So long story short a range down the road hosts a Defensive Pistol Match first Saturday of every month and tomorrow is the qualifier match. Its a $10 registration fee, BYOA (bring your own ammo) and no prizes, just bragging rights.
I haven't fired my Beretta since I moved to AZ so my performance aught to be comical but I'm excited none the less. My strategy will be "slow and steady doesn't get you disqualified for a safety violation"
Wish me luck!
Here's a video of someone I don't know competing in the same match in 2012:
[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 08-01-2014).]
If its your Neos that's almost an unfair advantage lol
No, haven't bought the Neos yet. This is the Duty Rig I bought when I took my Armed Security Officer training course back in OK. A Beretta 96D (A .40 S&W DAO version of the Beretta 92FS). It was a Tulsa PD trade-in.
(Looks slightly different now. I never liked the Hogue wraparound grips, made the gun feel huge. I recently swapped them out for a pair of Hogue Rosewood grips)
[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 08-02-2014).]
Had a blast! Started having malfunctions during the qualifying round so I'll likely place low but I shot well despite the failures so my score should be OK. We'll see. They said they'd post the scores on their website tonight but they're not up yet. My son filmed me and I'll share the vid as soon as I edit it all together.
[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 08-02-2014).]
Good to see you came out alive! I was a little scared with all those guns that one of them might jump out of someones holster and kill you.
On a serious note, sounds like you had fun . I need to get back out to the range and practice with my Bersa 380 and the SCCY 9mm some more. Well, my wife could use the practice to .
Here's a couple of pictures while my video uploads to Youtube.
My huge grin 'cuz I was having the time of my life:
And the two best parts of the day -
"Clearing the Drug house":
And "OKflyboy: Mall Cop" (Terrorists at the Mall):
And just because I think this is a hilarious shot my wife got of me (If the was a Die Hard or any Michael Bay film there would be a HUGE explosion behind me):
Well, between my "slow and steady" philosophy and my malfunctions my score was low. I placed 17th out of 21 shooters (Its worth noting I was the only first-timer there). I'm really not that concerned with my score this time around. It was my first time and I had a blast regardless. Next time, though, I'm going to shoot to win!
Anyway, I promised to post the score when it was available, so:
------------------ Read my Earthship thread in Totally O/T si vis pacem, para bellum
"The said constitution shall never be construed to authorize Congress to prevent the people of the United States who are peaceable citizens from keeping their own arms." - Samuel Adams
What part of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" is so hard to understand?!
[This message has been edited by OKflyboy (edited 08-04-2014).]
That looks like fun.Will have to look up some places in St.Louis area and join up.Most target shooting we do on my land.If anything me and the neighbor's can rig a course up.
Well, between my "slow and steady" philosophy and my malfunctions my score was low. I placed 17th out of 21 shooters (Its worth noting I was the only first-timer there). I'm really not that concerned with my score this time around. It was my first time and I had a blast regardless. Next time, though, I'm going to shoot to win!
Anyway, I promised to post the score when it was available, so:
So you are saying ya need one of these...... ..... LMAO
What ya gonna do about it?, shoot at me???? What the hell FOR ????, ya aint gonna hit me anyway !! <now I just spit up a lung laughing>
Sorry, OK, I had to take the bait Dont worry, I havent fired a Browning handgun in 10 years or bow in 2 so wouldnt do much better to start with one one in my hands....and a Stirling SMG has been 30 years, so I will let you guess where those rounds would go. >
[This message has been edited by MidEngineManiac (edited 08-05-2014).]
So you are saying ya need one of these...... ..... LMAO
What ya gonna do about it?, shoot at me???? What the hell FOR, ya aint gonna hit me anyway !! <now I just spit up a lung laughing>
Sorry, OK, I had to take the bait Dont worry, I havent fired a Browning handgun in 10 years or bow in 2 so wouldnt do much better to start with one one in my hands....and a Stirling SMG has been 30 years, so I will let you guess where those rounds would go. >
I literally lol'd! Thanks MEM. I'll admit I kinda sucked, but it was still a lot of fun.
(In all seriousness, my shots weren't that bad, never scored lower than -1 on any round besides the qualifier where the Beretta malfunctioned - it was the times that killed me, I took it too slow)