I personally would've lost my **** if I was given that training. Quietly though as I'm probably needing the job if I'm already doing your training. For sure contact some news outlets. Anyone have any insight?
One of the tough things I’ve talked about with social justice is that there “is no right answer” to addressing the inequality.
This is the absolute wrong answer. Probably among the worst they could have done. It’s disgusting, and they should suffer discrimination suits for it.
I believe them when they say it isn’t part of their curriculum anymore, but before ever even suggesting training to employees, they should have engaged their legal team (or at least thought critically for 2 seconds).
You can’t suggest training like this then pretend you didn’t mean it. It’s clear racism.
Alot of companies are doing things like this, just disguising it better. Even in hiring and in what business partners they use, not just advertising.
Yeah its racist, and its brainwashing. People arent the brightest.
What other companies are doing things like this? I’ve never heard “be less white” even remotely. It hasn’t been under anyone’s breath, it hasn’t been the undertone. This is much different than typical ally or diversity training.
One of the tough things I’ve talked about with social justice is that there “is no right answer” to addressing the inequality.
This is the absolute wrong answer. Probably among the worst they could have done. It’s disgusting, and they should suffer discrimination suits for it.
I believe them when they say it isn’t part of their curriculum anymore, but before ever even suggesting training to employees, they should have engaged their legal team (or at least thought critically for 2 seconds).
You can’t suggest training like this then pretend you didn’t mean it. It’s clear racism.
I think there is a right and wrong way. Black History month perpetuates the notion that black people are different. Women's history month is March, but now we're talking about men believing they're women. Men and women are not equal. It's okay. They did should be treated equal though, as it applies to them. Races are equal though as far as DNA. I've hired and worked with plenty of black people. Calling them African American is ridiculous. As silly as "any"- American. I'm of Italian heritage. I don't know my lineage and that's my fault. It wouldn't make me not American. I noticed some things in an Amazon orientation. It was more promoting over diversification more than not being white. Strangely though at the time my particular location only minorities were working sanitation. I don't know if they were outsourced or Amazon employees. If Amazon minimum pay is $15. I've done worse jobs for less. Plus it was constant so the bathrooms were impeccable. I'd do that job no problem if I needed to keep food on the table.
One of the tough things I’ve talked about with social justice is that there “is no right answer” to addressing the inequality.
This is the absolute wrong answer. Probably among the worst they could have done. It’s disgusting, and they should suffer discrimination suits for it.
I believe them when they say it isn’t part of their curriculum anymore, but before ever even suggesting training to employees, they should have engaged their legal team (or at least thought critically for 2 seconds).
You can’t suggest training like this then pretend you didn’t mean it. It’s clear racism.
I didn't realize that he (or she) was still onboard. The visionary behind "Coke II" or "New Coke" as it was more commonly known. That person's fingerprints are all over this! The "New White" with less than 1 percent of the original racism-linked Albedo.
[This message has been edited by rinselberg (edited 02-24-2021).]
So we are striving for a color-blind society or not?
Or do we think it is a good idea to use shame and guilt to push a racist ideology that is Woke and think that is a badge of progress for our society?
I think we have to face the fact that all of this progressive, "woke", Democratic agenda is completely devoid of principle. It is goal oriented, and the goal is to consolidate the power of the aristocracy. Viewed in this light, it is easy to understand why they do what they do.
They make a convincing argument for each individual issue, as long as you don't think too hard about it. Don't research their data. Don't consider the long term, wide reaching consequences. Don't look at the big picture.
Nancy, Chuck and company are used car salesman and they really want to sell you that '82 Citation, or the '73 Pinto with the Earl Scheib paint job.
[This message has been edited by williegoat (edited 02-24-2021).]
We conclude that the causal effects of many widespread prejudice-reduction interventions, such as workplace diversity train- ing and media campaigns, remain unknown. Although some inter- group contact and cooperation interventions appear promising, a much more rigorous and broad-ranging empirical assessment of prejudice- reduction strategies is needed to determine what works.
What other company did it? Remember the White execs who were forced to attend a seminar and write a paper on their toxic Whiteness and White privilege?
It's call Ceitical Race Theory. Trump created an Executive Order to halt this crap.
Just recwntly a Black man bum rushed an 80 plus year old Asian man shoving him to the ground. The man died from his injuries.
Then a Black man slashed a Taiwanese man's face on a train causing him 100 stitches. Ear to ear.
Anyone see this about the man who cooked and ate a White women's heart after murdering her and killing 2 family members? Gonna take a.lot of protest rallies there too. https://www.9news.com.au/wo...28-9740-70330805a84e
[This message has been edited by sourmash (edited 02-24-2021).]
What we are seeing from Woke is the return of Jim Crow laws, where segregation is legalized and the creeping societal acceptance of discriminations based on the color of someone's skin.
We made a lot of progress towards color blind society, only to have the left Woke moving to try to reverse it and profit from the discrimination.
While I do enjoy a good bit of those items, I have 0 in my house. I like them, but usually only ever went between a few when I did drink them. I think I can live without them in my house. List is no where close to comprehensive. I don't see powerade on there or overworked it.
Dr. Pepper isn't a Coke product.
[This message has been edited by ls3mach (edited 02-25-2021).]
What we are seeing from Woke is the return of Jim Crow laws, where segregation is legalized and the creeping societal acceptance of discriminations based on the color of someone's skin.
We made a lot of progress towards color blind society, only to have the left Woke moving to try to reverse it and profit from the discrimination.
Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton helped blaze the trail that showed that there is a lot of money to made from race baiting and pimping no matter how it is done.
[This message has been edited by randye (edited 02-25-2021).]
People everywhere are increasingly "fatigued" with this. The anti-White provocateurs also aren't going to let you segregate to get peace. Reparations is just going to be the start.
Now this "Black King" shirt is an issue. I don't think it's racist at first glance, but the point being "White King/Queen" would be. If you apply that as the litmus, then yeah it's racist.
Aside: is litmus the correct usage or am I thinking of another word. I am aware of the scientific test, but I thought it could be used as a pass fail?
Originally posted by olejoedad: As there are no blue or green people, the law should state that all beverages should be blue or green to avoid racial inequities.
I have never had it but there is green beer, for St Patrick's Day.
, green (beverages) is also racist. It means sour.
This “course” was put out by a progressive group called the Big Think. The lady in the video has completely disavowed the training course as not hers and not approved by her. This is complete BS though as the course is pulled straight from her lectures and book White Fragility. She never said her lawyer told the Big Think to stop.
Edit: It’s the same BS that Coca Cola is spewing with the “it’s not our course” but without acknowledging they made employees watch this crap through LinkedIn.
[This message has been edited by Hudini (edited 02-27-2021).]
The diversity director would have picked this specific contractor based on the actual material.
"Diversity Director" is a job created for someone who doesn't have an actual business purpose. It's a corporate welfare position set aside to create a job for an other-than-White individual as a sort of payola scheme. It's to keep Al and Jesse from showing up.