it just a made up place. they made it up after WW2. it could be ANYWHERE. put it in Texas. somewhere with people who give a crap about them folk. they just want to be left alone. they can do that in Texas. the location is irrelevant. it only been 60 some years. there are no generational concerns.
the "real" Israel disappeared long ago. This current made up place has NO connection to the real Israel. NONE.
it just a made up place. they made it up after WW2. it could be ANYWHERE. put it in Texas. somewhere with people who give a crap about them folk. they just want to be left alone. they can do that in Texas. the location is irrelevant. it only been 60 some years. there are no generational concerns.
the "real" Israel disappeared long ago. This current made up place has NO connection to the real Israel. NONE.
stop wasting our tax dollars on some made up BS.
I want to see what Texans will say when rich Jews first buy up a lot of property, then they and other Jews move there in large numbers, then start a terrorist campaign to promote their desire for statehood and then declare independence...
[This message has been edited by yellowstone (edited 07-25-2014).]
I want to know why, since there are so many rich Jews, they didn't buy one of the countries in Europe a long time ago. Or Montana; how hard would it be to buy Montana?
I want to know why, since there are so many rich Jews, they didn't buy one of the countries in Europe a long time ago. Or Montana; how hard would it be to buy Montana?
Is Montana for sale? Purchase every private land parcel and the state of Montana is still a U.S. held state with the land owner owing property taxes to the state. I know this is just an example for discussion, but how would you go about convincing the Federal government to part with the state and allow it to become a sovereign nation? You'd have to convince the state of Montana as well.
It goes back to the NIMBY syndrome. Why not Israel where it is today? Throughout history there have been multiple Jewish states/kingdoms in that area. Historically is there another, more appropriate place? And if it doesn't matter where they put it - why can't it be there?
There was already a Zionist movement with the purpose of creating a special country with a unique focus on Jewishness, before the anti-Jewish tendencies of Western and Central Europe, from France clear across to Russia, increased from troubling for many Jews (before Hitler), all the way to the end of the scale, into the red band, of intolerable for almost every last Jew in Europe (from the onset of Hitler).
The Nazi era multiplied the worldwide Jewish support for Zionism many times over.
The preferred real estate for Zionists was the land of ancient Israel.
And if the Zionist project had somehow been redirected onto some land area in Texas?
I think the Texans would likely be finding the space within their collective psyche for nursing a sizable grudge against Europe and its peoples, for providing the impetus that had propelled this imaginary Israel-in-Texas into their backyard.
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 07-25-2014).]
I want to know why, since there are so many rich Jews, they didn't buy one of the countries in Europe a long time ago. Or Montana; how hard would it be to buy Montana?
What if the Jews just shared Utah with the Mormons?
I want to know why, since there are so many rich Jews, they didn't buy one of the countries in Europe a long time ago. Or Montana; how hard would it be to buy Montana?
You have posted this same comment across multiple threads. It's evident you are just seeking attention like a two year old throwing a tantrum. I'll ask nicely. Please stop trolling, and please stop spreading hate and discontent. It's time to step back and take a look at yourself man. I hope you get better. I'll keep you in my thoughts.
You have posted this same comment across multiple threads. It's evident you are just seeking attention like a two year old throwing a tantrum. ... Brad
I found the link interesting, considering that Israel is about the size of New Jersey, there's certainly that's a hell of a lot of rockets being fired into it.
Even with the seize fire more than 24 hrs old, another rocket hit just about 15 minutes ago.
I might suggest letting Israel relocate to Detroit, but sadly that probably wouldn't change things much. Because they'd still be under attack from angry displaced Muslims.
I might suggest letting Israel relocate to Detroit, but sadly that probably wouldn't change things much. Because they'd still be under attack from angry displaced Muslims.
I thought of that as well. Property values are low, lots of room, Michigan's economy would improve, but there is the Dearborn problem.....
I found the link interesting, considering that Israel is about the size of New Jersey, there's certainly that's a hell of a lot of rockets being fired into it.
Even with the seize fire more than 24 hrs old, another rocket hit just about 15 minutes ago.
It's rarely just 1 at a time. They've been averaging around 20-30 a day. 6373 rockets as this post. (last one 25 minutes ago)
Just think all the money, concrete, building materials and etc, the Palestinians (a group of people not even Jordan, Syria, Saudi Arabia or any other nation in the Arabia world wants) used to build massive underground tunnels to smuggle in old soviet trash rockets so they can kill baby Jews with, instead of using the resources helping to build schools for Palestinian children.
