I'm stealing an image from another thread somewhere else on Pennocks...
It's a Sunbird 1.8T engine, which is cool... but what I'd like for you guys to focus on is the radiator hose that' attached to the coolant neck down in the lower-left of the engine bay. This is one of those "any size fits all" kind of radiator hoses, and I've always detested them, but I've never used one.
The radiator hose on the 4 cyl Fieros, specifically, the one that goes from the lower coolant pipe under the passenger side and connects into the waterpump is basically no longer being made for the Fiero. There are hoses that are similarly designed, and say "will fit Fiero" but you have to cut to fit, and the angle is so dramatic that it tends to kink the coolant hose somewhat.
Is the hose in the picture above... are those ribs actually metal reinforced, meanning, can I do nearly a 180 degrees (or something like that) like an almost perfect U-shaped bend with these hoses and not have it kink? Just curious.