This makes me smile tremendously. Oh, I am appalled that the demoncrats are refusing to do actual work, but laughing hysterically by the sheer stupidity that will be posted here by libtards.
My goodness, the Dems hate President Trump! Betcha this gets drug out through the next election cycle.
I had to go take a look at the "news" (always use that word with a mountain of salt), and it seems that "hearings" isn't the proper term.
Old wobbly dentures, a/k/a "San Fran Nan" actually said "investigations", so she's really just borrowing a bit of Leftist bullsh*t from famous Congress comedian, Jerry Lewis Nadler and his pretend "hearings" that aren't hearings but are actually "hearings to investigate" whether to initiate an investigation to have possible hearings.......or something.
The most recent guest appearance in that particular carnival side show was of course by Cory Lewandowski who played the part of the road runner.
[This message has been edited by randye (edited 09-24-2019).]
There is a LOT of frustration among the squeaky-wheel Democrat constituents that are demanding impeachment. I have to assume they don't understand exactly what impeachment means, and the vast majority of them assume Trump will be kicked out of office. Normal people understand that's not what this means... but alas, it's affecting polling and the radical leftists who are screaming are gaining in popularity among the less radical, more "normal" ? Democrats... so Pelosi is forced to do something.
Here's the problem for the Democrats... the LAST thing they really want is for Trump to be seated in front of Congress in an Impeachment hearing. There is no authority for them to tell Trump to shut up when he starts going off on a tangent. He will unleash everything he has. Trump lives for moments like these and he will literally be in his element. He will not sit quiet with a nervous demeanor like Bill Clinton did. Trump has already accomplished everything he's ever wanted in life personally, and the presidency, which he's already won, was just the icing on the cake. Trump will have absolutely no fear or filter out there, and will come out swinging with every bit of dirt he can possibly think to remember on every politician that will be interviewing him.
The LAST thing the Democrats are prepared for, or really want, is a "Trump Unleashed," live on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and every other station as he tears into everyone that's questioning him. It'll also give him the opportunity to ask why Congress has failed to even bring to vote bills like the USMCA, which everyone loves... but that the Democrats don't want to pass because it'll give Trump a "success" before election time. The fact that the Democrats would literally prevent a major economic trade bill (that they support), at the expense of the American people, because it could affect their chances of getting back into power.
I for one, am very much looking forward to this...
Except she isn't. There is a difference. Did she have a vote in the House to conduct an impeachment inquiry? No, she simply announced an "inquiry". To placate her caucus. What is different with this announcement ? Nothing. The seven committees investigating Trump for impeachment will still go on investigating. They have less power than a Constitutional impeachment inquiry.
Two rules for understanding liberals : 1) What ever they say they are going to do, they are not going to, or do the opposite. 2) What ever they accuse you of doing, they are doing or already have.
They are accusing Trump of doing (with no evidence) what VP Biden bragged about doing on TV. Good bye Biden.
Originally posted by randye: Didn't we already see this same cartoon played out before with the Mueller thing?
Actually since before with the Mueller thing. Your Road Runner illustration is quite apt. This announcement is strikingly similar as the Russian witch hunt. It's a allegation by a third hand whistle blower who does not meet the definition of whistle blower. It is an anonymous leaker, (to the Press I think). An investigation is started on unsubstantiated evidence. ?
[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 09-25-2019).]
Except she isn't. There is a difference. Did she have a vote in the House to conduct an impeachment inquiry? No, she simply announced an "inquiry". To placate her caucus. What is different with this announcement ? Nothing. The seven committees investigating Trump for impeachment will still go on investigating. They have less power than a Constitutional impeachment inquiry.
Two rules for understanding liberals : 1) What ever they say they are going to do, they are not going to, or do the opposite. 2) What ever they accuse you of doing, they are doing or already have.
They are accusing Trump of doing (with no evidence) what VP Biden bragged about doing on TV. Good bye Biden.
[QUOTE]Originally posted by randye: Didn't we already see this same cartoon played out before with the Mueller thing? [QUOTE]
Actually since before with the Mueller thing. Your Road Runner illustration is quite apt. This announcement is strikingly similar as the Russian witch hunt. It's a allegation by a third hand whistle blower who does not meet the definition of whistle blower. It is an anonymous leaker, (to the Press I think). An investigation is started on unsubstantiated evidence. Guess what day it is ?
Randye and Cliff are correct, inquiry is the correct verbage. I’m convinced this is all about just keeping President Trump in a bad light and making allegations against him for the next election.
[This message has been edited by blackrams (edited 09-25-2019).]
Pelosium: The densest element yet known to science. The new element has been named Pelosium. Pelosium has one neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 224 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 311.
These particles are held together by dark forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons.
