Here's a soundtrack from '34, the film re-mastered, Art Turkisher leading the band, putting down the notes. Great Depression entertainment industry employed many frame maker artists, staying alive. Released August 10 1934.
First heard in '51, lol !
[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 12-31-2021).]
williegoat's toon This tune that caught my attention, I'll listen more. The whole 17 Hippies vibe is to be experienced live, in the EU, preferably. They should so tour NA, beginning in Montreal,QC.
There is quite literally a whole world of music to explore, for anyone who will take the time.
Over the years, I have posted music from many diverse regions and cultures. In this thread I have posted some of my favorite bands.
Tuba Skinny and BGKO both play traditional music from different continents, but if you pay attention, you can find many common elements. Each was founded by someone with a vast wealth of knowledge in the music of that region.
Somewhat more avant garde are two that I came across just this year. Otta Orchestra is a group of Russian musicians lead by Li Otta, who conducts and writes most of their pieces. Then there is Gwenifer Raymond, who defies description. Just listen.
Music can separate us, or bring us together. Each of us has a choice. You can spend your life listening to Adele or Florida/Georgia Line...or you can go outside, enjoy the sunshine and embark on an adventure.
6:30am 01.01.22. Toronto. Went to the fridge to get myself a beer ! I'll be among the first to bring in the year with the Led. Thank you John Bonham, that's some beat. Ayla's rendition of Led Zeppelin's ' Since I've Been Loving You ' What a wonderful world we live in, that Ayla is true.
( Saturday, 29.01.2022 ) ! Ronnie Coffey I thought Bonham got the “echo” sound of his drums by recording in the huge open space of the foyer of the house they were recording at for that record. I very well could be wrong though. ! Chris Buck It was a mixture of both. Here’s Andy Johns, the album’s producer talking about the sound. ' And so playing at that particular tempo on 'Levee the limiters had time to breathe and that's how Bonzo got that 'Ga Gack' sound because of the Binson. He wasn't playing that. It was the Binson that made him sound like that. I remember playing it back in the Stones' mobile truck and thinking, 'Bonzo's gotta f**king like this!' I had never heard anything like it and the drum sound was quite spectacular. ' ! The truth behind ' When The Levee Breaks ' Oh !
[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 04-16-2023).]
Here is a tune you may not have heard, but you can be sure some guys in London were listening to this American band back in 1968. I think I wore this track out when I was 13 years old, before anybody ever heard of Led Zepplin.
The first song features Sierra Hull, Molly Tuttle, Jerry Douglas, Bela Fleck and Michael Cleveland. For the second song, Edgar Meyer, Sam Bush and Billy Strings step up. There is a LOT of talent here!
[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 01-12-2022).]
! Chris Buck's Friday Fretworks on Sunday ! The Story of the Gold Top Les Paul | Friday Fretworks The riffs, love the riffing progressions, virtuosity. I'll be tuning in, setting the mood back into the '70s, yeah.
[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 01-16-2022).]
! What if we all went back to the ' Enchantment Under the Sea ' dance with the brand new Fiero GT, and it was Jeff Beck's band on stage that night, another time traveler. The Honeydrippers, 'Good Rockin' At Midnight' Infinite threads of reality, all tuned in to the beat, toe tappin. Get Rockin !
Time Lines to Infinity ! There I was in 1955, getting to the dance at the school, my sweetheart breakin mah heart, dancin wit someone new. I sure am blue oooo ah oooh ! Twang, Country Twang. lol ! The Gibson, a future model.
[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 01-23-2025).]
The 345 wasn't introduced until '59 and that particular specimen is from the sixties. A '59 (and '60 I think) would have a long guard and a black plate around the Varitone switch.
[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 01-25-2022).]
^^, lol ! I just had to remember, what '55 was like, lol ! ! Say, did the design of the gull-wing doors ever get installed onto the Fiero chassis ? By anyone ? In any timeline ?
[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 01-25-2022).]
I actually can't listen to Led Zep anymore; One of their early big hits was ripped off from a guy they knew ("Dazed and Confused" by Jake Holmes) and there are actually several more they stole. I have no problem with copying a song when they were starting out, but later they were the "Biggest Rock band" making millions (Billions) and they couldn't go to this guy and just hand him one mil? Jake finally sued them and won.
Anyway, I put all of my LZ CDs away, but I did keep the "Honeydrippers" CD in my stereo cabinet...listened to "Rockin' at Midnight" which is a modification of an old blues/jazz/Big band song..."Good rockin' tonight" by Roy Brown. The Honeydrippers was a band/project by Plant and Page and a number of others.
But the interesting story about this is; I did not get along with my stepmother for quite a few years (1979-87)....My family were all outdoorsmen, loved camping, boating, etc...Her whole family thought "Outdoors" was going to the golf course. One year we were at my step uncle's house for Thanksgiving and they were trying to find records to play that the older gen would like...I drove home and grabbed the "Honeydrippers" album and everyone loved it- what really made it go over well with my stepmom was that in "Rockin'.." her name is featured prominently; Lorraine
I think that was one of the first times I gained some respect from her (Probably undeserved...)
I wish I had some idea how to post a video link but maybe someone can do it for me; "Rockin' at Midnight" by the Honeydrippers. (Also, maybe "Good Rockin' Tonight" by Roy Brown....
Wow ! So different....I try to make it a tradition, bring in the New Year every year, with a Led Zeppelin tune I enjoy, having done so for, like forever, since like the '60s, man. lol ! Dazed and Confused '67 The cool cats of the early 60's, earning the adoration of the teenybopper audience, screaming and squealing into feedback. Origins in '63, The Yardbirds
Wow ! So different....I try to make it a tradition, bring in the New Year every year, with a Led Zeppelin tune I enjoy, having done so for, like forever, since like the '60s, man. lol ! Dazed and Confused '67 The cool cats of the early 60's, earning the adoration of the teenybopper audience, screaming and squealing into feedback. Origins in '63, The Yardbirds
! Wiggle wiggle wiggle, shimmer shimmer, dip, eyebrow ! Choreography is amazing, singing, bopping, wiggling, expressing, dramatis personae, she has become the act. ' Come on baby, turn around... You're a star, girl, take a bow It's just one thing that's killing me How do you fit that in them jeans? You know what to do with that big fat butt ... Wiggle, wiggle, wiggle ' Come on baby, turn around... Who else on the planet can do that ? Wow ! Bravo !
! So, not true... Knowing the truth, then..motivated to adjust reality to suit the preferred self aggrandizing nature of the specially informed. Dated a girl back then, she loved the tunes, I loved that she loved the tunes, we loved the the tunes, we loved, the tunes. Groovy, tunes. Paisley, suede, green, bellbottom blues.