I want to see what Texans will say when rich Jews first buy up a lot of property, then they and other Jews move there in large numbers, then start a terrorist campaign to promote their desire for statehood and then declare independence...
Jews have been living here in Texas for quite a while. Good citizens, good business owners and I have nothing bad to say about them.
They stay to themselves, are gracious, and don't cause any problems. Let alone they haven't "bought everything in sight."
I want to see what Texans will say when rich Jews first buy up a lot of property, then they and other Jews move there in large numbers, then start a terrorist campaign to promote their desire for statehood and then declare independence...
Not sure why you are attacking Jewish people, but please remember that you are no longer in Germany, and we don't "hate the Jews" over here like you may have been used to in Germany.
Originally posted by Fats: Not sure why you are attacking Jewish people, but please remember that you are no longer in Germany, and we don't "hate the Jews" over here like you may have been used to in Germany.
The focus there was Zionism or the establishment and history of the state of Israel. Not Judaism, or Jewish people (in general). But I am not lining myself up with the statement (or question) that was made (about a hypothetical Zionist project in Texas).
Who among us really knows all the relevant history that has resulted in the Israel-Palestine conflict? And who, even, among the people that are directly involved in it?
I think the only way forward is some version of the Two State Model.
The focus there was Zionism or the establishment and history of the state of Israel. Not Judaism, or Jewish people (in general). But I am not lining myself up with the statement (or question) that was made (about a hypothetical Zionist project in Texas).
Who among us really knows all the relevant history that has resulted in the Israel-Palestine conflict? And who, even, among the people that are directly involved in it?
I think the only way forward is some version of the Two State Model.
There is already a version of the Two States, both dejure and defacto. To be quite honest, it will not, has not work. They have been preaching "two state solution" since the 70's. It seems like the problem isn't solved.
A "no state" solution is the answer. No more Gaza, West Bank, G Heights unless you want to used those names to label "da' hood" neighborhoods, like we do here in the US and in every other country.
Israel should just pound them like the Civil War Union Army straight into a no state solution, and rid it of any authorization group be it PLO, Hamas, or whatever. Peace would soon follow.
Not sure why you are attacking Jewish people, but please remember that you are no longer in Germany, and we don't "hate the Jews" over here like you may have been used to in Germany.
[This message has been edited by fireboss (edited 07-26-2014).]
There can be no peace so long as one side wants the other destroyed. For a two state solution to work, both sides have to be willing to recognize the other's right to exist.
There is already a version of the Two States, both dejure and defacto. To be quite honest, it will not, has not work. They have been preaching "two state solution" since the 70's. It seems like the problem isn't solved.
A "no state" solution is the answer. No more Gaza, West Bank, G Heights unless you want to used those names to label "da' hood" neighborhoods, like we do here in the US and in every other country.
Israel should just pound them like the Civil War Union Army straight into a no state solution, and rid it of any authorization group be it PLO, Hamas, or whatever. Peace would soon follow.
Wichita, again, we agree on something. Perhaps these really are the 'end times'.
Not sure why you are attacking Jewish people, but please remember that you are no longer in Germany, and we don't "hate the Jews" over here like you may have been used to in Germany.
What a nice ignorant comment. What about answering with some facts instead if you disagree with my posting. What exactly do you think is untrue?
I'm not for anyone in this conflict, I just think there's no clear good guy or bad guy here and that's why there's no solution anytime soon.
What a nice ignorant comment. What about answering with some facts instead if you disagree with my posting. What exactly do you think is untrue?
I'm not for anyone in this conflict, I just think there's no clear good guy or bad guy here and that's why there's no solution anytime soon.
Obviously you have paid little attention to events in the Middle East. No clear good guy or bad guy? Really? Give us break! Your hilarity is making it hard to catch a breath from laughing at you. Are you for real? Or just trolling?
The focus there was Zionism or the establishment and history of the state of Israel. Not Judaism, or Jewish people (in general).
Well, some people do understand my post or so it seems. So it couldn't have been that difficult. IMO the Arab-Israeli conflict has been a tit-for-tat for decades now and it will continue to be that way no matter what. The healthy dose of religious extremism on both sides doesn't help for sure.
[This message has been edited by yellowstone (edited 07-27-2014).]