Looks like one of them decided he has had enough and went ape sh!t. Kind of like what the American people are going to do when they have had enough of Obama and all the moochers.
I wouldn't say entertainment. Shocking, disbelief, yes.
I meant the circus industry in general. Not the video. Sorry :/ I should have been more clear.
I don't understand the idea of a caged animal, performing tricks, being entertaining. & furthermore, when said wild animal can take it no longer, it's somehow out of control & put down.
It's like we (humans) want to tame that which can not be tamed, & when what will obviously happen does happen, it's unacceptable.
You know in the old days the lion tamers used to have a loaded pistol for when things like this happened, if you have ever seen the Jerry Lewis movie "The Ladies Man", in the trivia there was a tid bit about him carrying a loaded pistol.
"When Jerry Lewis did his scene with Baby (a.k.a. Zamba) he had a gun in his inside pocket for protection. "
"When Ralph Helfer, the owner and trainer of Zamba, found out that Jerry Lewis had a gun he completely loss control, got up into his face and yelled loud enough to stop everyone in earshot. Jerry had Ralph thrown off the set, and got him barred from working at the studio for six months until he was finished with this movie. "
Zamba is the name of the lion who played baby in the movie, while he was as tame as a kitten, you never know what's going to happen when you have a wild animal working with glaring lights and all sorts of noises like in the case of this circus act !
Why anyone would work with an animal that could tear you head off with one simple swing of his paw claws or not without a deadly weapon at hands reach is beyond me. You can thank PETA for that, not allowing people who work with animals that dangerous having real powerful guns right on them at all times.
------------------ Technology is great when it works, and one big pain in the ass when it doesn't
Detroit iron rules all the rest are just toys.
[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 07-22-2014).]
I've never understood this form of entertainment. People can be so ignorant.
I couldn't agree more. Something like this happens and they want to destroy the animal. If they had left it the hell alone where it was it wouldn't be an issue.
Originally posted by Lambo nut:
Looks like one of them decided he has had enough and went ape sh!t. Kind of like what the American people are going to do when they have had enough of Obama and all the moochers.
Wow! I admire how you managed to make this topic political, nicely done! (But I do agree...)
Why anyone would work with an animal that could tear you head off with one simple swing of his paw claws or not without a deadly weapon at hands reach is beyond me.
Why does any of us work with humans who could snap and kill us at any time? We've all had that co-worker we were just waiting to see him (or her) snap and take somebody out. Or, that co-worker WE wanted to snap and take out.
You just have to know and trust the animals you're dealing with. Most of the times, I'd trust animals over people.
Originally posted by 84fiero123: Why anyone would work with an animal that could tear you head off with one simple swing of his paw claws or not without a deadly weapon at hands reach is beyond me. You can thank PETA for that, not allowing people who work with animals that dangerous having real powerful guns right on them at all times.
How about instead of carrying a gun to protect yourself from the wild animal who doesn't belong there to begin with, and just leave the freakin animals alone. Then you wouldn't have to worry about an animal that could tear your head off with a simple swing of its "paw claws"...
Again, human arrogance. Mess with the bull, you get the horns.. Or in this case, mess with the cat, and get the claws!.