The decision was met with good bit of mockery in the social media sphere, as Twitchy picked up. Individuals spotted Nazi Swastikas, merchandise that carries disparaging terms for homosexuals, blacks, mentally challenged, victims of domestic violence, among others. Redskins bad. Redneck good.
Originally posted by Fats: Freedom of speech does not extend to privately owned websites. Why do people think that this exits?
Originally posted by maryjane: Well, maybe if it is a website owned by the US Congress or (by way of 14th amandment) another govt agency). "CONGRESS shall make no law....."
I did not think freedom of speech was guaranteed at/in private entities. Just as Cracker Barrel had the right to remove Duck Dynasty merchandise because of pseudo offense by gay rights zealots. I am merely pointing out Etsy's actions hypocritical actions and their cowardice to stand up against the political correct police. Maybe helping to promote a backlash like which made Cracker Barrel to reverse their decision. ( "CONGRESS shall make no law....." would be the First Amendment. )
Originally posted by Fats: A website pretending that it does exist on their site isn't really being honest, or they are really ignorant.
Originally posted by cliffw: I did not think freedom of speech was guaranteed at/in private entities. Just as Cracker Barrel had the right to remove Duck Dynasty merchandise because of pseudo offense by gay rights zealots. I am merely pointing out Etsy's actions hypocritical actions and their cowardice to stand up against the political correct police. Maybe helping to promote a backlash like which made Cracker Barrel to reverse their decision. ( "CONGRESS shall make no law....." would be the First Amendment. )
So, now that you have drew a line in the sand, when are you going to call out Hobby Lobby hypocritical actions?
Why are people/entities "zealots" & "cowards", etc when you disagree with them?