NOPE.....I agree with him...
HomePHOBE indicates FEAR of homosexuals....
What if there is no fear?, only disgust ?
Fear and disgust are 2 very-very different human thought processes an emotions....
Lets use an example.
I am in a bar/club and some HOT chick with one of THOSE red dresses and heels who has had WAY too much dope, booze, and noize is acting like an idiot, sluring her words, and pukes up the tater skins all over my lap...
So what is my Phobia ? (fear)
Hot chicks?
Red dresses?
Slurred words?
Puking in my lap?
Am I really-really AFRAID (phobic) of any of those ? <uh, no>
Do they disgust me in a package? <uh, yes>
Is that hot chick EVER-EVER going to get a chance to get in my bed <uh, no>
I am not afraid of her, I am revolted by her..........but then I am a misogynist for rejecting her based on her actions and choices. (hint, hot chicks in red dresses do whatver they way want, even puke on a mans balls, and if the man moves out of the way and lets the stupid drunk bitches head hit the floor then its violence against women.....
SEE how speech-control andthe suffix "phobic" works ?---they accuse you of being afraid and DARE you to prove your bravery, because if you dont "accept" the hottie in the little red dress puking in your lap then you MUST be a phobic about hotties......
and if you are disgusted by the idea of a man sticking his dick up your butt (or worse, your up his while he gets a reach-around, its not disgust, its fear, you are phobic.
NOPE....I am pretty sure I am not phobic, I am no more afraid of that than red heels.....disgust and self-defence against it ? thats another thing altogether.
(and NO !!!!!-----I will NOT "donate" to "pride" are so proud of your azz, go sell it on a street corner to earn money and keep your special-interest-social-cause the hell off mine, money AND azz !!!!!!!, MoFo>
As Jake would say, **** you that's why.
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 08-01-2014).]