Google is in town photographing the new street views. They came by my work today to perform some in-building filming. While one of their cars was out on the road, it ran a stop sign and collided with another car. This area is in a hilly part of town that is well-known for cars sliding off the road and making their way into the living rooms of people's homes.
I find that when using Google street view that I can sometimes get about three different "versions" of the same location. When I look up my home address, it's like entering a time machine (as depending on the angle), I can see three different cars of mine (from different eras) parked on the street beside my house. I can even still find my '86 GT parked beside my Ex's ex-house, and it's been about five years since I've driven that car, and about one year since... no, let's not go there.