So I have these wheels, the lug nut hole is 1 inch deep. I have 2 vehicles I'm thinking I want to be able run these on. A '99 S10 and a '72 Skylark. (Yep I will need 2 different sets / threads.)
The stud on the S10 comes up flush to the wheel face, so pretty much 1" long. The Buick is shorter at probably around 3/4 inch.
What length of lug nut shank do I need? I'm not sure how many threads turned they need to be secure.
Looks like parts stores have 3/4 inch shank in stock $6.99 for 4. I see .946 inch length online from places like Summit Racing, $15 for 4.
This is the type of nut
I was thinking the .946 inch for the Buick and the 3/4 inch for the S10?
I suppose there is no risk of bottoming out the .946 inch either way...