I continue to maintain a National Fiero Club Site. I have updated the site again, after several changes. If you are a Fiero Club member, please check out the info for your club at:
To be listed in this "registry", I need the club name, principal name (President, or main club contact), club mailing address, city, zip, & phone # . of the principal shown. Would also like a email address and web site if available.
If there is updated info, please email me. If you belive a Fiero club listed is no longer in operation, please advise & I will check it out.
There are several bits of info I am looking for:
Fieros Of San Diego CA (new contact info??)
Fieros West , Corona CA. (phone #)
Fiero Owners Club Of New England (address, zip in Deep River CT)
Tampa Fiero Club, FL (Phone #)
Treasure Coast Fieros, FL (address , zip in Ft Pearce
Eastern TN Fieros in Lenoir City TN still in existence??
Lone Star Fieros ,TX (email)