Former CIA covert operations officer Mike Baker said that he believes there is “a lot of communication” between ISIS and Mexican drug cartels given past efforts by al Qaeda to do likewise on Thursday’s “Laura Ingraham Show.”
“We’ve had good intel over the years about al Qaeda, about their efforts to coordinate with, as an example, Mexican an effort to try to exploit our southern border” he reported, adding that a terrorist group like ISIS “absolutely” knows about the lack of security on the border.
Baker stated he believes there is “a lot of communication” between ISIS and drug cartels. And “the cartels are a business ... if there’s a revenue stream they can exploit, then they will, and the extremists understand that.”
Nah. They'll stop them at the border, make them promise they won't do anything bad while they're here, then let them cross. I mean, after all, they DID promise.
Yes, mexico is on the list of counties to conquer. ISIS will come in under the guise of a 'mutually beneficial partnership' but once embedded, will wipe them out and have a foot hold at our door step, at best. At worse, they will have a foothold in the country and mexico becomes a cheap route to import death and destruction.
Remember that lying to an infidel is permitted.. so any promise they make to the drug lords is null and void from the start.
Yes, mexico is on the list of counties to conquer. ISIS will come in under the guise of a 'mutually beneficial partnership' but once embedded, will wipe them out and have a foot hold at our door step, at best. At worse, they will have a foothold in the country and mexico becomes a cheap route to import death and destruction.
Remember that lying to an infidel is permitted.. so any promise they make to the drug lords is null and void from the start.
You dont think they'll just pay them to attack the U.S. ?
For some groups to sneak across the Southern border however, is not outside the realm of possibility. Given its current state of confusion and seemingly lack of enforcement, the bad guys coming across the border with people seeking a better life is feasible.
So now Obama and Holder will give them assault rifles too.
I bet a lot of good people will lose their lives when all is said and done. Stop taking the fight to them and they will bring the fight to us. But I am sure some people will claim it is all BS and continue diddling themselves and voting democrat or third party and tell themselves and anybody that will listen that they are not throwing their vote away
I don't think the US is omnipotent and can solve all the worlds problems and I don't believe we have the right to interfere in other countries and try to tell them what type of government to have. If Romney was President I think we would be seeing exactly the same scenario happening in the middle east. When it comes to ISIS I believe the only thing that can be done now is to eliminate them. I do not believe though in borrowing trouble by trumping up a politically motivated hypothetical terrorism scenario, its akin to yelling fire in a crowded theatre. What hurts our country more than anything is the hatred from all sides of the political spectrum that is promoted by all the media not just Fox. I remember how united we all were after 911 and how effective that made our military response. Now everyone has separated again and no one can agree on anything.
For some groups to sneak across the Southern border however, is not outside the realm of possibility. Given its current state of confusion and seemingly lack of enforcement, the bad guys coming across the border with people seeking a better life is feasible.
From what i have seen, you dont even have to sneak over most of the border... Especially when you have areal support from the Mexican military...
I don't think the US is omnipotent and can solve all the worlds problems and I don't believe we have the right to interfere in other countries and try to tell them what type of government to have. If
While true, if a "foreign government" is a threat to our ( or our allies ) security, we would be negligent as a 'super power' if we simply ignored the threat. ( even worse if we supported the threatening entity, but that is a different discussion ).
Everyone is focused on ISIS and their horrific actions abroad. But what if there were a series of jihadist murders here in the United States that went virtually unreported by the national media – impossible, right? Not so fast.
As American Uncensored News reports, “For two bloody months, an armed jihadist serial killer ran loose across the country. At least four innocent men died this spring and summer as acts of “vengeance” on behalf of aggrieved Muslims, the self-confessed murderer has now proclaimed.”
“Meet Ali Muhammad Brown. His homicidal Islamic terror spree took him from coast to coast. The 29-year-old career thug admitted to killing Leroy Henderson in Seattle in April; Ahmed Said and Dwone Anderson-Young in Seattle on June 1; and college student Brendan Tevlin, 19, in Essex County, New Jersey, on June 25. Tevlin was gunned down in his family Jeep on his way home from a friend’s house. Ballistics and other evidence linked all the victims to Muhammad Brown. Police apprehended him in July hiding in an encampment near the Watchung Mountains of West Orange, New Jersey.”
