The really good N99 masks are sold out on Amazon too. I bought mine way back in October as I use it while riding my e-scooter to work. I'm more lucky than smart though.
I was at the farm show in Louisville, KY, yesterday and today. One supply company actually had some 3M N-95 facemasks there for sale. They only had about 8 cases of the masks and the salesman I talked to told me that was all there was. They tried ordering more but their supplier is out and doesn't expect to get anymore until summer. Before they ran out they were only selling to customers who had a history of buying them. And only normal amounts too.
That farm show has been getting lots of talk over on the cattle board I'm on. They tried to get me to make the trip but too far and dang sure too far North for this Texas boy..
That farm show has been getting lots of talk over on the cattle board I'm on. They tried to get me to make the trip but too far and dang sure too far North for this Texas boy..
I was worn down from walking the show for 6 hours yesterday. Concrete floors and continuously standing just did me in. I was able to walk the South and North pavillion, but didn't get to the West one at all. Some of that equipment is huge. I only went to see if I could tie in with OEMs that might need Industrial Electrical products I represent. I also started to automate Farms in my area of Michigan too. So I was looking to make as many contacts as possible.
Here is an interesting article that talks about the toll this virus is taking on the medical workers. Not only are they working long hard hours, but many of them are coming down with the virus too. The article also highlights the deaths per day in a graph at the bottom of the page. The one day big spike two days ago came from different reporting standards and then yesterday the death rate dropped from that peak but was still above the other highs. Plus the infection rate is now around 5K per day. China certainly does not have this under control.
The really good N99 masks are sold out on Amazon too. I bought mine way back in October as I use it while riding my e-scooter to work. I'm more lucky than smart though.
Well if I come down with it I will report it to you guys.
As a side note my company is forcing unpaid leaves on foreign pilots as of the 20th. Up to 40 working days per pilot. That is about 6 weeks. For me it would be about March 12th to April 22nd or so unpaid. I am hoping things calm down a bit by March 12th. I don't know anything concrete yet.
EDIT: Yes, N95 is the standard. Higher is better but not required.
[This message has been edited by Hudini (edited 02-14-2020).]
BBC News has an article that is confirming one of my worst case scenarios. That the hospitals, nurses and doctors are overwhelmed and cannot provide proper care to all people. So there are many who get the virus and never get diagnosed or treated. They basically are left to die. And they may or may not be included in the statistics. I would guess probably not. This would mean that the outbreak is many times worse than the official statistics.
Something again looks odd. Is there something wrong with the way my browser is displaying the graph and it's data? After the change in how they were counting that resulted in 15,000 additional cases, then about 4000 the next day, but today, it shows only 100 new cases?
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 02-14-2020).]
I'm trying to get my head around the "recovered" vs "died". The gov shows ~1000 recovered vs ~150 dead. Is that a 15% death rate or is the math such that recovery takes a long time and death is sooner (and much easier to count)? I am not a math person at all.
Death rate is usually a % of the people that have been infected. My math shows the death rate of total infected to be 2.34%
The John Hopkins site shows completely different numbers than you stated tho. (as of 2-15-20 9pm Central US time) 67,079 total infections thus far 66,484 of those are in mainland China. Total deaths 1,525 with only 1 death outside mainland China. Total recovered stands at 8,156. China mainland recovered= 8,083 Recovered outside China= 73
Numbers on that website are changing every few hours tho.
[This message has been edited by maryjane (edited 02-14-2020).]
It's my contract terms, 6 weeks on and 3 weeks off. I was supposed to come home the 12th after working for 6 weeks.
I still haven't received word on what exactly the forced unpaid leave means to me. Since off time is earned the company is obligated to pay me for the 3 weeks off. If they still want 40 unpaid days off after my scheduled off days then I will get on a flight through Tokyo and come home to spend my 2 week self-quarantine at home.
It's my contract terms, 6 weeks on and 3 weeks off. I was supposed to come home the 12th after working for 6 weeks.
I still haven't received word on what exactly the forced unpaid leave means to me. Since off time is earned the company is obligated to pay me for the 3 weeks off. If they still want 40 unpaid days off after my scheduled off days then I will get on a flight through Tokyo and come home to spend my 2 week self-quarantine at home.
Been following your story and wish you nothing but good luck.
Heard on the news that China is using survivor donated blood to treat those still suffering from this. Can you confirm from any sources there? I'm not medically qualified to suggest anything about this, I'm assuming the survivors are supposed to have anti-virus capacity?
I'm trying to get my head around the "recovered" vs "died". The gov shows ~1000 recovered vs ~150 dead. Is that a 15% death rate or is the math such that recovery takes a long time and death is sooner (and much easier to count)? I am not a math person at all.
I've been looking at that too and wondering if this thing leaves behind some kind of permanent respiratory damage, similar to COPD or along those lines. Meaning there never really is a recovery.
I've been looking at that too and wondering if this thing leaves behind some kind of permanent respiratory damage, similar to COPD or along those lines. Meaning there never really is a recovery.
I think that to be considered recovered takes a while. You might be sick for 3 or more weeks before they consider you recovered. So the recovery figures are going to lag behind.
As maryjane said the death rate is the number of deaths divided by the total number of cases. Which right now is around 2%. That too would lag behind since you might get sick and be noted as having the virus, but it most likely doesn't kill right away.
