I'll just pop in here for a bit.
Although I could never consider myself a "fitness and health nut job", I have been trying to lose weight.
I'm 5' 10", and started out around 245, in the late winter. Was 219 yesterday. (Gained a bit back, today, since I ate an extra bowl of chili last night.)
I'm okay with losing it slowly, since that's how I put it on. (The real crusher was when I quit smoking, decades ago. I really believe that tobacco or its by-products increases your metabolism. But it's what it is.)
I found that the real difference was made when I quit eating junk food, and got rid of the "sugar monkey on my back". Had to give up donuts and ice cream.
Used to crave them, but not any more. I still treat/cheat myself occasionally, but not frequently enough to wake up the monkey.
I drink what I want, in terms of alcohol, but it comes down to no more than two drinks in a day. I drink bourbon. Measured shots, mixed.
I used to like wine, occasionally, but it's loaded with sugar.
My "ideal" weight is in the 170s, but I'll be happy when I get below 200, although I don't plan to stop there. I haven't weighed in the 170s since right after high school.
I'm 67, BTW...
[This message has been edited by Raydar (edited 09-15-2024).]