God is defined by the fact that as a being he transcends the boundaries of time and space, the physical laws of the universe and thus if he lost that quality of his being, he would fail to exist as a god at all. Also, the argument is based on the premise that when something is responsible for creating something else, the former is able to interact with it, however if we look at quantum mechanics as an analogy we see that the quantum particles that create the macro-objects we perceive behave in a radically different way from the objects themselves even though they have created them. An interaction is thus not possible. Thus we may conclude that, even in the natural world, creation does not always equal interaction. Now did I clear that up?
fighting in the streets of Lugansk .wounded Ukrainians are tortured & shot if captured by Muslems Chechens, most of the city no electricity & no water Ukraine militia have few guns the people are Trapped,, russians will no longer let people flee the city they want them as hostages ,I have,told my lady to get out she stays to assist & treat patients under russian guns ,, the russian speakers have got just what they wanted russian Militia extreme suffering & death with poverty,no food & frighten crying children Ukraine speaker Militia try to defend some parts of city this city is much more important than Donetsk but not as Large
Americans do not know or understand how important this area is & could care less the russian terrorist have Donetsk & want Lugansk,, If they can hold Lugansk,they can infiltrate & assault Kharkov!! large convoys of troops continue to flood Ukraine comming in about 20 miles from Lugansk,, the attack on the border Patrol monday was to stop them from interfering with infiltration,,only word from russian highest command in Moscow would have sent a 500 man assault into Lugansk,at this time .. Ukraine is being overrun..only if weastern ukraine goes to full mobilization in the next week can these assault be fought 5 trained motivated infantry division needed immediately or 100 A10 warthogs,with 50 Abrams tanks !!
...Only poor leadership has brought us here,starting with the missile defence treaty Obumbles scraped & gave Ukraine to Putin & his corrupt puppets ,,the party of regions in a rigged election !! the ukrainians got sick of fighting!! a no no, when you deal with lefty democrats who always push & cheat.it is how we got LIAR Obumbles for a 2nd termpeople stay home so not care ..