Nice tool but Zero Emission? Who says?
Depend on what material to remove, can be Toxic to burn many things. Lead Zinc and other coatings/paints/primers are bad. Can turn worse when burn or when fumes cool and react local air.
Vacuum and related parts that suck fumes/ash likely needs to meet OSHA EPA etc rules for vacuuming HAZMAT.
Wrong vacuum can contaminate an entire building.
Even w/o HAZMAT rating, a HEPA seal vacuum is a very good idea. Nano Size crap is not a good thing to breath etc.
Lead is bad? Some Lead Compounds are Worse. Raw Lead is easy to control. Vapor Lead and related Compound that you breath that can poison you fast. Others are skin absorb poisons too.
Zinc is good to coat metal. Zinc in air will quickly put people is the Hospital.
Latex Paint is mostly low or no toxic as paint, wet or dry. Pigments when burn is another story. Example: Titanium dioxide makes good white paint but you shouldn't to breath it. laser burn converts the pigment then to what? Ti Metal? Vaporize anything results in nano sized particles can cause health issues too, even if normal whatever are safe.
Dr. Ian Malcolm: Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should.
(Jurassic Park)
The Ogre's Fiero Cave (It's also at the top and bottom of every forum page...)