Okay, so just about no one believes that Lois Lerner's HD crash resulted in the loss of all of her emails and, of course, only her emails. How convenient. But what I want to know is who came up with this terrible excuse? Was this the best bad idea someone came forward with? I wonder what some of the ideas that they turned down were. I don't know what it is or was, but it's really starting to look like there's something to this that the IRS is trying very hard to make sure no one ever sees. Just smells more and more fishy every day.
Okay, so just about no one believes that Lois Lerner's HD crash resulted in the loss of all of her emails and, of course, only her emails. How convenient. But what I want to know is who came up with this terrible excuse? Was this the best bad idea someone came forward with? I wonder what some of the ideas that they turned down were. I don't know what it is or was, but it's really starting to look like there's something to this that the IRS is trying very hard to make sure no one ever sees. Just smells more and more fishy every day.
Okay, so just about no one believes that Lois Lerner's HD crash resulted in the loss of all of her emails and, of course, only her emails. How convenient. But what I want to know is who came up with this terrible excuse? Was this the best bad idea someone came forward with? I wonder what some of the ideas that they turned down were. I don't know what it is or was, but it's really starting to look like there's something to this that the IRS is trying very hard to make sure no one ever sees. Just smells more and more fishy every day.
They no longer care if their excuses are believable. I believe that's a more alarming idea than the emails themselves. It's pretty clear the emails would have implicated Obama of impeachable offenses, otherwise he'd have thrown her under the bus to make the problem go away.
They no longer care if their excuses are believable. I believe that's a more alarming idea than the emails themselves. It's pretty clear the emails would have implicated Obama of impeachable offenses, otherwise he'd have thrown her under the bus to make the problem go away.
Couldn't agree more... that is what's most shocking about this. It's clearly political aides that told them to throw it in... they don't care, they figure, who cares, what are the Republicans going to do?
I just heard this morning that 8 other IRS employees under investigation in the Tea Party targeting also had hard drive crashes and their emails may be lost, too.
Edit to apologize. Doug85GT, I missed your post., but it's worth repeating.
[This message has been edited by fierofool (edited 06-20-2014).]
How any one can believe this excuse is beyond me. You are expected to retain seven years of your financial IRS records just in case they want to audit you. Some of these bureaucrats need some jail time and hefty fines. The Obama can pardon them before he is out of office.
Like the VA bonuses, these bonuses need to be repaid and that organization needs some house cleaning and ranking the employees like they did when I was working. 20%, 60%, 20%.. Top 20% high performers, 60% middle performers and 20% low performers. Lose the bottom 20%ers, then re rank them again in another couple of years.
They don't really care if the hard drive crash story is believable or not.
Not because they think they are above the law or all-powerful. But because the drives (evidence) are GONE.
They will be in less trouble for that then they would be for what would have been found on them. It's damage control. They will be let off the hook for their promise of "procedural changes".
It was simply worse to have the drives then not...
When was the last time anyone here actually had a hard drive crash?
I know that Windows can become corrupt, but how many hard drive crashes have you guys had in the past decade?
It's not like they're running 20mb RLL/MFM hard drives...
HDDs fail regularly. That's not surprising. What is unbelievable is that they expect us to believe the desktop HDD was the sole repository of the data.
They don't really care if the hard drive crash story is believable or not.
Not because they think they are above the law or all-powerful. But because the drives (evidence) are GONE.
They will be in less trouble for that then they would be for what would have been found on them. It's damage control. They will be let off the hook for their promise of "procedural changes".
It was simply worse to have the drives then not...
The failed drives should have been destroyed. That's standard practice in any IT shop with failed drives that contained sensitive data. They do that to prevent any possibility of the data falling into the wrong hands. Private companies do this all the time.
It's not the HDD failure. By law they are required to have archived copies of the data. The HDD failure is a red herring.
Rep. Stockman introduces 'The Dog Ate My Tax Receipts Act'
Why shouldn't taxpayers be allowed to use the same excuses the IRS, and other elements of our imperial government, deploy when they get in trouble? Rep. Steve Stockman (R-TX) aims to make it happen with his "The Dog Ate My Tax Receipts Act."
"Taxpayers should be allowed to offer the same flimsy, obviously made-up excuses the Obama Administration uses," Stockman declared, offering legislation that would require the IRS to accept any of the following reasons when we can't meet their demands for documentation:
1. The dog ate my tax receipts 2. Convenient, unexplained, miscellaneous computer malfunction 3. Traded documents for five terrorists 4. Burned for warmth while lost in the Yukon 5. Left on table in Hillary’s Book Room 6. Received water damage in the trunk of Ted Kennedy’s car 7. Forgot in gun case sold to Mexican drug lords 8. Forced to recycle by municipal Green Czar 9. Was short on toilet paper while camping 10. At this point, what difference does it make?
