| quote | Originally posted by E.Furgal:
So in reading and posting..
if it's a drone issue/right it's about freedom
if it's texting it's ok to be a commie bastard.. odd when you really think about it.. And says volumes of where the American voters head is at.. if it affects you it's a freedom/right issue.. if it doesn't, fluck um.. Sounds a lot like Russia, doesn't it.. |
No it sounds more like Taxachusettes.
Want to build model (Toy) rockets, you need a permit,
Want to buy a hand gun you not only have to get a permit, you need 2 politicians to write a letter to the states fire arms idiot, stating they know you and you are an upright citizen,
Want to buy a long gun, rifle shotgun you must have a Taxachusettes firearms ID card, and have the required NICS check done as well,
other stupid Taxachusettes laws that are still on the books in most cases,
Shooting ranges may not set up targets that resemble human beings.
At a wake, mourners may eat no more than three sandwiches.
Snoring is prohibited unless all bedroom windows are closed and securely locked.
Quakers and witches are banned.
An old ordinance declares goatees illegal unless you first pay a special license fee for the privilege of wearing one in public.
Bullets may not be used as currency.
All men must carry a rifle to church on Sunday.
Alcoholic drink specials are illegal.
Public boxing matches are outlawed.
It is illegal to go to bed without first having a full bath.
A woman can not be on top in sexual activities.
No gorilla is allowed in the back seat of any car.
Tattooing and body piercing is illegal. (Repealed in 2000)
Children may smoke, but they may not purchase cigarettes.
Dumb Laws in Massachusetts
City Laws in Massachusetts
It is illegal to play the fiddle.
Two people may not kiss in front of a church.
No more than two baths may be taken within the confines of the city.
No one may cross the Boston Common without carrying a shotgun in case of bears.
Anyone may let their sheep and cows graze in the public gardens/commons at any time except Sundays.
It is illegal to eat peanuts in church.
An old law prohibits the taking of baths on Sunday.
Duels to the death permitted on the common on Sundays provided that the Governor is present.
Pick a state and there are many stupid laws that are still on the books from a century or more ago, that are stupid and restrict our personal life for just plain stupid reasons.
http://www.dumblaws.com/law...states/massachusettsBut ya I can see you living by the laws of one of the most repressive states in the country next to CA.
Stupid people are the reason for stupid laws that should be just plain old common sense, something many people are sadly lacking today, plus hey the state needs more tax money so enact another stupid law that you have to pay a fee to grow a goatee.
And you because you live in that state are so used to your life being run by the government laws that you would think another stupid law is a good idea.
http://www.stupidlaws.com/l...tates/massachusetts/Dumb Laws in New York
It is illegal to congregate in public with two or more people while each wearing a mask or any face covering which disguises your identity.
About this law.
Full text of the law.
In New York, adultery is still a crime.
About this law.
Full text of the law.
It is against the law to throw a ball at someone’s head for fun.
The penalty for jumping off a building is death.
New Yorkers cannot dissolve a marriage for irreconcilable differences, unless they both agree to it.
A person may not walk around on Sundays with an ice cream cone in his/her pocket.
Women may go topless in public, providing it is not being used as a business.
While riding in an elevator, one must talk to no one, and fold his hands while looking toward the door.
You may not smoke within 100 feet of the entrance to a public building.
Slippers are not to be worn after 10:00 PM.
It is illegal for a woman to be on the street wearing “body hugging clothing”.
Citizens may not greet each other by “putting one’s thumb to the nose and wiggling the fingers”.
A fine of $25 can be levied for flirting.
City Laws in New York
During a concert, it is illegal to eat peanuts and walk backwards on the sidewalks.
It is against town ordinances to camp out on your own land more than 72 hours a month. If you want to camp out for 2 weeks you need a permit, which can only be obtained once a year.
About this law.
Full text of the law.
Ocean City
A law from the early 1900’s prohibits men from going topless on the Boardwalk.
Eating while swimming in the ocean is prohibited.
People may not slurp their soup.
Pinball machines are not to be played on Sunday.
Raw hamburger may not be sold.
And the 2 idiots here who think another law is a good idea to prevent us from living. Live in states that already have so many stupid laws already on the books to protect themselves.

[This message has been edited by 84fiero123 (edited 04-21-2016).]