I remember post-conversing with you on some O/T topics, and then you checked yourself out of O/T quite some time ago.
And just the other day (it seems), you reemerge with your first new post in O/T, after a long hiatus.
I welcome all posters.
Just curious, if there was something specific that motivated you to reemerge here.
I stopped posting over here as the rating counts and red kept getting bigger,, I have started posting over here because I'm home on medical leave from work.. waiting on doctors, and day time t.v. sucks.. and need something to read,and converse about. so, I wandered over to this area again, to fill up the time, and after a few days of begin back over here, the rating count has gone up and shockingly, just like 2011/2012 when I was over here a bunch, that red line got longer.. and the reason for the thread.. as I find it,odd that a forum area set aside for non automotive subjects, with many subjects that are known to may offend some folks, and to get rated on opinions, cause that's what most of these threads are full of opinions and conversations not fit for other areas of the board.. If say, I was calling peoples opinions stupid, or them stupid, or other off color names or comments, I would not be surprised at all. but that's not the case.. it seems the rating system is used more make a persons "worth" less,or more , as others will use it to value a persons post.. when the rating system is being used more as a does this member fit into the clique. and I don't think that was the idea behind the rating system..
I don't know about OT, but you came across like a prick in Tech. At least, you did in my thread. You might be a bottomless fountain of knowledge for all I know. But when you come into a thread in tech and make proclamations like you did, insulting the technical abilities of just about everyone in the thread, (especially given the high level of competence of some of the posters) your message gets lost, and you get negged. In your defense, you aren't the only one who does that, but that doesn't make it OK. Oddly, It seems that some of the most knowledgeable people in tech come across as abrasive and intolerant of what they perceive as a lack of knowledge. Referring to that thread, you could very well have been right that *some* of the people who had problems may not have set up their carb correctly, and I might even have been one of them. But coming across like an arrogant condescending dick doesn't win you any friends, no matter how smart you might be. I would look there as a possible source if you're seeing some added red.
I replied like and in kind to your reply to my earlier post.. if asking you to reread my post, because you replied with a photo of a dual plane intake and the comment of "REALLY,this intake sideway!! (then photo of a dual plane intake) with the comment "do tell"..when my post clearly said single plane, and asking you to learn what a single plane intake is, because you posted a photo if a dual plane, being a prick!!!!!!!!!!! was it my fault that you misread, didn't bother to read the facts posted in my post.. and close to reply with a wise arse comment and a photo of a different design part ,in this case an intake type.. If your reply to my post had the comment of, would that work with this type intake or this intake and then the photo if it,, instead of your comment of "REALLy, this intake sideways, do tell!!!" my reply would've been totally different, and explained why the dual plane as pictured would not work, but could be used if you did what edelbrook does with their RPM line.. just like I did a few post down from that one, that you think I was being a prick.. your commnts above and below the photo of the intake is why you got the reply you got..
I replied like and in kind to your reply to my earlier post.. if asking you to reread my post, because you replied with a photo of a dual plane intake and the comment of "REALLY,this intake sideway!! (then photo of a dual plane intake) with the comment "do tell"..when my post clearly said single plane, and asking you to learn what a single plane intake is, because you posted a photo if a dual plane, being a prick!!!!!!!!!!! was it my fault that you misread, didn't bother to read the facts posted in my post.. and close to reply with a wise arse comment and a photo of a different design part ,in this case an intake type.. If your reply to my post had the comment of, would that work with this type intake or this intake and then the photo if it,, instead of your comment of "REALLy, this intake sideways, do tell!!!" my reply would've been totally different, and explained why the dual plane as pictured would not work, but could be used if you did what edelbrook does with their RPM line.. just like I did a few post down from that one, that you think I was being a prick.. your commnts above and below the photo of the intake is why you got the reply you got..
From tech:
Originally posted by E.Furgal:
you can, just like every tunnel ram and blower for the last 50+ years.. and a single plane intake would not care.. Anyone that had "Issues" because the carb was sideways didn't set up the carb correctly in the first place.. but plates like the one in the photo, that turn the carb sideways for a front engine rear drive vehicle, will put the carb on the fiero set up.. front to rear like normal instead of sideways.. and a single plane intake will help in this car as it'll kill a little of the low end torque, and still give even a 283 v8 more torque than the trans axle is rated for down low..
