The other day at a truckstop I went over to talk to the driver of a extremely nice bus/motorhome that was fueling up, as he was parked beside us and I wanted to see more of the bus.
Turns out it was a company that leases the busses and drivers to people for whatever reasons. He said that this one was leased to Sting, but was having mechanical issues, and he was taking it back to wherever to get fixed, had brought a new one in etc. etc.
I asked how I got a job like that and he said that he's been trying for 10 years, and still doesn't deal directly with the clients, just transports busses back and forth and transfers luggage to help the other driver.
He also stated that working as a driver means you are also a maid, you get to change their sheets etc constantly, and since they don't get off the bus you get to be a gopher as well. Didn't sound like a fun job to me.
In any case, Stings bus.