2004 Fiero events calendar
This is a list of events we send out to members of Golden Gate Fieros, and these events may be of interest to people in California and on the west coast. This calendar will be updated and sent out again when new information is added
Note: upcoming events in March - Dyno Day and and Autocross event
New info = ***
Dyno Day
San Ramon
Saturday, March 20
for info: https://www.fiero.nl/forum/Forum1/HTML/037934.html
Call John Tinay at California Auto Body (925) 934-5434
Autocross Event
Castle Airport, Manteca
Saturday and Sunday, March 27-28 (you can choose one or two days. most of us plan to go Saturday)
for info: http://www.americanauto-x.com/
Call John Tinay at California Auto Body (925) 934-5434
Track Day
date tbd
Truckee Run ***
Sunday, April 18
Pacific Coast Dream Machines
Half Moon Bay
Sunday, April 25
Rally Through the Valley
San Juan Bautista
Saturday/Sunday May 1-2
Classic Car Races and car club corral ***
Sears Point
Sunday, June 6
Deadline for tickets May 10
CFOG-I National show - "Wheatstock"
Topeka, Kansas
June 25-27
Fiero WestFest
San Simeon
July 16-18
2004 Fiero Fiesta
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Saturday, August 1
Northwest Fiero Fest
Richland, Washington
date tbd
Wine Country drive
date tbd, late August or early September
California Coast Run #2 ***
Trip to New Orleans
date tbd, fall
Golden Gate Fieros meeting dates
March 16
April 20
May 18
June 15
July 20
August 17
September 21
October 19
November 16
December 21