Gang of young black thugs in Memphis beat the crap out of three white folks and the black police capt. and mayor say its not going to be investigated as a hate crime.They have video on youtube and its not pretty.
By definition in the liberal media, blacks can not be racist therefor black on black crime or black on white crime can not be a racist event. When the white crime on black therefor is a racist event since 200 to 300 years ago when blacks sold other blacks to the white slave traders, it was the white who became racist.
The report I read said 100-125 boys and girls - black and white - were rampaging across the parking lot with a point-them-out, knock-them-out game. I don't know about hate but stupid comes to mind.
The report I read said 100-125 boys and girls - black and white - were rampaging across the parking lot with a point-them-out, knock-them-out game. I don't know about hate but stupid comes to mind.
The excuses are now coming out. "They didn't have anything to do" meaning society has failed to provide entertainment for them. "It's the parents' fault" Self explanatory--'we'll do everything but blame those directly involved'.
Don't you know us white people have a monopoly on hate? Whites are apparently the progenitors of hate. It did not exist until a white person created it and in its name suppressed people of non like skin color. This means any attack by someone of non white skin color against someone of white skin color is considered retribution not hate. Even when a white skin colored person attacks another white skin colored person, it is because of something that person hates about the other (their body type, sexual preference, political affiliation and such). As a matter of course... Ah screw it, I can't type anymore of this BS.
Because they aren't required to work for anything. and it doesn't take any effort to get anything. (stuff is just TOO "user friendly" and instantaneous (no having to wait for the thing to load,etc)
they don't understand that someday, they WILL. (entittlement mindset)
Two of the white teens beaten were workers in the parking lot trying to help protect people when the good for nothing teens attacked them as a group (a cowards way to fight)
Gang of young black thugs in Memphis beat the crap out of three white folks and the black police capt. and mayor say its not going to be investigated as a hate crime.They have video on youtube and its not pretty.
Only white people can be racist, so only they can hate.
( kidding aside, the entire concept of 'hate' crime is ludicrous. )
Many lack the moral rectitude to be a part of American culture instead choosing The "Woe is me" tactic either suffering from peer pressure ignorance or purposefully implementing a created facade of retribution even retaliation. By nurturing racism and separatism they are avoiding the responsibilities of personal advancement as a people. So fearful of advancement are some that when others do throw down the self imposed restraints they are admonished and shunned,called uncle Toms or worse. They have morphed from one kind of bondage to another.
While racists say people of African descent are inferior intellectually it is simply not true and shows the ignorance and insecurity of humans as a whole. Perpetuation of racism is a natural occurrence. Hate flows like water taking the easiest path until Men change it's course. Being the Bipolar extremist society we seem to be instead of coming up with ways to alleviate racial tensions through education we implement ridiculous affirmative action policies that do not serve the greater good but simply make excuses saying we did something when we have not done anything positive.
Further proof we are all the same are the policies we implement. Self destructive but easy in the short term. Together we all promote the continuingly damaging hate that fuels the worst parts of our society and together we shall fall.
I do not know, I do not see color, I see people and behavior. I have a gun and will use it in defense of myself or others. I pray I should never have to.
I do not know, I do not see color, I see people and behavior. I have a gun and will use it in defense of myself or others. I pray I should never have to.
This is what I was thinking. I'm a CCW permit holder in east Tennessee. I too would protect my family at all costs. These kids were very stupid.
I do not know, I do not see color, I see people and behavior. I have a gun and will use it in defense of myself or others. I pray I should never have to.
Wow, I went from a nudge or 2 to the + to a nudge or 2 to the -. Honestly, my response was meant in sarcasm, it's why I type the comment at the end about it being B S. But, /shrug, maybe it had nothing to do with that and it was something I posted awhile back, just my + nudges ran out today and the I had some - nudges that took over. Anyways, really that doesn't matter, but if I offended someone because they thought my post here was meant to be serious, I apologize.
On another note, can someone direct me to whatever caused DanDamage to be banned? I know his incessant use of memes is annoying and doesn't really add anything to a topic, but?
Wow, I went from a nudge or 2 to the + to a nudge or 2 to the -. Honestly, my response was meant in sarcasm, it's why I type the comment at the end about it being B S. But, /shrug, maybe it had nothing to do with that and it was something I posted awhile back, just my + nudges ran out today and the I had some - nudges that took over. Anyways, really that doesn't matter, but if I offended someone because they thought my post here was meant to be serious, I apologize.
On another note, can someone direct me to whatever caused DanDamage to be banned? I know his incessant use of memes is annoying and doesn't really add anything to a topic, but?
What ?????....are ya bull-shittin me?
Dan may be opiniated sometimes--but then he is a kickboxer and fighter so has earned the right to speak whatever he wants to... I dont agree with martial-arets training, too much metphyisical and sensi for me, and I did brown belet at 11 or 12....
Who the frack banned Dan?,,,the guy is an MMA brain-skull-broken fighter, wish I could have kown him on a ramp about . I bet you if Dan came to Quebec he would be not only RCMP officer just based on fighting skills, he would have about 30 hot ladies after him....
Dan may be opiniated sometimes--but then he is a kickboxer and fighter so has earned the right to speak whatever he wants to... I dont agree with martial-arets training, too much metphyisical and sensi for me, and I did brown belet at 11 or 12....
Who the frack banned Dan?,,,the guy is an MMA brain-skull-broken fighter, wish I could have kown him on a ramp about . I bet you if Dan came to Quebec he would be not only RCMP officer just based on fighting skills, he would have about 30 hot ladies after him....
Cliff, Dan being banned is a bunch of bullshit!! He did not say anything repulsive of the sort. He is a good guy. I don't get it.
The chances of Cliff seeing this post are unlikely as he doesn't spend his time pouring over every thread and every post on the forum. He has said often that if you want to bring something to his attention, PM him with details and a link to the thread.
The chances of Cliff seeing this post are unlikely as he doesn't spend his time pouring over every thread and every post on the forum. He has said often that if you want to bring something to his attention, PM him with details and a link to the thread.
You are correct. But considering, it will be known to Cliff soon.