I'm reflecting on the first year of CFOG-International. We reached the 150 member mark just in time for the anniversary of the PFF announcement of the club (Sept. 22). We've been through ups & downs, and learned a lot. Clubs change, just as the world changes. People have come & gone. We're making some image updates, thanks to the help of some of our Web-savvy members like AusFiero, FastFieros, and Boomtastic.
Like the topic title says, we're going places. Places like Pontiac Michigan, Lake Texoma, Fierro New Mexico, and many more.
This is the time to look forward. Those of you who have waited to see if CFOG-I will last and be real, I hope your doubts have been put to rest, and I hope you'll take that big step and try us out. Don't just try us out - help move us along. We thrive on your input! What should we do differently? What would you like to see that hasn't been done before?
Tell me how this club can meet your needs & expectations.
Local Fiero clubs: what would you like an international organization to do for you?
Have we overlooked anybody or anything?
Now is an excellent time to send me your opinions. Post it here or PM me or email me. We're stepping back and looking at the big picture, re-evaluating everything we do. A new look from your view is exactly what we need, so to use a 60's expression: sock it to me!
--Chuck Hodges, President
[This message has been edited by CFOG-International (edited 09-25-2002).]