Show scheduling help.
The short version.
Please send any events your fiero club plans on attending to cliff so he can update the “Event Information” thread, I need to find an open weekend for july / august with a radius of 300 miles from KC.
The long version.
Please send any events your fiero club plans on attending to cliff so he can update the “Event Information” thread, I need to find an open weekend for july / august with a radius of 300 miles from KC.
It seems the powers that be in my club (not that I’m complaining about anybody) have been dragging their heels about the judged show that I had the bright idea of having in April.
Everyone has known about it since October but it seems that no one has made any real decisions.
So after I come up with an open weekend, me and another club member are going to corner our chairman and torture him until he complies. We three will then stay on each others butts to make sure things get set up and the word is out in the fiero world.
I will be looking at the calendar of events of the other near by clubs but some may slip past me.