostdreamer (edited 05-29-2014).]
I didn't take it as a way to knock out a to-do list, although if it works at all, it could do that too.
The way I took it was that the goal was a "most important in your life" kinda thing. He said you couldn't have a bunch of similar goals or smaller goals that might compete with your focused goal.
If you look at it in those terms, using it on a to-do list really wouldn't make sense. Who wants to "become" a to-do list?
The thing is, many of us have multiple "to do lists" that are never done, just "want to do" lists. tons of stuff floating around in there. When you focus on a goal, and shoo away the other ones (especially the conflicting ones), some of them end up getting done becuase they were aligned with your main goal. Like the main goal is zipping up a zipper, and some of the 'mini goals' are the individual side parts, they get pulled together along the way...
According to him (I believe) the ultimate goal is to be successful, in whatever it is you WANT to do. To clear away all the other "stuff". Some folks have a deep deep feeling that they will never succeed - He addresses that, but the thing is, you can try as hard as you want, but if you're not on the right path, you'll never end up where you *really* want to be.
To be successful, consistently.
I didn't start the 30 days yet (where I will shoo away the other stuff andf focus on my goal) - whacking awya at the to-do lists the last few days has been a side effect of me 'cleaning house' (both mentally and physically). and just taking action instead of overthinking matters.
[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 05-29-2014).]
I was listening again and he did say this would be an "experiment" so that does seem to imply a smaller scale item. I need to take some notes, too but I'm on vacation and don't have a real keyboard. I may start a few days behind you guys.
I was listening again and he did say this would be an "experiment" so that does seem to imply a smaller scale item. I need to take some notes, too but I'm on vacation and don't have a real keyboard. I may start a few days behind you guys.
All you need is a piece of paper, a pen/pencil, and a goal.
My goal involves (but is not dependant upon) technology, so I am getting that stuff sorted out beforehand.
My goal is better promotion (lol, and gaining paying customers ) of a consulting business I own.
I had the best of intentions when I started it, but got discouraged with cheapskates who dont want to pay for services and feel ENTITLED to assitance and information, so after 6 months of 1 in 20 actually willing to cough-up cash I have sort of let it drift the past 4~6 months with the predictable results.
I tried to find a site that had goals and times it took to achieve them. I didn't come up with anything like that. Did any of you find something like that?
I am going to share this with a few select friends and family. Hopefully, they will participate also and share the details of their experience.
I still have not selected a goal that would be appropriate for a 30-day trial.
Interesting idea. It makes sense, but if I were to be honest with myself I'm not sure if I would have the willpower to follow it through to fruition.. :/
Interesting idea. It makes sense, but if I were to be honest with myself I'm not sure if I would have the willpower to follow it through to fruition.. :/
30 days. I repeat, 30 days. If you could only afford that compared to a lifetime?
Being positive is one goal. Just stop thinking in the negative...
It's NOT easy, but it IS possible. If you are afraid you won't follow through, make your first goal a relatively simple one.
For example,
One of the people doing this first 30 day test is going to send me an email once a day. That's his goal, because he felt overwhelmed by his current set of goals.
I have interacted with many "successful" people - many who were multi-millionaires. the one thing I saw universally in all of them is that they never allowed themselves to get weighed down by the "little things". They didn't engage in things that didn't serve their goal.
I will admit that my "goal" is a bit more involved than I anticipated, and a large part of me is already exhausted even beginning the 30 days. But The payout will be worth it, and I will not falter in my ambition to see it through.
Part of the reason why I shared this with you folks is because Its easier to do this with a bunch of others. But deep down, I feel that a large part of why I am here is to help others.
I see that I have a time limit of several months, so I will write down the other goals and deal with them, one at a time, after this first initial 30 days.
Just bit the bullet and DO THIS. I have 5 people who could not get through 5 minutes of Earl's voice. I just told them to keep the mp3 for a later time.
He has so many youtube clips. many are very very similar. they are all very good, imo.
Just do this. Even if all you do is to chime in every day saying "I'm here."
I have shared with one person. Only positive thinking. I have listened to the story nearly a dozen times. I am still taking it all in...
I've been listening to it a LOT. And a few others he's done, but all on similar notes. During my cummute. as I create a few things which people might find helpful during these 30 days... I'll share them over the weekend.
I have the willpower of a house fly and the attention span of a squirrel on meth.
I'm not even joking, it took me the better part of a half hour to get this typed out.
I hear ya, man, I REALLY do.
Just look to the memory of Mike, and him doing what HE did for ya. and find the strength. for yourself, and your family.
It's 30 days, but it's just ONE day at a time.
and the result will be one step closer to a more awesome version of yourself. and when yer kid(s) get older, you can teach them, this one weird secret that you learned from this "Earl " guy.....
I have interacted with many "successful" people - many who were multi-millionaires. the one thing I saw universally in all of them is that they never allowed themselves to get weighed down by the "little things". They didn't engage in things that didn't serve their goal.
So have I and I quickly realized they all had paid underlings (like me) to take care of that kind of "little thing" crap.
I have decided my goal will be to get my weight down to 160lbs. I have wanted to be there for a long time and diet and exercise just have not been enough to make it. The closest I've been has been 168. Sadly, this is the number that SHOULD be my upper limit before I get serious about it.
Today is my last day of vacation so I'll be on the road. No more huge crab leg dinners to worry about! Not having my bathroom scales with me, I'm going to estimate my current weight at 178lbs.
Ok, but if you don't rid yourself of all 18 pounds, be proud of what you had to do to achieve the 30 day results.
I think one of the things I am taking from the video, is just keep trying. Dust yourself off, and keep falling forward, not backward.
Rallaster... Practice slowing down a little. When you are speeding, just remember to look at the road signs. Take that moment to slow down and take it all in. Your goals do not have to be great. Heck, mine are simple, achievable, and worthy of 30 days. I started as soon as I first heard this. I found myself not accomplishing my goals yesterday. Even if I may stumble once in a while, I am still working towards those goals continually. Just not in a stressed, manic fashion.