This is first and foremost a car forum. Let's go Cruisin'... from 1982, with Al Di Meola and Jan Hammer.
There are live versions of this song on YouTube that sound great, like This one... but the only decent video footage of them playing this song is Here, with unfortunately inferior audio quality.
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 07-23-2024).]
Jorma Kaukonen with Sam Bush on fiddle, Jerry Douglas on a Weissenborn and Byron House on bass. "Blue Country Heart" is a great album of mostly depression era songs, with a lot of talented musicians.
More from the same album:
[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 07-23-2024).]
Dang ! It must be the brass and the bass line that's got me replaying that ' Hooked on a Feeling ' tune all day in this great weather, down at the beach. Stuck real good, by memory, played on local radio thousands of times, AM/FM, CHUM,104.5, CFNY 102.1, Blue Swede, great memories from that time. There was that scene at the Six Mile Lake campsite, the brown beans flipping incident, the beans battle, a total food fight mess, that one gal with a streak of beans across her forehead, the laughter. ' Din't be grabbing a man's dinner bee-atch ! ', used a tablespoon to catapult the tomato sauce and beans across the pic-nic table, laying a stripe into her hair, drunken buffoonery, several 24's into the week-end, that was the time that Kevin, our friend from Windsor, destroyed the spider gears in his older brother's 340 Duster, a burnout on a corner from a stop. Drove it to the Esso Station's mechanic in Victoria Harbour, ordered the parts, had it done in three days, incredibly, it was quite expensive though. Popped the clutch leaving the station's parking lot, the posi putting the black stripes down, he always laid rubber, working the big three plants, as they all did, back when. Yep. memories of stupendous acts, the tunes that went with it all. A '73 340 Duster like Kevin's [ /maps/place/Delawana+Resort/@44.8716251,-79.8205822 ] ' Leave a message with the hotel's switchboard, we'll come around to pay you the balance for your work. ' Went fishing in Georgian Bay, a real good time was had, sunbaked. Giants of Georgian Bay
[This message has been edited by Valkrie9 (edited 09-21-2024).]
One of my favorite songs of all time. I haven't watched this "Official" music video for years. The guys in the band all appear so mellow, as well they should be while playing this great (relatively slow tempo) song... except for the bass player! What the hell was he on? Was he totally buzzed on coke during the filming of this music video or what? Man oh man!
[This message has been edited by Patrick (edited 07-27-2024).]
Everyone should, needs, to buy this disc, to get good tunage, so sanity is retained. This is important for the planet, happy people, happy planet. See ? It's so simple.
I don't know what this means. I just copy and paste the link.
And I'm letting you know that it doesn't work.
Here's a screen grab of my previous post while it was being written. You'll notice your link that I was quoting. Those brackets will only work with an image.
Click on EDIT of my post above with the videos, and you'll see how the youtube brackets are used. It would be nice if Mr Pennock could give us a means of automating the linking to YouTube videos... but for now we need to manually create those youtube brackets around the YouTube video URL.
The guitarist is Michael Hampton when he was about 18. I did not see Clinton live until the early 90's and Hampton was still shredding.
I saw a lot of live funk in the 90's. P-Funk All-Stars, Maceo Parker and Fred Wesley, and I saw Bootsy Collins and his Rubber Band on Halloween in Denver. That was one of the wildest shows I have ever experienced.
Summer 1970, there I was, relaxing in the pop-up camper at night, a low fire outside in the barbecue pit, when the OPP arrived, to tell me to turn the tunes down, the giant cop had walked a half mile down the granite mountain to the beach from the road 300' above the lake, I was unaware that the tiny record player was too loud. Totally surprised, I turned it off. Born Under A Bad Sign White Room
How Many More Times '69 Woke at 3am, an awful pop tune riff from the '70s playing in my head, probably what woke me, needed some good tunage, spinned this. Now, I feel much better. Ready for the new day.. my capital sunrise election pointing the way forward, to the future ! Peace on Earth, economic stability, America Great Again ! Things are looking up ! London '69 Live With a properly calibrated time machine, you too, can experience the Led's performances live. ' Helmsman, set your destination for Copenhagen, Denmark, March of 1969 ! ' ' Copenhagen, Denmark, 1969, aye, Captain Kirk, that's a good year Sir ! ' ' Indeed, where no man has ventured before ! The curvature of space allowing the time portal to exist. ' ' What's with these striped bell-bottom jeans, Sir ? ' ' It's mod fashion, we have to blend in ! '
This is really have I had no idea who Mean Mary is until now? I might disagree with you politically sometimes, man, but I don't think I'm ever going to argue with you about music