But don't worry, Stockman's bill would not mean the total collapse of our tax system. "In any case, IRS can see the NSA for a good, high quality copy," the Act concludes.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: But here's the most important quote:
...regarding the Internal Revenue Service informing the Committee that they have lost Lois Lerner emails from a period of January 2009 – April 2011. Due to a supposed computer crash, the agency only has Lerner emails to and from other IRS employees during this time frame. The IRS claims it cannot produce emails written only to or from Lerner and outside agencies or groups, such as the White House, Treasury, Department of Justice, FEC, or Democrat offices.
VERY convenient. AND transparent. Who will be investigated for this incompetence?
I guarantee someone has those emails somewhere. They had to go through many servers from point A to point B...
This is totally right. The emails are still around if someone really wants to find them. At the very least they will be on the receiving computer and server's email system. And therefore could be located and produced. You can never completely get rid of emails or digital trails these days.
They just mentioned this again on Fox news, and the people "examining" this said that the hard drive failed from natural causes, and extraordinary amounts of work were done to try and rescue the emails from the drive...
It doesn't matter what the truth is, or what anyone says. The truth is being buried on both sides, and they don't care.
Originally posted by Formula88: HDDs fail regularly. That's not surprising. What is unbelievable is that they expect us to believe the desktop HDD was the sole repository of the data.
to start with: every email is in at least 2 places: the sender and the recipient. then, it is also on the server hosting the email. then, there are the backups of that server and that is the most bare bones you can get then you add on secure backups & archives, both on site & off site.
having had to do email recoveries - many many times - I know this is just an excuse. and I find it embarrassing that someone would float such BS
On one of the millions of sites reporting on this , it said they admitted they HAVE The backups, but basically said that it's "really difficult" to extract her inbox.
Anyone who deals with backups knows that's BS. (ok, it's not *fun* to do it, and it sometimes takes some time, but it's not really difficult. Sheesh.)
[This message has been edited by TheDigitalAlchemist (edited 06-24-2014).]
On one of the millions of sites reporting on this , it said they admitted they HAVE The backups, but basically said that it's "really difficult" to extract her inbox.
Anyone who deals with backups knows that's BS. (ok, it's not *fun* to do it, and it sometimes takes some time, but it's not really difficult. Sheesh.)
I'm sure it'll be impossible to extract her emails from the archives. Just ask the IRS. All of this hoopla makes me think more and more that there is something big they're hiding. Maybe even something we don't even know about yet.
222Also, from what I read, they had a 3rd party company backing everything up from 2009 until a few months AFTER her HDD took a dump. so the emails whould be there as well...
------------------------- Utah Rep. Jason Chaffetz needled Koskinen about a short-term data backup that the IRS had in place – but never used– when Lerner's hard drive crashed in 2011.
'It's actually a disaster recovery system,' the IRS commissioner testified, 'and it backs up for six months in case the entire system goes down ... That was the rule in 2011. Policy.'
Chaffetz wanted to know, 'Why didn't they just go to that six-month tape?'
Koskinen replied that it is 'a disaster recovery tape that has all of the emails on it, and is a very complicated tape to actually extract emails [from], but I have not seen any emails to explain why they didn't do it. So I – It would be difficult, but I don't know why they didn't do it.'
'But you said that the IRS was going to extraordinary lengths to give it to the recovery team, correct?' Chaffetz quizzed.
'That's correct,' said Koskinen.
'But it's backed up – on tape?'
'For six months, yes.'
'So,' Chaffetz asked, 'why didn't you get them off the backup?'
'All I know about that is that the backup tapes are disaster recovery tapes that put everything in one lump,' Koskinen replied, 'and extracting individual emails out of that is very costly and difficult, and it was not the policy at the time.'
'Did anybody try?' Chaffetz asked the IRS commissioner.
'I have no idea or indication that they did,' came his answer.
I'm sure it'll be impossible to extract her emails from the archives. Just ask the IRS. All of this hoopla makes me think more and more that there is something big they're hiding. Maybe even something we don't even know about yet.
Or it's being played very masterfully as a diversion from something else. The lies and double-speak out of this administration are so twisted there is not truth or reality - only the next "story."
They are adept at playing both sides against the middle. Divide the nation in two, each side fighting "them" and regardless who wins, the administration gets what it wants. The US will survive this. Eventually this will become a footnote in history, but the recovery may not come in our life time, and what is left won't be recognizable. I wonder if they'll keep the flag?
I'm sure it'll be impossible to extract her emails from the archives. Just ask the IRS. All of this hoopla makes me think more and more that there is something big they're hiding. Maybe even something we don't even know about yet.
