I was informed yesterday by our Secretary/Treasurer that CFOG-I has reached the 200 member mark.
I would celebrate, but at this time the Officers & Directors are just trying to fulfill what these members expect. An excellent website, excellent newsletter, excellent merchandise, communication & information, and more tangible accomplishments. For the latest news, members should keep checking the forum on our website. It won't take long to read it, and then you can come back here to PFF. A Media Kit regarding the 20th anniversary event is being prepared for the major magazines, which will also serve to bring positive Fiero coverage to the masses. We are actively working to get you more of what you expect.
The new members will soon receive a welcome letter and a window sticker. The newsletter is coming soon, as are t-shirts. No, really! And Paypal is coming back to CFOG-I (or rather, vice-versa).
We still need someone to take charge of the Kit Car Division (a.k.a. Replica/Rebody Division if you prefer). Make of it whatever you can imagine!
-- Chuck Hodges