The very first comment you made insulted every guy who had problems with their Holley sitting sideways, claiming they didn't set it up right. That's a pretty ballsy (and in all likelihood inaccurate) statement given the technical level of some the people commenting. So you came in throwing the smackdown right off the bat. My response was in reaction to your arrogance and condescending remark. The point of the dual plane manifold was that that's all that is available for the 2.8, which was what my Holley was on. But that's really pretty much irrelevant since my issue was more about your initial remark, and what followed between you and me was nothing to what followed between you and others. You proceeded throughout that thread to continue to insult everyone about everything from their choice of carbs to not setting up their Holley or Edelbrock right, or anything else you could argue about.
You can argue with me about it if you want. You started this thread whining about getting negged, I'm merely pointing at one very likely discussion where your arrogance probably cost you a few. On the other hand, like I said, you can take some comfort in knowing that you aren't the only one who comes across like a jerk in tech. Frankly, it probably explains why there's so much less activity in there. People are getting tired of being talked down to just because they have a question, or (gasp) maybe don't know something. It seems sometimes like that section has started to make the transition from an area where people go to be helpful, to an area where they go to insult others and pretend to be superior.
[This message has been edited by Taijiguy (edited 02-06-2015).]
Originally posted by tshark: Not because people agree on a subject. Because people jump on a bandwagon, regardless of if they agree or not, but because it's popular.
I guess there is no way to show or know if that is true.
There wouldn't be much point in even having an o/t section if everyone is required to have the same opinions or agree. It might feel good but nothing would ever be learned. I get uncomfortable sometimes with what is posted too and I've picked up more negs than I expected but I still want to hear as many sides of the topics I'm interested in as I can. I'm 74 now and I have a hard time keeping on track even in my own posts so I appreciate people even bothering to read what I post and trying to figure out what I mean. I just saw that my bar arrow moved again. I don't have the slightest idea what I did that caused it.
[This message has been edited by dratts (edited 02-06-2015).]
Sure there is. If people post one thing on a thread, but PM you to say that they only posted that because they didn't want to get neg'd, or they post later in the thread that they agreed, but didn't want to get neg'd, I'd say it happened.
This thread provides some very interesting reading in regards to Mr. Furgal...
It was in Tech. And the red you got in this thread was totally earned. Its one thing to have your own opinion. Another to be bashing and insulting very well respected members of this forum. And yes I negged you. And if I could I would neg you again.
I see this thread has done wonders for your ratings bar................ I gave you a plus to offset your red bar but I see you don't need anymore help.
People will neg here just because you prefer the color red over blue see what I did there? and for god knows what else. Personally I think complaining about it is whiny. That should be good for a few right there.
The very first comment you made insulted every guy who had problems with their Holley sitting sideways, claiming they didn't set it up right. That's a pretty ballsy (and in all likelihood inaccurate) statement given the technical level of some the people commenting. So you came in throwing the smackdown right off the bat. My response was in reaction to your arrogance and condescending remark. The point of the dual plane manifold was that that's all that is available for the 2.8, which was what my Holley was on. But that's really pretty much irrelevant since my issue was more about your initial remark, and what followed between you and me was nothing to what followed between you and others. You proceeded throughout that thread to continue to insult everyone about everything from their choice of carbs to not setting up their Holley or Edelbrock right, or anything else you could argue about.
You can argue with me about it if you want. You started this thread whining about getting negged, I'm merely pointing at one very likely discussion where your arrogance probably cost you a few. On the other hand, like I said, you can take some comfort in knowing that you aren't the only one who comes across like a jerk in tech. Frankly, it probably explains why there's so much less activity in there. People are getting tired of being talked down to just because they have a question, or (gasp) maybe don't know something. It seems sometimes like that section has started to make the transition from an area where people go to be helpful, to an area where they go to insult others and pretend to be superior.
well, it wasn't being ballsy, it was fact.. anyone that uses a side hung float holley sideways, has it set up wrong, as they should be using a center hung holley main body.. it's no different than if a person bolted a drag race oil pan on, and then went circle track racing, and claimed that brand part was the issue, when it was the user picking the wrong one.. out of the brands product line..
