Then people like Dan and me disagree with the law as it currently stands. It's also legal to flog and incarcerate a woman for letting herself get raped in Saudi-Arabia and I disagree with that, as well.
I'm sure your disagreement with the law here carries at least as much weight as your disagreement with Saudi Arabian law would there. The big difference is here you're less likely to be attacked, beaten, or killed for that disagreement.
Originally posted by Boostdreamer: It wouldn't hurt us to make immoral things have a legal consequence. Maybe that's what's wrong with this country these days.
Who gets to pick? The majority? What if the majority is extremist Muslim?
Originally posted by Boostdreamer: No conscious, no shame, no consequence...what could possibly go wrong?
The creation of "God" would patch that hole quite nicely...
As far as your point about Saudi-Arabia, if she LET herself get raped, doesn't that imply that she was willing?
I should have put "let" in quotation marks to make my intention clear. I just thought "let" in the context of "rape" would be clear enough as I think that "rape" always implies an unwillingness.
if you ever make it up here we can walk a hundred yards from the road in front of my house, the required distance from our street to fire a gun legally and shoot all we want, with anything we want. I even have friends with some great guns, one has a cannon, another has an old school Gatling gun, and much more and there ain't a thing the cops can say or do about it.
guns are simple machines and not evil like many think, they are just a tool to be used by an operator, what the operator of that machine chooses to do with it can make the use of that machine good or bad. we try to be as safe as possible with guns in Maine as a rule, except when some nut gets ahold of a gun. What we need is more help for those with mental illness, not more laws about guns, there are already plenty of gun laws and restrictions on the ownership of them.
what this guy did is well within the laws of the state he was in, so far from what the article says, I agree with Don on this, anytime something like this happens by anyone the grand Jury should take it and I don't care if they are a cop or a regular person.
not saying anything against what you have said, just re-invite you here.
That is awesome, I love shooting stuff. Yeah, our 10th anniversary is coming up, so Acadia National Park just isn't going to cut it for my wife, but I'm thinking of making that a big trip for me next year. I'm going to have to plan something tropical for her this year. But I appreciate the invite and I will take you up on that!!!
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: That is awesome, I love shooting stuff. Yeah, our 10th anniversary is coming up, so Acadia National Park just isn't going to cut it for my wife, but I'm thinking of making that a big trip for me next year. I'm going to have to plan something tropical for her this year. But I appreciate the invite and I will take you up on that!!!
Something tropical, you live in fkn Florida or did, didn't she get enough of tropical then? Nothing against Florida but all the times I ever visited the dam place it rained every friggen day, not all day but at least once a day. screw that state.
Sounds like a plan to me as far as coming up here by yourself, the wife and I have different ideas of what a fun vacation is as well, so don't feel bad, at least it gives us some time away from the wifes and to ourselves. We really do need that. Melanie loves tropical as well, maybe we could send them both off together and have some real fun, although getting that guy with the cannon and the other one with the Gatling gun here at the same time might be a logistical nightmare and actually attract the cops, it wouldn't be the first time they would have showed up here for gunfire though, might be fun. Although they did stop once when someone in yuppiedom complained about gun fire, asked if we had been target shooting and just wanted to know so they could tell the neighbors it was nothing to worry about.
but then the locals in yuppiedom have called the cops for stupider crap, did I ever tell you about the lady who called them because there was a deer in her back yard and she was afraid to go outside? She thought it was going to attack her, "City Folk"
I can just see the headlines in the local paper,
"Man towing cannon down route 2 in Farmington!"
right next to that,
"Man towing Gatling gun down route 2 in Farmington!"
Although the guy with the Gatling gun is a guard at state prison here in Maine. the other guy is just one of the local gun nuts around here, well known to the local cops. I can't understand why though,
I might just have to call the cops ahead of time to prevent the NSA and guys in the black Suburban's from showing up, at the same time
Now back to the regularly scheduled rant about people with guns.
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 06-04-2014).]
Thanks for the link, I'm continually amazed at how so many things in "holy books" can be interpreted different ways.
Taking God’s name in vain is the same as being put away by Christ. As His bride we have taken His name upon us. And since we represent the female/servant part of the relationship we are supposed to submit to His will. Everything we do – even our prayers – are done in His name because we get our orders and authority from Him; we are nothing. Taking God’s name in vain means being a lousy Christian in danger of being put away and sent to hell (Mt 7:22). Doing something in vain means it is hollow, empty, meaningless, without efficacy, and producing no good result. Saying, “Jesus Christ!” is not taking God’s name in vain. To verify that the Commandment specifically uses the word take see Ex 20:7 and Dt 5:11. There is no such thing as “using God’s name in vain”; it has no Biblical meaning. When we take God’s name in vain we deny Him as Lord (Pv 30:9), which can cause Him to deny us (2 Ti 2:12). If God’s name is used improperly the correct term for it is not “taking His name in vain”, it is profanity
I must remind any feminists I know that men are the female/servant part of the relationship with jesus and because so must submit to his will. Not trying to disrespect you or your beliefs, just noting the things I find fascinating and sometimes humourous in various writings and interpretations.
[This message has been edited by newf (edited 06-04-2014).]
KJV Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.
ESV “You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not hold him guiltless who takes his name in vain.
NASB You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain, for the LORD will not leave him unpunished who takes His name in vain.
According to BibleHub.Com a search for the word "Vain" shows that the word is used throughout the scriptures in a number of different versions, to mean "without result" or "false or falsely". So to use it as an exclamation instead of addressing Him prior to speaking to Him would be considered In Vain.