FOCONE is proud to announce it's year 2002 Fiero show dates.
FOCONE's 7th Annual Summer Show
June 14-16th in Old Orchard Beach, ME
FOCONE's 6th Annual Fall Fiero Show and Cruise to Kick Hill Farm
September 29th in Rutland, MA
As always all FOCONE members will receive and have already received these dates. The dates for both shows were released in the 4th quarter 2001 issue of Fiero Illustrated mailed the end of October 2001.
If you are a current member and have not yet mailed in your renewal dues please do so soon. We want you all back for a even better Fiero year in 2002.
To those of you who have sent in your 2002 dues I say thank you.
Happy Holidays,
Chris Schaefer
FOCONE VP Membership Director/Editor