YOu came into my thread today, TOTALLY unannounced, and gave your opinion
How does one "announce" they are going to post in a thread? Is there a "knock" feature im not aware of? Are we supposed to send a PM to the OP first and let them know we are planning to post a reply in their topic?
But yes there are people here who's panties get all tangled when you disagree with them on certain subject and try to "punish" by hitting the ratings bar..
Personally i ignore the ratings bar, and never use it. Regardless of how rude and nasty people can get on here..
[This message has been edited by Jonesy (edited 02-07-2015).]
How does one "announce" they are going to post in a thread? Is there a "knock" feature im not aware of? Are we supposed to send a PM to the OP first and let them know we are planning to post a reply in their topic?
If you are not aware of the knock feature by now....You don't need to be aware of it.
I purposely stayed out of this thread just to see what Furgal would eventually do, and yes... as I suspected he's again spewing the same nonsense he was a couple years ago. He hasn't cleaned up his act at all.
Originally posted by E.Furgal:
Patrick added to my negs when he was going on and on how rockauto using their shipping dept to pad profits.. he went as far as people asking them to - rate me.. one that he pm'd, warned me in a p.m.
Furgal, you either have a very tenuous grasp on reality, or you're the world's worst liar. I did not PM anyone at anytime about having them rate you... and I'm not just relying on my memory, as I still have all my PMs dating back to 2009. (Older PMs have been automatically deleted due to reaching the maximum number allowed.)
Furgal became so disgusting and obnoxious and libelous in that thread that I eventually posted the following (quoted below). I continue to stand behind my comments made at that time. They're just as valid now as they were then.
Originally posted by Patrick:
I really hope PFF members make note of how E.Furgal continues to post absolute BS (even when corrected several times) in order to try and assassinate a fellow PFF member's character and integrity (for reasons known only to himself). Please rate him accordingly (and help to clean up our forum).
Originally posted by Patrick:
It wasn't without reservation that I posted the request for people to read the thread and rate accordingly.
I enjoy discussion, that's what a forum is all about. With discussion can sometimes come dispute and/or disagreement. That's normal, that can even be healthy.
But when someone appears to have an agenda to discredit a fellow forum member (for reasons known only to themselves), then it starts to get ugly.
Even when I posted a link to Furgal's own company's website which backed up what I've been stating about their refusal to allow my order (placed from outside of the US), Furgal still insisted I was lying and making up it all up. Why he believes I would bother doing this, I have no idea.
Where Furgal went completely over the line however, was when he openly accused me of criminal activity. He implied (more than once in this thread ) that I was smuggling goods across the border. With nothing to base this accusation on, he stated that I "openly cheat on dutys(sic) and taxes". I've made it abundantly clear that this is absolutely not the case.
The problem with the internet is that there is no accountability. People can post whatever they wish, no matter how false, no matter how damaging, no matter how hurtful.
Thankfully we have the ability here at PFF to at least limit how much of this we're willing to tolerate from other members.
The rating system is a valuable tool when used with discretion. That's all I was asking for.
Furgal, please go back from whence you came. You had to leave O/T shortly after you joined PFF because you were in jeopardy of being banned right off the bat. You hung around the tech forums for awhile, but your true nature was evident there as well. It's obvious you can't get along with anybody anywhere. I don't know why you've returned, other than to again behave like a troll.
You fooled me for perhaps a millisecond a few days ago in Taijiguy's thread, and I gave you the benefit of the doubt there to allow bygones to be bygones.
However, you just can't keep yourself out of trouble... and this current thread with you looking for sympathy is a joke, a complete joke. You deserve every negative you get.
funny thing is PATRICK, I'm not the only one that you have problems with, and got to war in threads with, but like you''''''''ve said, you get a pass because you've been here since '99 I've agreed with you on some threads, and others didn't and said as much.. Difference is, I don't hold a grudge, I let it go. I don't enter every thread a person post just to start crap every time after I've gone toe to toe with them in another thread.. I am blunt, and can be very coarse at times with my wording, And I stick to my guns when I know I'm right, and when I think I'm right, and that gets me in trouble at times, the difference is I apologize,when I'm shown I'm wrong..
How does one "announce" they are going to post in a thread? Is there a "knock" feature im not aware of? Are we supposed to send a PM to the OP first and let them know we are planning to post a reply in their topic?
I did not know ,I have to ask the O/p to post in a thread.. maybe I missed it.
Difference is, I don't hold a grudge, I let it go.
Yeah right... is that why you posted that total bogus BS in this thread about me supposedly sending out PMs about you to other members two years ago?
Originally posted by E.Furgal:
I stick to my guns when I know I'm right, and when I think I'm right, and that gets me in trouble at times, the difference is I apologize,when I'm shown I'm wrong..
I've shown you to be wrong every time you've posted BS about me. You simply ignore the facts and just carry on, with nothing to back up your accusations.
I actually feel sorry for you. You're obviously in some sort of a delusional state, either brought about through mental issues or drug induced confusion.
RFT does not have a fraction of the members it would take to get your rating where it is, not saying you do or don't deserve them but your blame is misplaced.
When I see threads like this I usually give the OP a negative rating because "rate me" threads are against the rules
Several years ago they did....Once again, its just a colorful bar that represents nothing of value.
Wait. RFT can affect your ratings on here? How does that work? Just to be clear, to me RFT=RiverFront Times. A newspaper. What does RFT have to do with PFF?
I won't rate the OP due to a thread like this.
Since no ones answered this question for you yet, I'll throw it out there for you.
RFT = Real Fiero Tech, a forum started by former members here.
Several years ago they did....Once again, its just a colorful bar that represents nothing of value.
They never did, those trolls like to take credit for things they didn't do and troll from their site but their presence on this forum comes more from people talking about them and blaming them than the few members that actually survived on both sites. You have roughly 100 negative ratings, I promise not more than 10 of those are from the RFT trolls.