You don't go to the White House 300+ times, and never meet with the president. The EOP is just down the street, and if you want to deal with policy, that's where you go. Even the VP has his office there. If you want to talk to the president and his direct aides, you go to the White House.
That's what's being covered up here, that the president is directly responsible for this (and likely everything else).
Chicago politics... it's in the nature of things.
Originally posted by Formula88: I wonder if they'll keep the flag?
The Democrats have already made it known that the American flag is insulting to everyone else in this country who's heritage is from another country. Which is ridiculous, because all of our heritages (except Native Indians) are from another country, that's WHY we have the flag. But I guess logic and common sense will always elude Democrats.
[This message has been edited by 82-T/A [At Work] (edited 06-24-2014).]
And the penalty for failure to do so is probably still preferable to the pending sh!tstorm of what was on those drives.
Well, what would you do, considering the treatment you have had over the past 6+ years?
What pending "!!!!storm" is there going to be? The same as there has been?
If the media was consistent, this would be 24 hour, front page coverage. Over and over and over. Story after story after story about what did Obama know. When did he know. Where are the emails. How could they have been lost. The public deserves to know and demands to know.
You know that is what it would be if it was Bush, or any other republican president. What is the coverage instead? This has been answered. Move on. Partisan attack politics at its worst. Some "storm".
And that is why they would have the guts to have them just go out and say, oh, well, they are lost. Hard drive crashes on 8 different people's computers. "Journalism". Hmmmphhh.
[This message has been edited by frontal lobe (edited 06-24-2014).]
[QUOTE] Internal Revenue Service Commissioner John Koskinen (KOSS-kuh-nenn) is telling Congress that eight federal employees connected to the tea party investigation experienced hard drive crashes.
And the best part is that he then blames congress for not giving the IRS enough money to buy better computers. I can't even put in writing how much I despise this administration and its lackeys.
I'm sure this will make the rabid liberals happy to hear, but the head of the IRS, John Koskinen has donated over $100,000 to the Democratic party of the past years. Any how much to their Republican rivals? $0. Just another examples of one of Barrack Hussien Obama unbiased appointments.
as much as I find the Hard Drive crash a silly thing - I do see the actual request for them as even more silly.
I can 100% understand the non cooperation with busy bodies wasting time & money in hopes that they may find another red herring to endlessly chase and make more noise.
If there was ANY validity to the claims being made - they would in fact have REAL subpoenas to check the contents of the actual servers. They dont. They have little to no evidence of ANYTHING, and are grasping at straws. And Lerner snatched the straws away. Good for him.
Yes - the Hard Drive BS is 100% bullship. And no more or less Bullship than the charges requesting the Hard Drive.
I find it amazing that a single hard drive can bring BS mountain to a confused standstill. Thats what happens when you have nothing to stand on.
the (R)'s shot down by "the dog ate my homework". amazing.
Obama and the new white house spokesman just thumb their nose at the law and the complicit media says nothing. Using the IRS to put down your advisories is 3rd world tactics, Mexico, Central America, Africa. Obama knows he can do what ever he wants because the media won't say anything and he gets away with it. Nixon only mentioned using the IRS against his enemies and the media was all over it like a rash.
as much as I find the Hard Drive crash a silly thing - I do see the actual request for them as even more silly.
I can 100% understand the non cooperation with busy bodies wasting time & money in hopes that they may find another red herring to endlessly chase and make more noise.
the (R)'s shot down by "the dog ate my homework". amazing.
The (R)'s weren't shot down by "the dog ate my homework", and it isn't amazing.
They are being shot down by the "watchdog media", the self named "fourth arm of government", actually running interference for the democrat administration, since those are "their boys".
Instead of a media barrage of who knew what, when, if there is any coverage, it is republicans are unfairly politicizing this. They are just out to try to partisan attack that. You are saying that is silly to go through those things? How would watergate have been found out if the media didn't doggedly persist in trying to get records? Compare that to, say, the medias coverage of Katrina. It wasn't even a FEMA or Bush responsibility. The media was relentless in making it look like Bush's fault. Was that silly? One can understand the democrats trying to find some way to blame it on the republican administration. Was the media running cover for Bush? Democrats politicizing a disaster. How despicable.
No. They kept it going and going and going, deflecting blame from the New Orleans mayor and the Louisiana governor, and focusing on someone who wasn't responsible.
No. Not shot down by "the dog ate my homework". If they are shot down, they are shot down by the complicit, blatantly biased media.
At least you have enough objectivity to be appalled by the IRS. Awesome. Just not appalled enough to try to have the media stop covering for the administration, and laughing at the plight left to republicans to try in some way to hold people accountable.