| quote | Originally posted by Tony Kania:
So much truth here.
She may be given as much as 54 years for this. She did not make the sales, but an employee did. Twice. She set up her business 6 months before it became legal to use marijuana in AK. I have been following this for several days now, and the prosecutor is on a which hunt for this woman. Our little readings are only bad reporting. Very one sided ink. I am all for punishment of laws broken, but there comes a time when the insane amount of laws are a burden on our society. She is being martyred.
I think if she didn't get the local network in hot water with the fcc, it not be happening, but she put many on a hot seat and I'm sure a few lost their employment.. FCC don't play games..
martyred or not.. she caused it.. You do someith illegal you don't shine a spot light on it or yourself.. It's kinda like the fools with a sup lic to drive that speed or run down a breakdown lane or don't singal/etc.. putting the flood light on you is dumb