I will get right to the point here.... I HATE Mapquest! This diabolical gps program has led me on numerous wild goose chases to the point where I cannot trust it most of the time. My old TomTom wasn't this bad. What other gps apps are available for my IPhone? Heck, I'm even willing to pay for the app if it's trustworthy. Thanks, Kit
Dont phone apps use up data time on GPS while there on...?
I prefer stand alone GPSs in my vehicles. Mine have free quarterly updates so they are seldom wrong. I dont even like factory GPS because they charge to update them, usually hundreds of dollars.
Im different than most. I dont use a GPS for directions to go somewhere, except rarely. I use it like a map to follow my progress and I can see all the streets, etc as I go. I can see my own detours. To me its just a moving map display on my dash.
Real men don't need directions, . What is this thing with GPS directions ? Too lazy to look at a map ? I prefer to run my own life.
I honestly rarely go anywhere that I actually need a GPS, fairly simple to find things in the small towns around here. I'll use it if I'm going to a city that I'm not familiar with and need to find a location within that city.
On the other hand, I keep a 50 state road atlas in my Fiero for roadtrips. Reason being it seems a lot easier to find the nearest reference point and the best way home on a map than on a small cell phone where you have to zoom in and zoom out. Another added bonus is that the atlas does not require cell phone service, there are plenty of times that we end up out in the boonies and there isn't a smidgen of service, let alone 4g. The one nice thing about GPS in these situations is that the GPS shows a lot more roads since the atlas doesn't show every small back country road. It's usually these road that are the most fun.
Erm, I dunno about that. Apple maps sent my wife to a high school parking lot in a town 30 miles away from the wedding she was trying to get to.
I'll second Google maps, always spot on for me and it's free.
Not to imply anything here but if you put in the wrong address you get the wrong directions. Not saying she did. It's like my airplane, it goes right where you tell it to go, not where you meant it to go.
I do know that even here in Shanghai the old Apple maps are spot on. Google maps too.