The symbol of Pelosium is PU.
Pelosium's mass actually increases over time, as morons randomly interact with various elements in the atmosphere and become assistant deputy neutrons within the Pelosium molecule, leading to the formation of isodopes.
2) What ever they accuse you of doing, they are doing or already have.
Wanted to quote this item in particular. I've consistently found this to be true in nearly every situation. It's been kind of shocking to me.
Another concept of moral subjectivism that drives them... "the end justifies the means." Which means they'll do anything, so long as they have "the feels" that what they're doing is morally right. Voter fraud, lying, propaganda, whatever... it's all "OK" because the end-goal is morally good.
Originally posted by williegoat: OK, here it is. Read it and weep, Nancy.
Originally posted by cliffw: Two rules for understanding liberals : 1) What ever they say they are going to do, they are not going to, or do the opposite. 2) What ever they accuse you of doing, they are doing or already have.
I should have mentioned a third rule. 3) Never try to appease a dumbocrat. You will never make them happy. They will always want more. Now they want to whistle blower's complaint. They will get it today. Just before the DNI director appears before them in Congress open session.
Todd is right.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: ... "the end justifies the means". Which means they'll do anything, so long as they have "the feels" that what they're doing is morally right. Voter fraud, lying, propaganda, whatever... it's all "OK" because the end-goal is morally good.
They also want to be the moral values dictators.
Originally posted by 82-T/A [At Work]: I for one, am very much looking forward to this...
I am very much in "hurricane Pelosi" party watch mode.
[This message has been edited by cliffw (edited 09-26-2019).]
All this is is a huge distraction for the next election in order to drum up the base on the Left.
I think they shot their wad a little early and this will fizzle out, but we'll see. The idiots are already out saying Trumps will hang for this....
Nothing will happen to Biden, nothing will happen to any of them. We have a protected class above and below. Politicians and Illegals can get away with almost anything and not get in trouble.
Originally posted by cliffw: I am very much in "hurricane Pelosi" party watch mode.
Much entertainment yesterday.
Senator Shifty, the Chair of the Hearing Committee he heads, opened up the Hearing with fiction. Acting like he was reading the transcript he made up words assigning wrong doing to the call. Words like in a Soprano plot, actually portraying his President as a mobster. Later, catching "heat", he says it was a parody. Opening up a serious hearing with a parody ?
Shifty, when it was his turn to question the DNI, tried to entrap him in many ways. I listened as it was happening, but forget the order of the questioning and the exact words.
Shifty - "Who did you go to first when you got the complaint ? DNI - "The White House and then the Justice Dept."
Shifty - "So you went to the people named in the complaint ?"
For those paying attention, they are asking for Attorney General Barr's recusal. Ah, another special prosecutor, .
Shifty - Do you think this matter needs investigating ?" DNI - "You have the transcript, you have the whistle blowers complaint, investigate.
I do not have time to recollect it all, it was lengthy. All quite absurd, comical, worry some.
In other news, multiple reporting(?) outlets are saying the whistle blower has a 'go fund me' type page asking for donations for his legal defense. He has hired a high dollar legal firm with ties to the Dumbs (Clintons I think). Why does he need it ? We have whistle protection laws.
Multiple reporting(?) outlets say this whistle blower is a John 'the clap' Clapper spy he placed in the White House. It is said the whistle blower's complaint is too well crafted. That he had to have help. It does ring true to me. To include the Attorney General (recusal argument) in the complaint ?
The dems don't care if we ignore it. They know their voter base will believe every word they say be it the dem leadership, that nut in n.y. oca, or the media, and not question it. hell they could be paid 20.00 to read the transcript out loud and still believe what the dems and media force feed them and not what they just read.
What bothers me is that the Democrats don't care that half of what they say are lies. They are literally running a propaganda war against the US voting public for the sole purpose of regaining power. That's ALL they want. And they want it, not because they want to help people, but because we've disrupted a lot of the corruption they've been leading.
Of the top 50 wealthiest Congressmen and Women, the vast majority of them are Democrats, and nearly all of them were middle class before getting into the house. The house pays a standard Federal wage at the senior level. So how in the world have they become multi-millionaires?
What bothers me is that the Democrats don't care that half of what they say are lies. They are literally running a propaganda war against the US voting public for the sole purpose of regaining power. That's ALL they want. And they want it, not because they want to help people, but because we've disrupted a lot of the corruption they've been leading.
Of the top 50 wealthiest Congressmen and Women, the vast majority of them are Democrats, and nearly all of them were middle class before getting into the house. The house pays a standard Federal wage at the senior level. So how in the world have they become multi-millionaires?
This is at the heart of the issue - power and personal enrichment.