I remember that thread. I ignored the unrelated posts. Primarily that was 2 members, both of whom may have gone overboard. It wasn't a life event for me. I moved on. Rodney and sardonyx have gotten into it, Rvsl-rider and Patrick have gotten into it, and so have many others. Some of those threads should die. For Rvsl-rider & Patrick, I think they agreed to disagree. For Rodney & sardonyx, the war rages on, apparently. Personally, when a thread I'm trying to learn from gets off track, I usually just quit reading and start a new thread. Unfortunately, lots of threads recently have degenerated. There is a lot of one-upsmanship.
We are all different people. Some things we have in common; other things we don't. Our backgrounds and experiences are different. Would you really want even one other person to be identical to you? Same thoughts, opinions, feelings, likes, and dislikes, both going for the same girl, same last steak, same car, etc?
Lots of assumptions have been made on PFF. New member does not necessarily mean unknowledgeable or inexperienced; similarly, tenured member does not necessarily mean knowledgeable or always right. Just because it's accepted that someone has some particular knowledge or attribute doesn't mean that they may not be a distant second to someone else. Some people don't feel the need to hold forth on their knowledge. Also, things that may have held true in the past may have changed. What's the saying, ”it's only true until it's false”? Abilities are also different. Just because member A couldn't do something or didn't know something, doesn't necessarily hold true for member B.
Tone works both ways, also. If a member feels attacked whenever they post, they will build up their walls, and prepare to enter the battle. Why should there be a battle? That thread was from July. Let it go. E.Furgal is back. He knows what rubbed people the wrong way. Would you rather that he be kicked off the island, or that he just was less abrasive? Remember, the more you react to him, the more abrasive he'll probably get.
E.Furgal, welcome back. I look forward to many future contributions from you.
More than one member has flat out said to me ,whom am I to question what they say, they've been here since 1999, so their word is law.. no matter if A tire engineer quote proves they are incorrect.. Patrick added to my negs when he was going on and on how rockauto using their shipping dept to pad profits.. he went as far as p.m.ing people asking them to - rate me.. one that he pm'd, warned me in a p.m. I thought that kind of stuff ended when people left high school, I found out I was wrong..
.. he went as far as p.m.ing people asking them to - rate me.. one that he pm'd, warned me in a p.m. I thought that kind of stuff ended when people left high school, I found out I was wrong..
I agree there. I guess I dont get PMs like that. Thats cooky.
Who cares? If you're getting worked up over what people think of you on a fiero website you need to spend a little time away from the internet. Most of mine came from RFT but I could really care less lol....and now we watch my bar tank. Oh lawd!
I'll chime back in. A little constructive criticism. With a little tact and a dose of humility you can make an awesome contribution to this forum. I respect your knowledge and it would be a shame if we lost that. We are not pc here by any means. But when people get on the high horse, it rubs people the wrong way. I see that you made this thread as an attempt to somewhat make some amends. Your tone seems much different. But I've seen this movie before and many other people here has as well. Not that you give two flips but I will reconsider my rating. I'm sure you're a good guy and want to help. That's great. Just leave some of the other garbage out of it.
And I'm sorry to hear about your medical condition. I hope you get well soon. Live long and prosper hommie.
I deserved my negatives. Sometimes I'm a jerk to some people. I really don't want to be a jerk, so I'm working on my shortcomings.
I really get hammered by the Christian faithers on negs, because I don't believe Jesus is a God and I post to that. But I earn the negs for it, because I don't want to shy away from a good debate on the subject of religion. It's good to have enemies and haters, because that means I stood up for something or challenged someone.
If you don't want criticism or negs, then say nothing, do nothing and be nothing.
More or less. If the thread is titled 'opinions', and everyone gives their opinion, it seems ridiculous to neg someone for having an opinion outside the mob/sheep mentality. Some people regularly make personal attacks, and nothing comes of it. Not one single comment from the herd, because the attacking member is in the clique. .
