Classic Fiero Owners Group International is proud to announce plans for its Summer Nationals "Show Me Fieros" to be held at Inn at Grand Glaize, 5142 Highway 54, Osage Beach, Missouri, on August 5, 6, and 7, 2005. The hotel is offering a special rate of $62(+ tax) per night, mention the Fiero Nationals for the discount. Reservations can be made by calling 1-800-348-4731.
Activities for Friday night, August 5 include a poolside cookout 7 p.m. until the pool closes.
Other extra activities may be added as plans are still underway. Any individual Fiero club interested in hosting a mini-outing please contact We would love to have local/regional clubs involved in these events. CFOG-i is YOUR club, and we value our members! We want to work with regional and local clubs in an effort to bring the Fiero family together.
Saturday, of course will be our Show Me Fieros event in the hotel parking lot. Plans are underway for lunch and soft drinks to be available on the lot. Come out and participate in this wonderful show among some of the nicest Fieros in the country. Classification information is available on our website at If you don't want to compete but still want in on the fun, this year we have added a "display only" class at a discounted rate. Participants in the display class will receive the same T-shirt, Dash plaque and Goody bag as those in the competition classes. So for those of you who don't want the hassle of competition, your beautiful Fiero can still be on the show field, where it belongs.
Saturday night will be the awards banquet which will be held in the hotel's banquet room and consist of a buffet style dinner, followed by presentation of the coveted awards! We are hoping to have a special guest speaker. Details will be added as plans are finalized.
Sunday morning will be an informal breakfast, where folks can get together and swap stories of all the great memories from this event!
We look forward to seeing you in August. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me by e-mail at the address listed above, or you can go to the website and leave a message in the "Contact us" section, and one of the Board Members or Officers will get back in touch with you.
Thank you! Jennifer Lindsey, Public Relations Director, CFOG-i.