Uh oh, some pesky details the Dumbs will have to hurdle.
During the Clinton Presidency Slick Willie signed a treaty with Ukrain (ratified by Congress making it a treaty) which allows the sharing of criminal behavior information.
The Nobama regime in 2016 asked Ukrain for dirt on Paul Manafort (former Trump campaign manager). The DNC asked in the US / Ukrain Embasy for a Ukrainian official to come to the US and discuss dirt on Paul Manafort.
Of the top 50 wealthiest Congressmen and Women, the vast majority of them are Democrats, and nearly all of them were middle class before getting into the house. The house pays a standard Federal wage at the senior level. So how in the world have they become multi-millionaires?
They're freakishly good at shopping for bargains and clipping coupons?
I don't know how much time you've spent in D.C., but you can't walk down K Street without bumping into a Congress Critter every 25 feet and the VAST majority of them have a big ol' D beside their name.
[This message has been edited by randye (edited 09-28-2019).]
During the Clinton Presidency Slick Willie signed a treaty with Ukrain (ratified by Congress making it a treaty) which allows the sharing of criminal behavior information.
The Nobama regime in 2016 asked Ukrain for dirt on Paul Manafort (former Trump campaign manager). The DNC asked in the US / Ukrain Embasy for a Ukrainian official to come to the US and discuss dirt on Paul Manafort.
I'd not heard any of this... should I not be surprised that I haven't heard this anywhere in the media?
Originally posted by randye:
They're freakishly good at shopping for bargains and clipping coupons?
I don't know how much time you've spent in D.C., but you can't walk down K Street without bumping into a Congress Critter every 25 feet and the VAST majority of them have a big ol' D beside their name.
Hahah... yeah. I actually lived in DC back in the 1980s. We lived in the Wardman Towers (now apartment buildings). My father managed the Sheraton Hotel there which also included the vintage Wardman Towers property. I lived there for several years, and loved every minute of it.
My dad used to make me salute Ronald Reagan whenever he'd come on TV. That's something else too... my dad is an immigrant from the Netherlands. He came from a wealthy family, but gave it all up and came to the US with $500 in his pocket. He rented an apartment in NY with 3 other dudes, and they all shared a VW Beetle that they bought. My dad worked his way up to the lifestyle he has now, and has always been so proud of this country. My poor dad gets so frustrated watching the news, seeing what the Democrats have been trying to do to this country... the same thing the liberals did to his paternal country in Europe.
My dad could literally go buy an entire Home Depot, but he'll wait 6 months for a wheel barrow to go on sale. So, when my grandparents (on my mom's side) passed away, my dad kept the old rear projection TV. After about a year, he had the Fox News cube burned permanently into the TV. Even with the TV off, you could still see the cube and the banner at the bottom, hahaha. He e-mailed me a few days ago saying he just can't watch this stuff anymore, so I've tuned him in to One America News. The news is so much more professional, it's not like a sitcom or afternoon drama show like Young & The Restless. They report the news like how Walter Cronkite used to do it in the 1960s.
Anyway, tangent... yeah, love DC. There's always a crazy liberal protest going on somewhere that's almost no one showed up to, and made up entirely of maybe a handful of white liberals and a couple of really old retired white people with long hair.
The internal properties of the newly revised “Disclosure of Urgent Concern” form, which the intelligence community inspector general (ICIG) requires to be submitted under the Intelligence Community Whistleblower Protection Act (ICWPA), show that the document was uploaded on September 24, 2019, at 4:25 p.m., just days before the anti-Trump complaint was declassified and released to the public. The markings on the document state that it was revised in August 2019, but no specific date of revision is disclosed.
, which Dumb political yahoo said the Intelligence Community could get you six ways from Sunday ?
Uh oh, some pesky details the Dumbs will have to hurdle.
During the Clinton Presidency Slick Willie signed a treaty with Ukrain (ratified by Congress making it a treaty) which allows the sharing of criminal behavior information.
The Nobama regime in 2016 asked Ukrain for dirt on Paul Manafort (former Trump campaign manager). The DNC asked in the US / Ukrain Embasy for a Ukrainian official to come to the US and discuss dirt on Paul Manafort.
cliff, I copied and pasted this at another thread on a forum, hope you don't mind
I have an inkling that the Dumbs in the House are playing long ball. That they hope to pass Articles of Impeachment and the Senate not convict by the required two thirds majority, along party lines. Which would lead for a "turn out the vote" for control of the Senate.
Along those lines, Senate Leader McConnell does not have to even bring up a trial. He can give it the Merrick Garland treatment.
Also interesting to me is that the head of the DNI has only been on the job one week. I remember what James Comey said about taking advantage of the newness of the Trump presidency to achieve his gains.