Those lagging features make it hard to understand how bad this virus is affecting an area. Along with that we now that the Chinese don't really have a good handle on exactly how many are actually infected. And from some of the reports people are dieing, being cremated without knowing for sure if they died from this flue. Apparently China is now going to let people from the WHO in to help monitor the situation. So we might get a different picture of just how bad it is in a few days.
If the virus can reinfect patients and cause cytokine storms and sudden death - possibly exacerbated by therapeutic intervention - treating the coronavirus which CDC director Dr. Robert Redfield says will become widespread throughout the United States 'this year or next,' it is vitally important to understand exactly how COVID-19 works, and how to treat it. That would require cooperation from China and a CDC team on the ground in the epicenter. For some unknown reason, however, China still refuses to grant US scientists access to ground zero.
An opportunity for President Trump to have a telephone conversation with Xi Jinping? (Just don't say anything about investigating Joe or Hunter Biden. And keep Rudy Giuliani locked inside a closet somewhere until the conversation is complete.)
Zerohedge....WND...? The moonbat reports are really coming out of the woodwork now. Evidently, that gullibility thing is now infectious even thru fiber optic cable and via satellite signal.
"Who ARE you............and why are you so dumb?" (Earl Bassett...Tremors Aftershocks)
Looks like the specific release date is the deciding factor now. Before, during or after the games?
What are you..12 yrs old? Looks like you've been sucked in once again and were gullible enough to believe it and deided to post the crap here.
It was an interesting read....... Except unless one is a complete moron, we all know that the cited Event 101 exercise was a tabletop pandemic exercise, hosted by John Hopkins University, The Gates Foundation in conjunction with the Center For Health Security & the World Economic Forum and was held in NYC in Nov 2019 with input from other universites such as Berkley in Calif. There were no actual 'people' involved, the simulated outbreak began in South America and certainly not in China and zero foreign troops were involved, from zero foriegn countries and not in China as that ridiculous website Activistpost article claimed.
Evidently less than 100 new cases reported in the last 24 hrs, as the total didn't change. Interesting comments regardin fatality rates and infection rates in the news today:
"Based on the current available data, I would primarily rely on the data from SARS coronavirus, which is the closest relative to the novel coronavirus -- with 80% sequence similarity -- among the coronaviruses tested. For SARS coronavirus, the range of persistence on surfaces was less than five minutes to nine days," said Dr. Charles Chiu, an infectious disease professor at the University of California, San Francisco, and director of the USCF-Abbott Viral Diagnostics and Discovery Center, who was not involved in the new study.
"More than 80% of patients have mild disease and will recover. In about 14% of cases, the virus causes severe diseases including pneumonia and shortness of breath. And about 5% of patients have critical diseases including respiratory failure, septic shock and multiorgan failure," he said. "In 2% of reported cases, the virus is fatal, and the risk of death increases the older you are. We see relatively few cases among children. More research is needed to understand why." While the novel coronavirus fatality rate is lower than for SARS and MERS, it still seems to be comparable to the 1918 Spanish flu pandemic, Neil Ferguson, professor of mathematical biology at Imperial College London, said in January. "It is a significant concern, globally," Ferguson said, noting that we don't yet fully understand the severity.
The 1918 flu pandemic was pretty bad, so those words aren't terribly comforting, but healthcare/prevention and vaccines have come a long way in 100 years.
Everyone is looking at the wrong factors. If this follows the 1918 pattern that about 1/3 of the globe infected, with 10% or so of them dead. That's really -really bad, but not civilization -ending.
A 1/4-1/3 loss of production and consumption will end the economy several times over. Done. Finished. No more. All the companies are bankrupt, all the jobs are gone. Welcome to thunderdome.
Everyone is looking at the wrong factors. If this follows the 1918 pattern that about 1/3 of the globe infected, with 10% or so of them dead. That's really -really bad, but not civilization -ending.
A 1/4-1/3 loss of production and consumption will end the economy several times over. Done. Finished. No more. All the companies are bankrupt, all the jobs are gone. Welcome to thunderdome.
So the corona virus is actually a cleverly executed plan, conceived by Valerie Jarrett and Huma Abedin and implemented by Pelosi and Schiff at the behest of Obama and Clinton, to unseat Trump in November. Now it all makes sense! How could I have been so blind? I'll bet Comey and McCabe were in charge of the coverup.
[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 02-18-2020).]
Was just watching NBC, the Today Show and they were talking about how cruise lines and commercial air carriers and starting to hurt financially and are lowering the prices of cruises and flights to some regions.
This made me think about those Americans already being "rescued" from the ships in Japan and flown back to the US. The news showed those identified as being infected being confined to a separate enclosure within the transporting aircraft. But, those enclosures did not have any filtration or system to confine or control the circulation of the air between the two different sets of passengers. So, if I understand how this virus is transmitted, someone already infected sneezing or coughing within the confined structure could still spread the virus to those not infected.
Seems to me that commercial airlines and manufacturers need to come up with some kind of filter or sanitation system for killing or capturing the virus within such confined spaces. Is this going too far or a stupid suggestion? Not sure but this I know, I'm not very interested in sitting beside someone on a flight that may have been in contact with someone else who may be carrying this virus. Thinking I'll just keep to myself till this pandemic subsides.