I've seen this happen with long-standing members because someone disagreed with them on a General Fiero thread, OT thread or a Technical thread. Arguments it seems just for the sake of an argument. Make a comment about how a product from TFS, Rodney, West Coast, Mr. Mike, or almost any vendor that has a high level of dedication to the Fiero market and it will likely get some red for you. It's irrelevant if that person had a bad experience with the product, the shipper, or something else.
I recall how BMVmotorsports got tromped on when he reported that a respected Fiero Community member had ripped him off for thousands of dollars. Eventually others got the balls to speak up and showed that there were more than one person who was experiencing the same, but it was too late to take back that red bar.
In the 15 years I've been here, I've been given a few negs, but I have no idea what they were for. I've only given out 5. Three of them were to people who went behind my back to cut my prices, divert services or sales on products that I had for sale. Those were the only three I knew about because my potential customers pm'd me to let me know what others were offering.
One was for someone who told F-I-E-R-O to go ahead and off himself and quit whining when he was contemplating suicide. The other was for one who had been banned already on several forums because of his vulgar attacks on people. He registered again and immediately began attacking with his first post. The neg was to help get him speed banned and I even sent a PM to Cliff letting him know that the banned member was back under a new username.
If someone disagrees with your findings or opinion, present the evidence to prove them wrong or just stop responding. It takes two to argue.
Who cares? If you're getting worked up over what people think of you on a fiero website you need to spend a little time away from the internet. Most of mine came from RFT but I could really care less lol....and now we watch my bar tank. Oh lawd!
RFT does not have a fraction of the members it would take to get your rating where it is, not saying you do or don't deserve them but your blame is misplaced.
When I see threads like this I usually give the OP a negative rating because "rate me" threads are against the rules
I deserved my negatives. Sometimes I'm a jerk to some people. I really don't want to be a jerk, so I'm working on my shortcomings.
I really get hammered by the Christian faithers on negs, because I don't believe Jesus is a God and I post to that. But I earn the negs for it, because I don't want to shy away from a good debate on the subject of religion. It's good to have enemies and haters, because that means I stood up for something or challenged someone.
If you don't want criticism or negs, then say nothing, do nothing and be nothing.
This. Not so much the Christian faithers, but this.
And to E. Furgal... Seriously dude! What is wrong with you?! You come in here, ranting about doohickies and such, and I did not see one donut at the board meeting . Not a one! I had to sip my coffee alone, without a sugar high, and cold without your touch. Not cool mang!
*I will now refresh CONSTANTLY until I see my ratings change*
[This message has been edited by Tony Kania (edited 02-06-2015).]
I like your forum avatar. The Egyptian eye. That's creative thinking.
I hope that it gets better for you--whatever it is that is causing the necessity of you being put on a medical absence from working.
I don't know about your posts in the Tech section(s), but if there is one suggestion that I could offer for your posts here in the O/T forum: Maybe you could focus on getting your thoughts across with fewer words and shorter and fewer sentences. And separate your different topics or subtopics (or specific "points") into separate paragraphs. Some of your posts in this thread are difficult to parse, and I have to move on without reading your post to the end or absorbing all of your thoughts.
Slow down some, and be more patient as you reword your posts to achieve more clarity, before using the Submit button.
Fewer posts, but more readable posts.
Since you on medical leave, what better else you got to do?
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 02-07-2015).]
You (Furgal) are your own worst enemy, and making unsubstantiated claims about members "being out to get you" is, quite simply, hilarious.
If you only knew just how "unsubstantiated" those claims are! Furgal is trying to play everyone for a fool. As usual, he has nothing to back up his BS.
I'll have a lot more to say tomorrow when I'll have more of an opportunity to post.
Originally posted by fierofool: If someone disagrees with your findings or opinion, present the evidence to prove them wrong or just stop responding. It takes two to argue.
True, but how often do you know who gave you a negative or why? Also, it's hard to present evidence for opinions. Consider the scenario: ”Two roads diverged in a wood”. Which road to take?
[This message has been edited by tshark (edited 02-07-2015).]