So why are we just now learning about this? I know, I’m just a despicable Islamophobe and a fear monger attempting to scare everyone.
I realize all the cultural jihadi apologists just cannot wrap their minds around the simple fact that Islamism is a threat to western civilization and our liberty and freedoms.
Muhammad Brown told investigators that Tevlin’s slaying was a “just kill.” The devout Islamic adherent proclaimed: “My mission is vengeance. For the lives, millions of lives are lost every day.” Echoing jihadist Fort Hood mass killer Nidal Hasan, Muhammad Brown cited Muslim deaths in “Iraq, Syria, (and) Afghanistan” as the catalysts for his one-man Islamic terror campaign. “All these lives are taken every single day by America, by this government. So a life for a life.” When a detective asked him to clarify whether all four murders were “done for vengeance for the actions of the United States in the Middle East,” Muhammad Brown stated unequivocally: “Yes.” He added that he was “just doing (his) small part.”
Four men lost their lives due to a single jihadist — now what if there are 1,000 like Ali Muhammad Brown in America right now? Could there be other instances of jihadist murders occurring in America and not being reported as such? It’s irresponsible to say the least and complicity dangerous at its worst. We continue to dismiss this threat globally and we have a president who refers to it as a JV team. Domestically, we are enslaved to the false gods of political correctness and the cultural jihad enablers who attempt to force us into silence.
Consider the fact that we have a massive media army in Ferguson, Missouri but hardly a peep on this very disturbing series of jihadist murders. At least there has been some news on this out of Seattle, but otherwise it has been muted. America Uncensored goes so far as to say it was completely censored: “(We) did a search on the confessed Muslim mass murder’s name, and CNN has not even mentioned him once, ever.”
Here we have Eric Holder whisking off to Ferguson and talking about opening a “criminal investigation” by the FBI into the beheading of Foley and vowing to bring “justice.” What about the necessity of investigating these horrific murders? How are Holder and the Department of Justice going to track down an armed terrorist army? I wish he’d focus on this case and Obama would declare war against ISIS. Like that’s going to happen.
Islamophobic? That implies a fear of the Islamist threat – seems like that term should apply to our national media, not to me.
User00013170 I agree completely that we need to step up to the plate sometimes when groups like ISIS threaten civilization, I just hope we don't go it alone and that we also cutoff their sources of funding such as the country of Qatar. We also need to fund whatever we do, maybe with a transaction tax on Wall Street instead of increased taxes on individual taxpayers. Were on the same page.
User00013170 I agree completely that we need to step up to the plate sometimes when groups like ISIS threaten civilization, I just hope we don't go it alone and that we also cutoff their sources of funding such as the country of Qatar. We also need to fund whatever we do, maybe with a transaction tax on Wall Street instead of increased taxes on individual taxpayers. Were on the same page.
Or how about we fund it by keeping the countries for ourselves after they war with us.
Given where we are on the timetable and I had my way I would promote any smaller nation scuttling and cause as much damage and strife as possible without looking like that is my agenda.
It is only a matter of time before India,Pakinuke,Russia,china,Old world Euro, and maybe a coalition of African nations start carving out as much expansion as they can.
By this time little problems like Iran,Israel,Syria will just be solved via push button.
What ever form it happens in it will happen and the real world leaders know it. We will need countries like Mexico to give us a way in to take over and occupy/take over. There will be a day when Venezuela says the wrong thing and that will be enough.
The term allied nation will not be the same as it is now. They will be their own nations in name only and they won't keep that to long either.
Humans create communities. By any means necessary. Societal Evolution
I was watching a documentary on how they caught the Boston bombers and they showed some but not all of the technology they used. Believe me, we are keeping track of who is coming into the country, much more so than before 911. I would be more concerned with a home grown whack job doing something. Unfortunately when it comes to fighting ISIS we need to dump our past rules of engagement and wage all out war against them without regard to collateral damage.
I was watching a documentary on how they caught the Boston bombers and they showed some but not all of the technology they used. Believe me, we are keeping track of who is coming into the country, much more so than before 911. I would be more concerned with a home grown whack job doing something. Unfortunately when it comes to fighting ISIS we need to dump our past rules of engagement and wage all out war against them without regard to collateral damage.
So you're saying all the illegal immigrants, drug traffickers and cartel members coming into the country do so with the full knowledge and consent of the government. This is supposed to make us feel better?